Anang Dwi Purwanto, Anang Dwi
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Identifikasi Gosong Karang Mengggunakan Citra Satelit Sentinel 2A (Studi Kasus: Perairan Pesisir Nias Utara) Purwanto, Anang Dwi; Prayogo, Teguh; Marpaung, Sartono
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1895.207 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v21i1.3769


ABSTRACTThe waters of Northern Nias, North Sumatra Province have a great potential for natural resources, one of which is the reef which is often used as a fishing ground. This study aims to identify and monitor the distribution of coral reefs around the waters of Northern Nias. The location of study is limited by coordinates 97° 0'31'' - 97° 16'54'' E and 1° 29'2'' LU - 1° 6'24'' N. The study locations were grouped in 6 (six) areas including Mardika reef, Wunga reef, Mausi1 reef, Mausi2 reef, Tureloto reef and Senau reef. The data used were Sentinel 2A imagery acquisition on 19 September 2018 and field observations made on 6-12 September 2018. Data processing includes geometric correction, radiometric correction, water column correction and classification using pixel-based and object-based methods as well as by delineating on the image. One classification method will be chosen that is most suitable for the location of the reef. The results show Sentinel 2A was very helpful in mapping the distribution of coral reefs compared to direct observation in the field. The use of image classification method rightly is very helpful in distinguishing coral reef objects from surrounding objects. The estimated area of coral reefs was 1,793.20 ha with details of the Mardika reef 143.27 ha, Wunga reef 627.06 ha, Mausi1 reef 299.84 ha, Mausi2 reef 141.873 ha, Tureloto reef 244.73 ha, Senau reef 336.44 ha. The existence of coral reefs have a high potential as a fishing ground and a natural tourist attraction.Keywords: coral reefs, sentinel 2A, lyzenga 1978, image classification, Northern NiasABSTRAKPerairan Nias Utara yang terletak di Provinsi Sumatra Utara memiliki potensi kekayaan alam yang besar dimana salah satunya adalah gosong karang yang sering dijadikan lokasi penangkapan ikan oleh nelayan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan monitoring sebaran gosong karang di sekitar perairan Nias Utara. Lokasi penelitian dibatasi dengan koordinat 97°0’31’’ - 97°16’54’’ BT dan 1°29’2’’LU – 1°6’24’’  LU. Untuk mempermudah dalam pengolahan data maka lokasi kajian dikelompokkan dalam 6 (enam) kawasan diantaranya gosong Mardika, gosong Wunga, gosong Mausi1, gosong Mausi2, gosong Tureloto dan gosong Senau. Data yang digunakan adalah citra satelit Sentinel 2A hasil perekaman tanggal 19 September 2018 dan hasil pengamatan lapangan yang telah dilakukan pada tanggal 6 - 12 September 2018. Pengolahan data meliputi koreksi geometrik, koreksi radiometrik, koreksi kolom air dan klasifikasi menggunakan metode klasifikasi berbasis piksel dan berbasis objek serta deliniasi citra. Dari ketiga metode klasifikasi tersebut akan dipilih satu metode klasifikasi yang sesuai dengan lokasi gosong karang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan citra Sentinel 2A sangat membantu dalam memetakan sebaran gosong karang dibandingkan dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Pemilihan metode klasifikasi citra satelit yang tepat sangat membantu dalam membedakan objek gosong karang dengan objek di sekitarnya. Estimasi total luasan gosong karang di perairan Nias Utara adalah 1,793.20 ha dengan rincian luasan gosong karang Mardika 143.27 ha, gosong Wunga 627.06 ha, gosong Mausi1 299.84 ha, gosong Mausi2 141.873 ha, gosong Tureloto 244.73 ha, gosong Senau 336.44 ha. Keberadaan gosong karang memiliki potensi yang tinggi sebagai lokasi penangkapan ikan dan memiliki daya tarik sebagai tempat wisata alam.Kata kunci: gosong karang, sentinel 2A, lyzenga 1978, klasifikasi citra, Nias Utara
Adaptasi Masyarakat terhadap Perubahan Penutup Lahan di Kecamatan Kelapa Kampit, Belitung Timur Rahmawati, Emma; Purwanto, Anang Dwi
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 46, No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/fis.v46i2.21223


Land cover changes occur in Indonesia where one of them is in Kelapa Kampit, East Belitung Regency. This area is very famous for large-scale tin mining activities carried out by tin companies. Along with the policy on mining activities that must care about the surrounding environment and reclamation and revegetation activities carried out in post-mining land, the massive tin mining activities in the region are decreasing. This study aims to analyze changes in land cover and find out the adaptation of the community carried out due to changes in land cover and to know the factors that influence the adaptation strategy. This study uses the mixed methods approach. The data used include in the form of Landsat TM satellite imagery acquisition in 1995 and Landsat 8 acquisition in 2015 and interview data. The method of separating land cover objects using the technique of not guided digital classification. After the reclassification process has been carried out, 8 (eight) classes of land cover are produced. The results of the study show (1) there are contradictory conditions between mining land and forests with oil palm plantations. The condition of the mining area and forests from 1994 - 2015 decreased, while the area of oil palm plantations increased significantly. (2) The community adapts to varying sources of income, changes mining areas and relies on assistance from various parties (3) The factors that determine community adaptation are education, knowledge, environmental conditions, people's understanding of job other than mining, sources of income and assistance provided to the community.
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30536/j.ijreses.2020.v17.a3298


The need for information on potential fishing zones based on remote sensing satellite data (ZPPI) in coastal waters is increasing. This study aims to create an information model of such zones in coastal waters (coastal ZPPI). The image data used include GHRSST, SNPP-VIIRS and MODIS-Aqua images acquired from September 1st-30th, 2018 and September 1st-30th, 2019, together with other supporting data. The coastal ZPPI information is based on the results of thermal front SST detection and overlaying this with chlorophyll-a. The method of determining the thermal front sea surface temperature (SST) used Single Image Edge Detection (SIED). The chlorophyll-a range used was in the mesotropic area (0.2-0.5 mg/m3). Coastal ZPPI coordinates were determined using the polygon centre of mass, while the coastal ZPPI information generated was only for coastal areas with a radius of between 4-12 nautical miles and was divided into two criteria, namely High Potential (HP) and Low Potential (LP). The results show that the coastal ZPPI models were suitable to determine fishing locations around Nias Island. The percentage of coastal ZPPI information generated was around 90% information monthly. In September 2018, 27 days of information were produced, consisting of 11 HP sets of coastal ZPPI information and 16 sets of LP information, while in September 2019 it was possible to produce 29 days of such information, comprising 11 sets of HP coastal ZPPI information and 18 LP sets. The use of SST parameters of GHRSST images and the addition of chlorophyll-a parameters to MODIS-Aqua images are very effective and efficient ways of supporting the provision of coastal ZPPI information in the waters of Nias Island and its surroundings.
ANALYSIS OF WATER PRODUCTIVITY IN THE BANDA SEA BASED ON REMOTE SENSING SATELLITE DATA Marpaung, Sartono; Faristyawan, Risky; Purwanto, Anang Dwi; Asriningrum, Wikanti; Suhada, Argo Galih; Prayogo, Teguh; Sitorus, Jansen
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30536/j.ijreses.2020.v17.a3280


Abstract. This study examines the density of potential fishing zone (PFZ) points and chlorophyll-a concentration in the Banda Sea. The data used are those on chlorophyll-a from the Aqua MODIS satellite, PFZ points from ZAP and the monthly southern oscillation index. The methods used are single image edge detection, polygon center of mass, density function and a Hovmoller diagram. The result of the analysis show that productivity of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea is influenced by seasonal factors (dry season and wet season) and ENSO phenomena (El Niño and La Niña). High productivity of chlorophyll-a  occurs during in the dry season with the peak in August, while low productivity occurs in the wet season and the transition period, with the lowest levels in April and December. The variability in chlorophyll-a production is influenced by the global El Niño and La Niña phenomena; production increases during El Niño and decreases during La Niña. Tuna conservation areas have as lower productivity of chlorophyll-a and PFZ point density compared to the northern and southern parts of the Banda Sea. High density PFZ point regions are associated with regions that have higher productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely the southern part of the Banda Sea, while low density PFZ point areas  are associated with regions that have a low productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely tuna conservation areas. The effect of the El Niño phenomenon in increasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the southern part of study area than in the tuna conservation area. On the other hand, the effect of La Niña phenomenon in decreasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the tuna conservation area than in the southern and northern parts of the study area.Â