Johnny Budiman
Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115

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Monitoring jenis ikan pada modul terumbu buatan di Selat Lembeh Kelurahan Mawali Kecamatan Lembeh Selatan Kota Bitung (Fish species monitoring on artificial reef modules in Lembeh Strait, Mawali Village, South Lembeh District of Bitung) Syahrul A. Thalib; Johnny Budiman; Emil Reppie
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.2.5.2017.15026


Coral reefs are communities of organisms that live at the bottom of shallow seas of tropics area. Degradation of coral reefs in the waters of Pulau Lembeh, Bitung caused by fishing activities were not responsible. However, there have been attempts to build artifial reefs since 2014 to protect natural coral reefs as well as repairing the damaged coral reefs. It is necessary to hold monitoring association of fish species target on artificial reef has been built with Acropora sp. trasnplantated. This research was conducted in Mawali Village, Lembeh Strait, on August - December 2016; done with descriptive method; and the data were analyzed through the diversity and richness index. Results of the analysis showed that the diversity of species classified as moderate with a value of 2.85; and species richness is high with a value of 6.09. This figure reflects the dominance of Cheilodipterus isostigmus species to other species in terms of number. Oceanography parameters such as temperature (26,99 – 28,97°C), salinity (32 – 33,2 ppt), dissolved oxygen (10,2 – 12,4 mg/l), acidity (7,3 – 8,4 pH), dissolved density (30,4 – 31,1 g/l ) and level of turbidity (1,2 – 2,6 NTU) in natural conditions support the development of the association of fish around the artificial reefs. Keywords: Monitoring, Fish Species Target, Artificial Reefs, Lembeh Strait, Mawali Village ABSTRAK Terumbu karang merupakan komunitas organisme yang hidup di dasar laut dangkal daerah tropis. Degradasi terumbu karang di perairan Pulau Lembeh, Kota Bitung disebabkan oleh aktifitas perikanan yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Namun telah ada upaya pembangunan terumbu buatan sejak tahun 2014 untuk melindungi serta memperbaiki terumbu karang alami yang rusak. Maka dipandang perlu mengadakan monitoring asosiasi ikan target pada terumbu buatan yang telah dibangun dengan karang yang ditransplantasikan jenis Acropora sp.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Selat Lembeh Kelurahan Mawali pada bulan Agustus – Desember 2016; dikerjakan dengan metode deskriptif; dan data dianalisis melalui indeks keragaman dan indeks kekayaan.  Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa keanekaragaman spesies tergolong sedang dengan nilai 2,85; dan kekayaan spesies tergolong  tinggi dengan nilai 6,09. Hal ini menggambarkan adanya dominasi spesies Cheilodipterus isostigmus terhadap spesies lain dari segi jumlah. Parameter oceanografi seperti suhu (26,99 – 28,97°C), salinitas (32 – 33,2 ppt), oksigen terlarut (10,2 – 12,4 mg/l), derajat keasaman (7,3 – 8,4 pH), kepadatan terlarut (30,4 – 31,1 g/l ), dan tingkat kekeruhan (1,2 – 2,6 NTU) dalam kondisi alami menunjang perkembangan asosiasi ikan di sekitar terumbu buatan. Kata kunci : Monitoring, Jenis Ikan Target, Terumbu Buatan, Selat Lembeh, Kelurahan Mawali
Pengaruh bentuk bubu terhadap hasil tangkapan rajungan portunus pelagicus di perairan pantai Desa Kema tiga Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (The effect of pots shape toward the catch of swimming crab in coastal waters Kema Tiga Village) Moch. Abdul Chalim; Johnny Budiman; Emil Reppie
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.2.5.2017.15029


Swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of the fishery commodities that have high sales value for which raced flavor and high nutritional content. This swimming crab in coastal waters of North Sulawesi usually caught accidentally (by catch) with bottom gillnets. There has been a special fishing gear for crab traps, but not known by local fishermen. The differences of trap shape could increase the fishing power of swimming crab traps; but such scientific information is not widely available yet. Therefore, this research aimed to study the effect of pots shape to catch swimming crab; and identifies the types of biota captured. This research was conducted in the coastal waters of  Kema Tiga village, North Minahasa Regency; from September to December 2014; which is based on the experimental method. Bubu six units of traps (three units conical shape, and three other rectangular shape), operated for eight nights to collect data; used scad mackerel bait; and the capture data were analyzed by t test.  The catch was 86 swimming crab in total; 56 was caught by conical shape traps, and 30 individuals were caught by rectangular shape traps. Analysis of test showed that t0 = 4.596> t table 0.01; 7 = 3.499, which means that the use of conical shape traps, giving highly significantly different swimming crab catches compared to rectangular shape traps. Keywords: Swimming crab, trap, mackerel bait, North Minahasa   ABSTRAK Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi karena memiliki rasa yang lezat dan kandungan gizi yang tinggi). Rajungan  ini di perairan pantai Sulawesi Utara biasanya tertangkap tanpa sengaja (by catch) dengan jaring insang dasar. Sebenarnya telah ada alat tangkap bubu khusus untuk rajungan, tetapi belum dikenal oleh nelayan lokal. Perbedaan bentuk bubu diduga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tangkap dari bubu ranjungan; namun informasi ilmiah seperti ini belum banyak tersedia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh bentuk bubu terhadap hasil tangkapan ranjungan; dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis biota yang tertangkap.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan pantai Desa Kema Tiga, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara; pada bulan September sampai Desember 2014; yang didasarkan pada metode eksperimental. Enam unit bubu (tiga unit bentuk kerucut terpancung dan tiga unit bentuk empat persegi) dioperasikan selama delapan malam untuk mengumpulkan data; menggunakan umpan ikan layang; dan data dinalisis dengan uji t. Tangkapan total berjumlah 86 ekor; 56 ekor tertangkap dengan bubu bentuk kerucut terpancung, dan 30 ekor tertangkap dengan bubu bentuk empat persegi. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa t hitung = 4,596 > t tabel 0,01;7 = 3,499, yang berarti bahwa penggunaan konstruksi bubu bentuk kerucut terpancung, memberikan hasil tangkapan rajungan yang sangat berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan konstruksi bubu empat persegi. Kata-kata kunci: Rajungan, bubu, umpan ikan layang, Minahasa Utara.
Studi tentang sertifikasi hasil tangkapan ikan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung (Study on Fish Catch Certification in Samudera Bitung Fishing Port) Arthur B. Samola; Johnny Budiman; Heffry V. Dien
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.3.1.2018.19369


