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TAQNĪN AL-AHKĀM (Telaah Sejarah Legislasi Hukum Perdata Islam dalam Hukum Nasional Indonesia) Miftahul Ulum Ismail; Moh. Mujibur Rohman; Mohsi Mohsi
Ulumuna: Jurnal Studi Keilsman Vol 6 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : LP2M IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36420/ju.v6i1.3957


In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the existence of Indonesia as a law state that adheres to a democratic system requires the existence of Islamic legal legislation from living law to legal law. Where, Fiqh began to be formulated into constitution. Therefore, Indonesia, which is known as the trias politica government system (Judicative, Executive and Legislative), must also provide space for Muslims in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) to form Islamic law in Indonesia. This legislative process in Islam is known as Taqnīn Al-Ahkām (legal legislation).
The Benefit Principles of Istibdāl on Wakaf Objects Moh Mujibur Rohman
Jurnal Mahkamah : Kajian Ilmu Hukum Dan Hukum Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Mahkamah: Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Hukum Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/jm.v6i1.1246


The concept of waqf in fiqh is Islamic philanthropy in the form of amal Jariyah which requires the eternal characteristics of the object given. However, with the development of the era of waqf objects, it will be reduced mainly in property waqf. So that in order to keep the waqf objects productive, istibdāl is carried out in order to remain productive on the basis of mashlahah. To find the mashlahah principles in istibdāl, the author conducted a research of the boundaries of the mashlahah by al-Būthi. This research would not be far from the formulation of the problem that the author intended to find the answer; 1) what is the concept of istibdāl in fiqh and Indonesian representation? 2) What is the procedure for istibdāl waqf in the context of Indonesian waqf fiqh?; 3) How is the construction of mashlahah principles in istibdāl waqf practice based on dhawābithal-mashlahah al-Būthi? The research conducted was a normative research (doctrina), where the data used were secondary sources (not in the field) in the form of books of fiqh and legislation. From the data obtained, the authors conducted a descriptive analysis. The results showed that the permissibility of istibdāl waqf based on the mashlahah principle that must be fulfilled, that is, it must be in a state of dharurah, for urgent religious purposes, for the general public, there is an inadequacy, through the agreement of wāqif and nazhir, replaced at least with the same, the object of waqf is examined with involving figures and several elements of society as well as following the provisions of the Shari'ah and applicable laws.
REFORMASI HUKUM KELUARGA DI DUNIA ISLAM (Studi Normatif Perbandingan Hukum Perceraian Mesir-Indonesia) Moh. Mujibur Rohman; Moh. Zarkasi
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Volume 3 Nomor 1 Juni 2021
Publisher : IAIN BONE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35673/as-hki.v3i1.1433


AbstractThis study discusses family law reform in the Islamic world. Especially in the comparison of divorce law between Egypt and Indonesia, which is analyzed using a qualitative approach, based on legal materials from each country. The results of the study show that First, family law reform between Egypt and Indonesia is very different, this is due to the background that influences it. Egypt was influenced by the Ottoman Empire while Indonesia was influenced by the Dutch; Second, both Egypt and Indonesia have codified divorce laws in statutory form; lastly, there are significant differences in the divorce laws of Egypt and Indonesia, both vertically, horizontally and diagonally.Keywords: Divorce Law; Egypt; Indonesia; Legal Reform. AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas reformasi hukum keluarga di dunia Islam. Khususnya pada perbandingan hukum perceraian antara negara Mesir dengan Indonesia, yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, berdasarkan materi hukum dari masing-masing negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertama, reformasi hukum keluarga antara Mesir dengan Indonesia sangatlah berbeda, hal ini disebabkan latar belakang yang mempengaruhinya. Mesir dipengaruhi oleh kerajaan Turki Usmani sedang Indonesia dipengaruhi Belanda; Kedua, baik Mesir dan Indonesia memiliki aturan perceraian yang terkodifikasi dalam bentuk berdasar undang-undang; Ketiga, terdapat perbedaan signifikan mengenai hukum perceraian yang dimiliki oleh negara Mesir dan Indonesia baik perbedaan itu secara vertikal, horizontal dan diagonal.Kata Kunci: Hukum Perceraian; Mesir; Indonesia; Reformasi Hukum.
MODERNISASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Sebuah Studi Analisis Model Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Fazlur Rahman) Moh. Mujibur Rohman; Siti Muafatun
IQRO: Journal of Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2022): JULI 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/iqro.v5i1.2633


