Gayoe Angger Arhofa
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

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Pengaruh Influencer Marketing dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Erigo Apparel Gayoe Angger Arhofa; Sonja Andarini
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Publisher : Research and Strategic Studies Center (Pusat Riset dan Kajian Strategis) Fakultas Syariah IAI Nasional Laa Roiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alkharaj.v6i1.3820


The purpose of this study was to identify and determine the effect of influencer marketing and product quality on the purchasing decision of Erigo Apparel products. This study uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 100 people. The population in this study was respondents who had active social media accounts as well as followers of Erigo Apparel social media accounts and respondents had bought and used Erigo Apparel products. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 25 for Windows. This test uses two independent variables, namely influencer marketing, product quality and purchasing decisions as dependent variables. The results of this study are 1) Influencer marketing and product quality simultaneously affect the decision to purchase Erigo Apparel products. 2) Influencer marketing partially influences the decision to purchase Erigo Apparel products. 3) Product quality partially influences the decision to purchase Erigo Apparel products. Keywords: Influencer Marketing, Product Quality, Purchase Decisions
PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH ORGANIK MENJADI PUPUK KOMPOS DI RW 07 KELURAHAN BONGKARAN, KECAMATAN PABEAN CANTIAN Gideon Setyo Budiwitjacksono; Ahmad Septa Rachmawan; Ayundha Kusuma Yulianti; Dina Ameliah Putri; Fitrah Desnata Ramanda Putra; Gayoe Angger Arhofa; Hafizah Zumarnis; Ichwa Larasati Dewi; Monika Indah Cahyani; Nida Saffalia Putri; Sukma Rukmana
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAKSampah masih menjadi sebuah permasalahan bagi masyarakat Kelurahan Bongkaran dikarenakan adanya ketidakseimbangan antara jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat dengan jumlah sampah yang diolah. Pasar Krempyeng misalnya, merupakan salah satu pasar yang terletak di kota Surabaya ini khususnya diwilayah RW.07 Kelurahan Bongkaran, Kecamatan Pabean Cantian. Dengan adanya kegiatan jual beli di pasar, produksi sampah meningkat setiap harinya yang mengakibatkan timbulnya tumpukan sampah organik maupun anorganik. Sebagian besar masyarakat tidak membuang sampah tersebut sesuai pada tempatnya, hal ini menjadikan timbulnya suatu permasalahan yang ada di Pasar Krempyeng RW.07 Kelurahan Bongkaran. Padatnya aktivitas di Pasar Krempyeng diiringi pula dengan meningkatnya jumlah sampah sayuran sisa hasil penjualan yang dihasilkan menjadikan timbulnya tumpukan sampah yang membusuk, menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap, dan mencemari lingkungan, serta sumber penyakit yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan kesehatan masyarakat sekitar. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi sampah yang menumpuk di Pasar Krempyeng sehingga dapat mengurangi volume sampah yang menumpuk agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan metode IBM, Metode IBM adalah metode sosialisasi, diskusi, dan simulasi yang dilaksanakan dengan memberikan pelatihan dan penjelasan. Dengan tujuan untuk memperluas pemahaman masyarakat mengenai keuntungan serta proses dalam pengolahan kompos. Sosialisasi dan koordinasi melalui metode IBM yang dilakukan terkait rencana kegiatan pengolahan sampah menjadi pupuk kompos ini, mendapatkan respon yang baik dan didukung penuh oleh pihak yang terkait. Hal ini terbukti dari dukungan dari pihak terkait dan dengan memberikan bantuan berupa bahan baku pembuatan pupuk kompos. Kata Kunci: Kompos, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pengolahan Sampah. ABSTRACTGarbage is still a problem for the people of Bongkaran Village due to an imbalance between the amount of waste produced by the community and the amount of waste that is processed. Krempyeng Market, for example, is one of the markets located in the city of Surabaya, especially in the area of RW.07, Bongkaran Village, Pabean Cantian District. With buying and selling activities in the market, waste production increases every day which results in piles of organic and inorganic waste. Most people do not dispose of the garbage in its proper place, this causes a problem to arise in the Krempyeng Market RW.07 Bongkaran Village. The density of activity at the Krempyeng Market is accompanied by an increase in the amount of vegetable waste left over from sales, resulting in piles of rotting garbage, causing unpleasant odors, and polluting the environment, as well as sources of disease that can have an impact on the health of the surrounding community. Therefore, it is necessary to have the right solution to overcome the waste that has accumulated in the Krempyeng Market so that it can reduce the volume of waste that has accumulated so that it can benefit the surrounding community. The method used is the IBM method, the IBM method is a method of socialization, discussion, and simulation which is carried out by providing training and explanations. With the aim of expanding public understanding of the benefits and processes in compost processing. The socialization and coordination through the IBM method related to the planned activity of processing waste into compost received a good response and was fully supported by the relevant parties. This is evident from the support from related parties and by providing assistance in the form of raw materials for making compost. Keywords: Compost, Community Empowerment, Waste Processing.