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Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 1 No. 02 (2015): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.591 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v1i02.38


The purpose of this research were to : (1) To know the cost, income and income obtained by farmers on the cultivation of sangkuriang catfish probiotics in Sukosari Belitang OKU Timur, (2) To know the feasibility of cultivation business of sangkuriang catfish probiotik in Sukosari Belitang OKU Timur. This research was conducted in Sukosari Village, Belitang Sub-District, East OKU Regency. The selection of the location of this study is determined purposively with the consideration that in Sukosari Village there are some farmers who do cultivation of catfish sangkuriang by using probiotics to increase the productivity of catfish. This research was conducted in March 2014. This study found that the total cost of production issued in the cultivation of catfish sangkuriang probiotik in one production cycle is Rp 15.175.709, the total revenue during one production cycle is Rp 20,886,042 so that Income received amounted to Rp 5,710,333. The value of R / C ratio is 1.37 shows the cultivation of probiotic sangkuriang catfish, and the NPV value is Rp 21,082,125, the IRR value is 39.79% and the Net B / C value is 1.79 indicating Cultivation of catfish sangkuriang probiotik feasible (feasible) to be developed.
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 2 No. 01 (2016): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.034 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v2i01.39


The purpose of this research were to: (1) To know the characteristic and technical details, the supporting factor and the constraint of farming pattern of agrotrisula done to farmer group KBS V Desa Bantan, (2) To analyze the profit and feasibility of agrotrisula farming system done to the group Farmer KBS V Desa Bantan. This research was conducted in Bantan Village Buay Pemuka Peliung District, OKU Timur, South Sumatra Province. Location deliberation is done deliberately with the consideration that the Village is one of the pilot Village of agrotrisula farming system in East OKU Regency, when viewed agroclimate the area is very suitable for agrotrisula developed in terms of topography, soil condition and climate. Data collection was carried out until January 2015. This research found that the combination of business that is done is horticulture crops such as long bean, cucumber, sweet corn, ground kangkung, and spinach pull, fishery is cultivation of catfish sangkuriang and farm that is cultivation of bali cattle. Business management is done intensively with commercial purpose, there is special characteristic which is fried by farming group that is application of technology of probiotic bacteria to spur the increase of hormone which can directly increase the growth of both plants, livestock and fish. The total area of cultivated land which KBS V cultivated is 0.32 Ha.Total production costs are sacrificed in one period of agricultural production pattern of agrotrisula pattern of Rp. 22.618.167. The analysis of R / C Ratio is 1.38, which means that every one rupiah sacrificed as business capital will get revenue equal to 1.38 rupiah, and it means feasible to be digested, and ROI (Return On Investment) analysis is obtained value 177% And categorized as very efficient.
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 4 No. 01 (2018): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.166 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v4i01.59


Rantau Durian I Village also has the potential for plant development in both the food crop sector and plantation crops, most of the Rantau Durian I Village area is production land or rice fields. When viewed from the irrigation point of view, rice fields are rainfed which only produce once a year, this is the reason why some of the rice fields in the village have changed their function as rubber plantations which are considered by the community to be more profitable. However, the main problem of rubber plants at this time is low rubber production and the raw materials produced are of low quality, so the price received by farmers is relatively low. This condition makes the people in the village have household activities that can support their economy after returning from tapping rubber for approximately three to four hours, so that the remaining time can be used for making curtains.The research objectives are: 1). This is to determine the price margin for curtain marketing at the village level of Rantau Durian I, Lempuing Jaya District, OKI. 2). This is to find out how much the curtain income will be on the income and consumption of farm families from the point of view of marketing time during the months of the big day (Eid, New Year). The results show that the marketing margins on retail and wholesales are different. Where retail sales or farmers sell directly to consumers is IDR 18,000. Whereas farmers sell to large parties with a large volume of Rp. 15,000, so the marketing margin is Rp. 3,000. The contribution of curtain crafts to the income of farmer families in Rantau Durian I Village was 24%. Meanwhile, the contribution of curtain to the consumption of farmer families in Rantau Durian I Village is 40%.
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 5 No. 01 (2019): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.947 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v5i01.73


Mung bean sprouts are one of the sprouts / bean sprouts that are mostly used as food or consumption material in general, this is because the sprouts or bean sprouts from green beans contain a lot of gizi which is needed to facilitate defecation and to reduce obesity and increase fertility. Processing of green beans is expected to increase income which converts primary products into new products with higher economic value after going through the processing process, so it will be able to provide economic value because costs are incurred so that new higher prices are formed and the profits are greater than without going through the process processing. With this economic value, it causes an increase in the household income of farmers, which raises the potential for savings. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of income and business feasibility of mung bean sprouts in the East OKU Belitang II District, to determine the level of consumption and the level of savings of the green bean sprouts producer and trader in the East OKU Belitang II District. The results of the study concluded that the level of income obtained by the sprouts entrepreneur was Rp. 118,575 / process with the feasibility level of the sprouts business based on the ROI calculation of 56.03%, BEP for Rp. 6,827 / Kg and BEP for Production of 0.87 kg, Payback Period 3.57 and R / C of 1.56. The level of consumption of sprouts producers and traders is Rp 912,055 / month. The level of savings for sprouts producers and traders is Rp 866,567 / month.
Strategi Pemasaran Keripik Terong Pada Usaha Home Industri Kripik Terong Yang Ada Di Desa Sriwanggi Semendawai Suku III OKU Timur Aisah
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 6 No. 02 (2020): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.036 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v6i02.93