AbstrakModernisasi pendidikan Islam merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengembalikan umat Islam pada masa kejayaan sekaligus mengejar keterbelakangan umat Islam dalam dunia pendidikan. Salah satu tokoh modernisasi pendidikan Islam adalah Fazlur Rahman yaitu tokoh yang memiliki perhatian khusus terhadap kondisi umat Islam. Model pendidikan Fazlur Rahman dapat disebut dengan modernisasi pendidikan Islam karena sesuai dengan karakteristik modernisasi pendidikan Islam yaitu: pertama, pendidikan yang didasari oleh al-Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi Saw. dengan pemahaman kontekstual. Kedua, berusaha menerapkan metode baru yang masyhur dengan istilah double movement (gerak ganda) dan analisis serta memahami. Ketiga, berusaha memasukkan ilmu teknologi dan sains serta ilmu pengetahuan umum lainnya yang dianggap penting. Keempat, berusaha mengintegrasikan antara sistem tradisional dan skuler.Kata Kunci: Modernisasi, Pendidikan Islam, Fazlur Rahman.
KONSEP TAZKIYAH AL-NAFZ FAKHRUDDIN AL-RAZI DALAM KITAB MAFATIH AL-GHAIB: Tazkiyah al-Nafs, Fakhruddin al-Razi dan Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghaib Moh. Mujibur Rohman Rohman; Imron Rosadi Rosadi
BIDAYAH: STUDI ILMU-ILMU KEISLAMAN Vol. 13, No. 2, ( Desember 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47498/bidayah.v13i2.1326


Tazkiyah al-nafs merupakan upaya sulit seorang hamba untuk berbenah dari zona kemaksiatan menuju zona aman serta nyaman. Penelitian ini mencoba mengurai terkait keberadaan seorang hamba yang mencoba mencari jalan keluar dalam mebersihkan jiwa atau sebagai rihlah spiritual yang harus ditempuh seorang hamba dalam olah batin. Secara metode penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan mdel library research (non-lapangan). Artinya penelitian ini bersumber dari buku, majalah, artikel serta bahan cetak lain utama kitab mafātih al-ghaib karya Fakhruddin al-Razi yang kemudian di analisa dengan metode content analysis (analisis isi). Fokus penelitian terpusatkan pada; 1) Bagaimana metode tazkiyah al-nafs berdasar nalar Fakhruddin al-Razi dalam kitab mafātih al-ghaib?; 2) Bagaiman Bagaimana konsep tazkiyah an-nafs dalam QS. al-A’la (87): 14-17 dan QS. al-Syamsi (91): 7-10, perspektif Fakhruddin al-Razi dalam Tafsir mafatih al-ghaib?. Sejauh pengamatan penulis menghasilakan; 1) Metode tazkiyah al-nafs perspektif Fakhruddin al-Razi yaitu dengan membaca al-Qur’an, dzikir, doa, qiyam al-lail dan mengingat mati (dzikr al-maut); 2) dalam QS. al-A’la (87): 14-17 menjelaskan adanya penyucian jiwa dengan dzikir dan shlat yang kemudian disebut mukhlafah al-nafs (membedai kebiasaan manusia) seperti shalat malam. Sedangkan dalam dan QS. al-Syamsi (91): 7-10 menjelaskan adanya orang yang taqwa akan memperoleh kebahagiaan dan ada orang yang selalu melakukan kejahatan ‘fujur”. Selai itu tazkiyah al-nafs dilakukan meninggalkan al-tadsiyah, yakni sebuah perbuatan mengotori hati dengan sifat-sifat amoral seperti, dengki, keji, iri dan sebagainya.
Hukum Keluarga Islam Irak; Menakar Historis dan Socio Cultural Masyarakat dalam ber-Fiqh Moh. Mujibur Rohman
ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : HKI IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36420/asasi.v1i2.6