European Union is nowadays the largest market in the world for fisheries products; it is also the strickest country in controlling the food security. It has also established requirements for marine fisheries products (fresh or processed products) exported directly or indirectly to European Union must be free of IUU Fshing. The fish catch certification follows the legal aspects and national reguaations in line with international regulations. Fish catch certification consists of Initial Sheet, Derivative Sheet, and Simplified Derivative Sheet. The objectives of the study are to know the issuance procedure of fish catch certificate in the form of preliminary document, the issuance procedure of fich catch certificate iin the form of derivative document as export supporting document, and the issuance procedure of fish catch certificate in simple form of derivative document. This study was carried out in September - November 2016 in Samudera Bitung Fisheries Port. The initial sheet is used for >20 GT-fishing vessels and proposed by the ship owner or its representative, the derivative sheet was used for the fish processing unit, and the simplified derivative sheet was export and fishing document for < 20 GT-fishing boat. This document is fish catch certificate under agreement between DG MARE and Indonesian government.Keywords: IUU fshing, certification, initial sheet, derivative sheet, simplified derivative sheet Abstrak[1]Uni Eropa saat ini merupakan pasar terbesar di dunia untuk produk perikanan, namun merupakan negara yang paling ketat dalam pengaturan keamanan pangan. Juga telah menetapkan persyaratan bagi produk hasil tangkapan ikan di laut (segar maupun olahan) yang akan diekspor ke Uni Eropa secara langsung maupun tidak langsung harus bebas dari praktek IUU Fshing.  Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi Hasil Tangkapan Ikan mengacu pada dasar hukum dan peraturan nasional serta dengan mengikuti ketentuan aturan international. Sertifikasi Hasil Tangkapan Ikan terdiri atas 3 jenis yaitu Lembar Awal (Initial Sheet), Lembar Turunan (Derivative Sheet) dan Lembar Turunan yang Disederhanakan (Simplified Derivative Sheet). Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk, mengetahui prosedur penerbitan Sertifikat Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Lembar Awal (SHTI-LA), prosedur penerbitan Sertifikat Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Lembar Turunan (SHTI-LT) dan prosedur penerbitan Sertifikat Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Lembar Turunan yang Disederhanakan (SHTI-LTS). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September - November 2016 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung (PPS). Dokumen  Lembar Awal digunakan untuk kapal penangkap berukuran  >20 GT, dokumen Lembar Turunan untuk unit pengolahan ikan, dan dokumen Lembar Turunan yang diserhanakan sebagai dokumen ekspor dan penangkapan ikan bagi kapal penangkap berukuran  < 20 GT. Dokumen yang disebut terakhir adalah sertifikat hasil tangkapan ikan di bawah kesepakatan antara DG MARE dan pemerintah Indonesia.Kata-kata Kunci: IUU fshing, sertifikasi, lembar awal, lembar turunan, lembar turunan yang disederhanakan
Komposisi hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar dan cara tertangkapnya ikan di Perairan Malalayang (Composition catches of bottom gillnet and how to catch fish in Malalayang Waters) Maikel F. Pondaag; Meta S. Sompie; Johnny Budiman
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.3.2.2018.21427


Gill net is a fishing gear set vertically underwater to ambushed off the fish swimming direction. The fish are caught by means of gill trapped or body entangled. One of the gill fishing ground is in Malalayang Dua, Manado. This study was aims to knowing the species composition of bottom gill net with mesh size of 3 inches, 3½ inches, and 4 inches, comparing the catch number and individual size caught in different mesh size, and knowing how they were caught. The study used a descriptive method based on a case study. Results showed that the catches were dominted by parrotfish (Scarus sp.), 26 individuals, followed by surgeonfish (Achanthurus pyroferus), 21 individuals, butterflyfish (Zanclus cornutus), 8 individuals, and other species, less than 5 individuals. The fish caught in the mesh size of 3 inches were 60 individuals, 3½ inches were 29 individuals, 4 inches were 2 individuals. The parrotfish were dominantly caught in the mesh size of 3 inches, 17 individuals, tangs in 3 inches, 13 individuals, and the butterflyfish in 3 inches, 7 individuals. The heaviest fish caught in the mesh size of 3½ inches was 2.74 kg for parrotfish, 1.55 kg for surgeonfish and 5.1 kg for goatfish.Keywords: bottom gill net, catch composition, size, number of catches. AbstrakJaring insang adalah jaring yang dipasang tegak lurus dalam  air untuk menghadang arah renang ikan. Jaring insang dasar merupakan salah satu alat tangkap yang pengoperasiannya digemari oleh nelayan-nelayan yang dilakukan didaerah tertentu (certain area) tangkapan sehingga diharapkan semua ikan ataupun yang berada pada area dapat tertangkap. Salah satu daerah penangkapan ikan dengan jaring insang adalah Malalayang Dua Kota Manado. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar yang berukuran mata 3 inci, 3½ inci dan 4 inci, membandingkan komposisi jumlah dan ukuran hasil tangkapan dari ukuran mata jaring yang digunakan, dan mengetahui bagaimana cara tertangkapnya ikan pada berbagai ukuran mata jaring. Jenis ikan kakatua (Scarus sp) mendominasi hasil tangkapan sebanyak 26 ekor, diikuti oleh ikan butana (Achanthurus pyroferus) sebanyak 21 ekor, ikan kupu-kupu (Zanclus cornutus) sebanyak 8 ekor sedangkan jenis lainnya tertangkap kurang dari 5 ekor. Jumlah hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh ukuran mata 3 inci 60 ekor,ukuran mata 3½ inci  yaitu 29 ekor, dan ukuran mata 4 inci hanya  2 ekor. Komposisi jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan Kakatua didominasi oleh mata jaring ukuran 3 inci yaitu 17 ekor, pada ikan Butana didominasi oleh mata jaring 3 inci yaitu 13 ekor, dan untuk ikan kupu-kuu didominasi oleh mata jaring 3 inci dengan jumlah 7 ekor. Bobot ikan kakatua lebih berat pada mata jaring 3½ inci yaitu 2,74 kg, ikan Butana lebih berat pada mata jaring 3½ inci yaitu 1,55 kg, dan ikan Biji nangka pada mata 3½ inci dengan berat 5,1 kg.Kata kunci : jaring insang dasar, komposisi hasil tangkapan, ukuran, hasil tangkapan
Rekonstruksi bentuk lambung kapal dalam format tiga dimensi (3D) dengan teknik fotogrametri Evander Nelwan; Kawilarang W. A. Masengi; Vivanda O. J. Modaso; Alfred Luasunaung; Johnny Budiman; Fanny Silooy; Revols D. CH. Pamikiran
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.9.1.2024.45751


