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JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika) Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.393 KB) | DOI: 10.29100/jipi.v3i1.469


Saat kita memiliki valas yang turun bersamaan pasti kita akan lebih menderita jika dibandingkan hanya sebagian saja yang turun. Untuk mencegah kerugian besar akibat valas yang turun bersamaan tersebut kita dapat menerapkan strategi dengan keputusan pembelian pada valas yang tidak memiliki hubungan pergerakan yang relatif sama. Keputusan pembelian ini didasarkan pada hubungan pergerakan antar item valas pada riwayat pergerakan sebelumnya menggunakan association rule.Penelitian terkait association rule yakni pengembangan pada pendekatan visualisasi yang menjadikan sistem lebih interaktif untuk memodulasi masalah[1]. Kemudian fakta lain jika waktu pengambilan keputusan berbanding lurus dengan jumlah item dan jumlah aturan[2]. Temuan perbaikan dengan pengambilan atribut baru[3] dan juga dengan pengurangan jumlah transaksi yang akan dipindai[4]. Beberapa dari hasil penelitian tersebut kami gunakan untuk menyusun instumen yang kami buat agar lebih interaktif dan proses yang lebih epat. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan visualisasi itemset. Tujuan penelitian kami adalah untuk membuat sistem penunjang keputusan yang dapat memberikan saran pembelian valas berdasarkan riwayat harga valas dan item valas yang dimiliki untuk menghindari pembelian valas yang berresiko turun bersamaan menggunakan A priori. Hasil yang kami dapat menunjukan jika implementasi a priori untuk peramalan valas belum menunjukkan seperti yang diharapkan. Namun kami dapat menemukan fakta baru jika banyak itemset yang digunakan maka prosentase valid dari saran (output peramalan sistem) yang dihasilkan semakin kecil serta Jumlah item (atribut) inputan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada jumlah itemset (record) sama.
Generating SQL Command Syntax Using MySQL Based on Typing Command Sentence Indriyono, Bonifacius Vicky; Pratama, Zudha
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.092 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v6i1.3305


Information retrieval system is a system that is widely used to retrieve information. This research will discuss how the system finds back the information stored in database tables. Tables in the database are arranged to store all forms of data entered by database users so that later the stored data can be used again. Re-accessing the database's information must go through a mechanism known as a database management system (DBMS). One of the most widely used DBMS is MySQL. By using a DBMS, information and data can be manipulated according to user needs. Data manipulation in the database is done in a special language, namely SQL (Structure Query Language). Mastery of SQL commands is an obligation for database users so that the manipulated data can produce the required information. However, many database users still do not understand how the actual SQL command syntax manages and manipulates data into information. This is, of course, very risky if the solution is not immediately sought because it will hinder the process of retrieving information from the data stored in the database. For this problem to be resolved, it is necessary to design a system that can help database users translate their wishes into SQL command syntax. This paper will discuss how a command in Indonesian can be translated into SQL command syntax. The method used to solve this research problem is rule-based. There are two stages in the main process: the pre-processing stage, which consists of a word tokenization process, and a translation stage, including a keyword grouping process. This keyword grouping process consists of the keyword group analysis phase, table and column analysis, identification of SQL commands, and mapping of SQL commands. From all stages that have been passed and testing of 7 scenarios with ten (10) commands for each scenario, the accuracy is 81.42%. The inaccuracy in the testing process is more a problem of displaying data from two or more tables, for example, using the join table command. This problem can be addressed by adding new rules for the use of table joins.
CCIT Journal Vol 11 No 1 (2018): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.52 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v11i1.555


Virtually all database-related systems provide search features. Starting from a complex search engine like google to a relatively simple example of search features on a digital library page. A good search engine is capable of delivering fast, accurate, and fault-tolerant results. Speed ​​may be affected by server device capabilities and complex algorithm combinations.The form of the condition condition used in the search query generally uses LIKE for partial search, REGEXP for multi key search, and MATCH-AGAINST for multi key search with fulltext index. However, these functions are not sufficient to perform a search selection on a slightly wrong key or rather fault tolerance that is still not good. So researchers do an analysis if one of the search function is combined with a dictionary table.Table dictionary as a comparator key to find a more appropriate key if key wrong key. But on the other hand the addition of the comparison process is estimated to have a weakness to the processing time. Researchers assume if the weakness can be overcome if the ability of the server is improved.
Analisa Perbandingan Jenis N-GRAM Dalam Penentuan Similarity Pada Deteksi Plagiat Zudha Pratama; Ema Utami; M. Rudyanto Arief
Creative Information Technology Journal Vol 4, No 4 (2017): Agustus-Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.533 KB) | DOI: 10.24076/citec.2017v4i4.118