The development of Islamic law in Muslim countries is undeniable. This development cannot be separated from various conflicts because the state constitution is sometimes not the same as the sharia constitution. Iraq is a country with Muslims who are dominated by two major sects, namely Sunni with the Hanafi school of fiqh and Shi'i with the Ja'fari school of fiqh. The two schools of thought have many legal inconsistencies, especially in terms of inheritance and polygamy, which have very basic differences. In contrast to Egypt, which is easy to codify Fiqh law into law because some schools such as Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki do not have significant differences. In its development, Islamic law in Iraq underwent several amendments and a very long history.
Periodisasi Hukum Islam : (Meneropong Praktik Hukum Islam Pada Masa Awal Islam dan Realisasinya di Indonesia) Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah; Ahmad Mahrus; Moh. Mujibur Rohman
ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi HKI IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36420/asasi.v3i2.285


This article is a conceptual study of the periodization of the development of Islamic law, starting from the time of the Prophet Muhammad who brought Islamic dogmatic teachings, continuing during the time of the Companions as the second holders of the relay of Islamic civilization. And then its development in the following period until the implementation of Islamic law which began to be contained in Indonesian law, as formal law. The problems studied are as follows: 1) What are the sources of Islamic law?, 2) What is the method of establishing Islamic law in the early period, friends and tabi'in?, 3) How is the implementation of Islamic law in Indonesian national law? The aim is to find out the most important sources of Islamic law. In addition, to find out the method of establishing Islamic law in the early period, companions and tabi'in, as well as its implementation in Indonesia. Based on the form of this research is normative research with library research data collection techniques. From the data obtained then developed with data analysis in the form of a flow-model.
The Position of Judges in the Indonesian Legal Idea Moh. Mujibur Rohman; Elladdadi Mark; Kailie Maharjan
Rechtsnormen Journal of Law Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarul Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/rjl.v1i2.392


Background. Judges are state judicial officials authorized by law to adjudicate. The role of judges is very important in the judicial order in Indonesia. Purpose. As we know, the Indonesian government system adheres to the trias politica, namely the legislative body as the legislator in this case the DPR, the executive body, namely the government and its cabinet and finally the judicial body, namely the judiciary. Method. The writing of this article cannot be separated from the name of the research method, because in scientific writing the method is a necessity which is the perfect and effective condition of a research result Results. In addition to the government system, the Indonesian legal system is known to follow the European-Continental legal system where the law will be based on the law or what is known as "law in book". Legal issues that are increasingly complex corner the enforcers of justice (read judges) are hit by many problems that are often not found in the law. Judges who must decide based on the law and on the other hand they cannot be absent from their profession in adjudicating, however they must decide for the sake of justice and human truth. Conclusion. In this article, the author seeks to explain the position of judges in finding law by writing articles using a qualitative and normative (doctrinal) approach as a type of research.
Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam (Sebuah Studi Analisis Model Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Fadzlur Rahman) Moh. Mujibur Rohman; Siti Muafatun
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022): Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan | Desember 2022
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56633/jkp.v18i2.397


Modernisasi pendidikan Islam merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengembalikan umat Islam pada masa kejayaan sekaligus mengejar keterbelakangan umat Islam dalam dunia pendidikan. Salah satu tokoh modernisasi pendidikan Islam adalah Fazlur Rahman yaitu tokoh yang memiliki perhatian khusus terhadap kondisi umat Islam. Model pendidikan Fazlur Rahman dapat disebut dengan modernisasi pendidikan Islam karena sesuai dengan karakteristik modernisasi pendidikan Islam yaitu: pertama, pendidikan yang didasari oleh al-Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi Saw. dengan pemahaman kontekstual. Kedua, berusaha menerapkan metode baru yang masyhur dengan istilah double movement (gerak ganda) dan analisis serta memahami. Ketiga, berusaha memasukkan ilmu teknologi dan sains serta ilmu pengetahuan umum lainnya yang dianggap penting. Keempat, berusaha mengintegrasikan antara sistem tradisional dan skuler.