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang membuat produk kripik terong disukai konsumen, 2) menganalisis strategi pemasaran usaha home industri kripik terong untuk meningkatkan penjualan di Kabupaten OKU Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor –faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan konsumen terhadap keripik terong di Desa Sriwangi Kecamatan Semendawai Suku III adalah harga, aksesibilitas produk, gaya hidup dan jenis pekerjaan, menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan keripik terong. Sedangkan variabel rasa, kemasan dan jenis kelamin berpengaruh nyata terhadap pembelian keripik terong. Strategi Pemasaran yang sudah dilakukan oleh home Industri Keripik Terong adalah strategi agresif dengan lebih fokus kepada strategi S-O (Strength-Oppertunity), yaitu dengan menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Adapun strategi SO (Strength-Oppertunity) adalah mempertahankan harga dan kualitas guna mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan. Serta terus melakukan inovasi dan pengembangan produk, cita rasa dan pelayanan untuk memhambat laju posisi dalam pasar.
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 1 No. 01 (2015): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.551 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v1i01.103


The purpose of this research is to: (1) To find out what underlies irrigated paddy farmers to grow vegetables during planting season II (technically and financially) in Sumedang Sari Village, East Buay Madang District, OKU Timur Regency, (2) Rice and vegetable farming in Sumedang Sari Village, Buay Madang Timur District. Determination of location is done purposively (Purposive) with the reason in Sumedang Sari Village is one of the villages that have rice farming and some of them are farming in irrigated rice field. This study was conducted from May to June 2013. The study found that farmers' perceptions of their farming (rice and vegetables) and the positive impact of the farming on paddy fields. From the perception of farmers perception of rice obtained an average score of 14.20 and 56.80% percentage that entered on neutral criteria. As for the perception of vegetable farmers obtained an average score of 17.50 and 70.00% percentage that entered on the criteria agreed, which means that vegetable farming has a positive impact on the fertility of paddy fields. And from result of analysis of rice farming obtained R / C ratio equal to 1,50, while result of analysis of vegetable farming obtained R / C ratio equal to 3,05. From the analysis of perception and R / C value, the ratio of vegetable farming is superior to rice farming. Revenue of paddy farming is Rp. 5,032,800 LG / MT or Rp. 1.258.200 LG / Bln or Rp. 6,150,926 Ha / Month and the cost of Rp. 3.375.199,17 LG / MT or Rp. 843.799,79 LG / Bln or Rp. 4.107.326,43 Ha / Bln, then the income of rice farming is Rp. 1.657.600,83 LG / MT or Rp. 414.400,21 LG / Bln or Rp. 2,043,599,50 Ha / Bln. As for the acceptance of vegetable farming Rp. 17.569.500 LG / MT or Rp. 3.817.984,09 LG / Bln or Rp. 18,392,939.77 Ha / Month and the cost of Rp. 5.856.209,67 LG / MT or Rp. 1.261.602,66 LG / Bln or Rp. 6,087,723.43 Ha / month, then the income of vegetable farming income is Rp. 11.713.290,33 LG / MT or Rp. 2.556.381,43 LG / Bln or Rp. 12.305.216,38 Ha / Bln. From the average income income, vegetable farming income is higher than the income of rice farming. While the resulting income difference of Rp. 10,055,689,5 LG / MT or Rp. 2.141.981,22 LG / Bln or Rp. 10,261,616.88 Ha / Bln.
Analisis Nilai Tambah Usaha Pengolahan Ubi Kayu Menjadi Getuk Rol Pelangi Di Desa Saptorenggo Kecamatan Bahuga Kabupaten Way Kanan Lampung Aisah
Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian (STIPER) Belitang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.988 KB) | DOI: 10.53488/jba.v8i01.136


Fresh cassava has a very low economic value at the time of harvest, therefore an effort is needed to increase the added value of cassava by processing it into a variety of products. With the existence of food diversification, it is suggested that traditional wisdom needs to be explored in utilizing food ingredients that come from outside rice. There are many types of processed food made from cassava that are liked by the community, one of which is getuk. Saptorenggo Village is one of the villages in Bahuga Subdistrict, Way Kanan Regency, where the majority of the population has a livelihood as farmers. In the village there is a home industry that processes cassava into processed food called Getuk Roll Pelangi. The home industry for the rainbow roll getuk processing is an effort to increase the added value of cassava, where at the time of harvest the selling price is low and cannot increase more income for farmers. By processing this cassava into rainbow roll food, it can increase the durability of cassava and the selling value of cassava is higher so that it can increase family income. The objectives are: 1). To know the business income of processing cassava into rainbow roll getuk in Saptorenggo Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency. 2) Knowing the added value obtained from the business of processing cassava into rainbow roll getuk in Saptorenggo Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency. 3) Analyzing the financial feasibility of processing cassava into rainbow roll getuk in Saptorenggo Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency. The results showed that the production cost of the rainbow roll getuk processing business in Saptorenggo Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency in one production process was Rp. 205,600, revenue was Rp. 300,000 and income was Rp. 94,400. The value of the R/C ratio is 1.46. The added value of the business of processing cassava into rainbow roll getuk in Saptorenggo Village, Bahuga Subdistrict, Way Kanan Regency is Rp. 169,400/Process or Rp. 5,600 per package of rainbow roll getuk or Rp. 14,100 per Kg of cassava.