Fishing boat has unique characteristics, such as seaworthiness, maneuvering, boat’s velocity, displacement, fishing gear layout, and catch storage facilities. With increasing development of photographic technology, photography is not merely an art but it has become a field of mathematics, making it a technique that can be integrated with software technology designed to produce digital data objects in the form of 3D images called Photogrammetric technique. This study is to obtain the reconstruction of the boat's hull based on the Photogrammetric software, to determine the effect of photography to obtain a 3D image, and to know the weakness and strength of 3D reconstruction of the boat’s hull. The images in this study were obtained using a POCO F3 smartphone camera integrated with the PIX4Dcatch application and analyzed with Agisoft Metashape Professional (Trial Version). From this research, we concluded that 1) the reconstruction of the boat hull can be obtained by using Photogrammetric techniques in the PIX4Dcatch application followed by the Agisoft Metashape Professional (Trial Ver.) software analysis; 2). With photographic equipment and several data processing software, the boat’s shape could be produced in 3D images, and 3). There are several advantages in reconstructing the ship's hull with the Photogrammetric technique, namely producing the ship's reconstruction of 3D images, obtaining the principal dimensions of the boat, such as the area and volume of the boat, that could be as the basic data for boat resistance and ship stability calculation, and the work could be done by one person only.
Kajian tentang jenis umpan buatan pancing tonda terhadap hasil tangkapan Billy Jehosua; Ivor L. Labaro; Lefrand Manoppo; Alfred Luasunaung; Johnny Budiman; Fanny Silooy
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.9.1.2024.51878


The aim of this research is to determine the differences between two types of artificial bait on troll line on catches and to identify the composition of catch types based on bait type. This research was carried out in Tanawangko waters and was carried out from February to March 2023 using the experimental fishing method, where two pancing tonda  each using silk fiber and chicken feather bait were operated simultaneously in one boat for 5 trips which were then analyzed using the t test. The catch during the research was 24 individuals with 3 species, namely with silk fiber bait, 20 individuals were caught consisting of 3 species and using chicken feather bait, 4 individuals were caught consisting of 2 species. The analysis results show that tcount = 1.684 < t table = 2.776; so it accepts H0 and rejects H1. This explains that the use of chicken feather bait is not significantly different from silk fiber as trolling bait for catch results. The conclusion of this research is that using silk fiber bait resulted in more catches than chicken feather bait, but the results of the t test analysis showed that the two were not significantly different and the three species of fish caught were 15 skipjack tuna (Katsuonus pelamis), 7 baby tuna (Thunnus sp.), and 2 lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus).