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Daya Hambat Perasan Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine Palmifolia (L.) Merr) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Stapylococcus aureus Metode Difusi Laila Kamilla; Sri Tumpuk; Maulidiyah Salim
Jurnal Laboratorium Khatulistiwa Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : poltekkes kemenkes pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30602/jlk.v5i2.977


Traditional medicine is an ingredient that can be derived from plants, animals, minerals, preparations of extract (galenic) or a mixture of these materials which have been used for generations for treatment. The use of medicinal plants as traditional medicine has many advantages. It is easy to obtain because the raw materials can be grown and mixed by yourself, so it is cheaper. People also consider traditional medicine to be safer than chemical drugs because the side effects are relatively smaller.One of the plants that have been used as traditional medicine is the Dayak onion. Dayak onion (Eleutherine americana L. Merr) is empirically used by local people in Kalimantan as a traditional medicinal plant. Dayak onions can be used as raw materials for medicine because they contain active compounds in the form of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenolics, triterpenoids or steroids and anthraquinones which have been known as medicinal raw materials. Until now, the Dayak onion plant is used for the treatment of colon cancer, breast cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, lowering cholesterol, stroke, stomach pain medication after childbirth and ulcer medicine.This study aims to determine the inhibition of Dayak onion (Eleutherine americana L. Merr) on the growth of Stapylococcus aureus bacteria by diffusion method. The research design was a quasi-experimental. The population of Dayak onion bulbs. As a sample of Dayak onion bulbs made in concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%. With the formula of Randomized Block Design (RAK), 30 samples were obtained. Antimicrobial testing using the diffusion method.The results obtained were resistant at a concentration of 10% - 60% (inhibition zone < 9 mm) and a concentration of 70-90% intermediate (inhibition zone 10-11) and a concentration of 100% sensitive (inhibition zone > 12). After being analyzed statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis test, a significant asymp value was obtained. sig = 0.001 < 0.050. It was concluded that there was an effect of the juice of the Dayak onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) in inhibiting the growth of Stapylococcus aureus bacteria.
Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Arang Aktif Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Kadar Cod (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Pada Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Gervacia Jenny Ratnawati; Linda Triana; Sestriana Lia; Maulidiyah Salim
Jurnal Laboratorium Khatulistiwa Vol 6, No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : poltekkes kemenkes pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30602/jlk.v6i1.1125


Limbah cair dari industri kelapa sawit mengandung Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) yang tinggi, sehingga apabila dibuang ke lingkungan akan memberikan dampak negatif, yaitu berkurangnya kadar oksigen terlarut dalam air. Pengolahan limbah cair kelapa sawit saat ini hanya menggunakan sistem kolam terbuka, akan tetapi sistem kolam terbuka memiliki kekurangan karena memerlukan lahan yang sangat luas untuk pembuatan kolam limbah dan memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk proses pengolahannya, sehingga diperlukan suatu metode yang efektif untuk pengolahan limbah tersebut, salah satunya adalah metode adsorpsi menggunakan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit.  Desain penelitian ini berbentuk Pre- experimental design dengan metode close refluks secara spektrofotometri. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pada 100 ml limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit yang dikontakkan dengan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit dengan dosis adsorben 2 gram selama 40, 80, 120, 160 dan 200 menit didapatkan nilai persentase penurunan kadar COD sebesar 40,30%, 49,08%, 46,57%, 13,78% dan 5,84%. Berdasarkan hasil uji Regresi Lininer Sederhana diperoleh nilai signifikan p = 0,002 (p < 0,05) sehingga Ha diterima yang artinya ada pengaruh lama perendaman arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit terhadap kadar COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) pada limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit.