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Implementasi Mata Kuliah Modul Nusantara terhadap Interaksi Sosial pada Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Salsabilla Retno Sedah Mirah Murcahyaningrum; Nanang Martono; Wiman Rizkidarajat; Arif Darmawan; Edy Suyanto; Tri Rini Widyastuti
Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/kaganga.v6i1.5788


The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the archipelago module course on social interaction in the independent student exchange activity program. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were all students in the independent student exchange program at the University of Mataram. The results of the study show that this activity has a positive impact on social interaction, namely: Increasing understanding and appreciation of Indonesia's cultural diversity, improving communication skills, opening job opportunities, and increasing self-confidence. Constraints during implementation include Lack of qualified teaching staff, limited facilities and infrastructure, difficult access to resources, differences in student backgrounds, lack of support and attention from the campus. The conclusion of this study is that the implementation of the Independent Student Exchange Program has a positive impact on social interaction between students. Meanwhile, in overcoming the obstacles faced, cooperation is needed between all parties involved in this program, be it the campus, teaching staff, or students. Keywords: Implementation, Nusantara Module, Social interaction
Bentuk Interaksi Sosial Masyarakat Pendatang Bugis dengan Masyarakat Sasak Salsabilla Retno Sedah Mirah Murcahyaningrum; Edy Suyanto; Tri Rini Widyastuti
Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/kaganga.v6i2.6512


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk interaksi sosial antara masyarakat suku Bugis dengan masyarakat suku Sasak, bentuk adaptasi masyarakat pendatang suku Bugis dengan budaya dan kebiasaan masyarakat suku Sasak di Pulau Maringkik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan melakukan reduksi data, penyajian data dalam bentuk teks naratif, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah; Interaksi sosial antara masyarakat suku Bugis dengan suku Sasak di Pulau Maringkik terlihat harmonis dan saling mendukung melalui adaptasi, kerjasama ekonomi, interaksi budaya, pernikahan antar-etnik, dan saling pengertian dalam berkomunikasi. Adaptasi masyarakat pendatang suku Bugis dengan budaya dan kebiasaan masyarakat suku Sasak terlihat dalam interaksi sehari-hari. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa bentuk interaksi sosial antara masyarakat suku Bugis dengan masyarakat suku Sasak di Pulau Maringkik, terlihat harmonis, saling mendukung, saling beadaptasi dan saling pengertian dalam berkomunikasi. Kata Kunci: Adaptasi budaya, Interaksi Sosial, Pulau Maringkik
Social Interaction between Bugis and Sasak Communities on Maringkik Island Salsabilla Retno Sedah Mirah Murcahyaningrum; Edy Suyanto; Tri Rini Widyastuti
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): July, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i1.13


This research aims to analyze the forms of social interaction between Bugis and Sasak communities, as well as the adaptation of Bugis immigrants to the culture and customs of the Sasak community in Maringkik Island. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection methods include observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis involves data reduction, presentation in narrative form, and drawing conclusions. The findings of the research indicate that the social interaction between Bugis and Sasak communities in Maringkik Island is characterized by harmony, mutual support, adaptation, economic cooperation, cultural exchange, interethnic marriages, and effective communication. The adaptation of Bugis immigrants to the culture and customs of the Sasak community is evident in their daily interactions. In conclusion, the social interaction between the Bugis and Sasak communities in Maringkik Island is observed to be harmonious, supportive, adaptive, and characterized by effective communication.
Pengembangan diri pensiunan perantau Jawa melalui pelatihan Seni Gamelan di Lombok Timur Hary Murcahyanto; Rita Kartika Murni; Salsabilla Retno Sedah Mirah Murcahyaningrum
ABSYARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masayarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2023): ABSYARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/ab.v4i2.24130


This study examines the positive impact of Javanese Gamelan training activities on retired Javanese migrants in East Lombok. The main focus of the research is on strengthening cultural identity, the effectiveness of training activities, contributions to education and self-development, and designing holistic social activity programs. Active participation in traditional arts, especially Javanese Gamelan, positively impacts participants' psychological well-being, strengthens their sense of cultural identity, and improves life quality in retirement. The activity not only develops cultural and artistic skills but also creates strong social networks and a sense of togetherness, reducing the risk of social isolation. This holistic approach includes active cultural arts education and skill development through Gamelan training. The research highlights the importance of understanding different cultural backgrounds and the challenges of maintaining cultural heritage and designing inclusive and supportive programs. Additionally, social activity programs are directed toward meeting participants' psychological, social, and emotional needs, creating an experience that goes beyond mere physical activity. Overall results indicate that integrating cultural arts activities with a holistic approach can have a significant positive impact on cultural identity, psychological well-being, and retirees' quality of life. Besides, social activities, particularly Gamelan training, are deemed essential for enhancing retirees' physical and mental well-being and helping them adapt to new roles post-retirement. Social and cultural activities, especially those related to traditional arts, play a crucial role in supporting retirees, preserving culture, and creating mutually supportive communities.