Dampak.akses informasi yang mudah membuat tindakan plagiasi makin marak. Tindakan tersebut dapat dicegah dengan menggunakan sistem deteksi plagiat. Sistem tersebut dapat dibangun dengan menggunakan konsep similarity dengan algoritma rabin-karp sebagai string matchingnya dan n-gram sebagai metode parsingnya. Penelitian terdahulu menggunakan kedua algoritma tersebut menunjukkan hasil sistem yang cukup baik untuk deteksi plagiat. Kemudian hasil penelitian dari luar negeri ada yang melakukan hal serupa mengenai deteksi plagiat serta menghasilkan penemuan baru misalnya cross-language similarity. Selain itu ada temuan faktafakta baru mengenai deteksi plagiat dengan berbagai cara pengujian serta penggabungan berbagai metode yang sudah ada untuk perbaikan hasil deteksi. Sedangkan tujuan kami pada penelitian ini adalah membandingkan metode parsing untuk mengetahui metode parsing yang mana yang dapat memberikan hasil paling cepat dan masih dalam nilai akurasi yang wajar. Kami sebagai kontrol ukuran akurasi kami menggunakan plagiarism checker x free. Kami menggunakan aplikasi tersebut untuk menentukan akurasi instrumen uji kami menggunakan selisih similarity aplikasi ini dengan instrumen uji kami. Hasilnya kami menemukan fakta jika ngram word memiliki akurasi yang paling optimal dibanding n-gram yang lain dan masih relatif paling cepat dibanding lainnya.Kata Kunci — perbandingan, ngram, similarity text, deteksi plagiat The impact of easy information access makes plagiarism more and more prevalent. Such action can be prevented by using a plagiarism detection system. The system can be constructed using the concept of similarity with the rabin-karp algorithm as its matching string and n-gram as its parsing method. Earlier studies using both algorithms show good system results for plagiarism detection. Then the results of research from abroad have done the same about the detection of plagiarism and produce new inventions such as cross-language similarity. In addition, there are new facts about plagiarism detection by various testing methods and incorporating existing methods for improving the detection. While our goal in this study is to compare the method of parsing to find out which parsing method that can provide the fastest results and still in a reasonable accuracy value. We measure our accuracy as accurate using plagiarism checker x free. We use the application to determine the accuracy of our test instruments using the similarity difference of this application with our test instruments. We found that n-gram word has the most optimal accuracy compared to other n-grams and is still relatively fastest compared to others.Keywords — comparison, ngram, similarity text, plagiarism detection
Journal of Applied Intelligent System Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Intelligent System
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and IndoCEISS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/jais.v5i2.4291


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology in the field of computer science that simulates human intelligence into computers to solve various problems and jobs as well as humans do. Games / games are an implementation of the field of computer science which also embraces the concept of AI. In the midst of the rampant types of games available, the author chose the Hanoi Tower which is a mathematical game / puzzle that requires logic. Players are challenged to complete in a short time with a certain number of discs. The benefit of this game is that it can train how to think with certain patterns so as to improve the memory of players. To make it easier to solve it, the Divide and Conquer Algorithm can be used which can solve problems in the Tower of Hanoi game by breaking them down into sub-problems which will later be able to help speed up finding solutions. From the results of testing the application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in the hanoi tower game application by solving the disk arrangement problem. Players can finish the game in a large number of plates in a short time. Keywords – Artificial Intelligence, Divide and Conquer Algorithm, Games, Tower of Hanoi.
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika) Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29100/jipi.v3i1.469


Saat kita memiliki valas yang turun bersamaan pasti kita akan lebih menderita jika dibandingkan hanya sebagian saja yang turun. Untuk mencegah kerugian besar akibat valas yang turun bersamaan tersebut kita dapat menerapkan strategi dengan keputusan pembelian pada valas yang tidak memiliki hubungan pergerakan yang relatif sama. Keputusan pembelian ini didasarkan pada hubungan pergerakan antar item valas pada riwayat pergerakan sebelumnya menggunakan association rule.Penelitian terkait association rule yakni pengembangan pada pendekatan visualisasi yang menjadikan sistem lebih interaktif untuk memodulasi masalah[1]. Kemudian fakta lain jika waktu pengambilan keputusan berbanding lurus dengan jumlah item dan jumlah aturan[2]. Temuan perbaikan dengan pengambilan atribut baru[3] dan juga dengan pengurangan jumlah transaksi yang akan dipindai[4]. Beberapa dari hasil penelitian tersebut kami gunakan untuk menyusun instumen yang kami buat agar lebih interaktif dan proses yang lebih epat. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan visualisasi itemset. Tujuan penelitian kami adalah untuk membuat sistem penunjang keputusan yang dapat memberikan saran pembelian valas berdasarkan riwayat harga valas dan item valas yang dimiliki untuk menghindari pembelian valas yang berresiko turun bersamaan menggunakan A priori. Hasil yang kami dapat menunjukan jika implementasi a priori untuk peramalan valas belum menunjukkan seperti yang diharapkan. Namun kami dapat menemukan fakta baru jika banyak itemset yang digunakan maka prosentase valid dari saran (output peramalan sistem) yang dihasilkan semakin kecil serta Jumlah item (atribut) inputan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada jumlah itemset (record) sama.
Classification and Regression Trees (CART) Algorithm for Employee Selection Aulia Rahmawati; Rizal Muhammad Affandi; Dea Debora Aprillia; Daffa Maulana; Zudha Pratama; Moch. Sjamsul Hidajat
Journal of Applied Intelligent System Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journal of Applied Intelligent System
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and IndoCEISS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/jais.v7i3.7201


Recruitment is the main key in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in a company. Good or bad employees greatly affect the quality of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to be thorough and take a long time in screening applicants in order to get competent, professional and as expected prospective employees. The absence of professional staff to conduct employee selection is the background of this research. So the researcher uses the CART algorithm for the classification of employee recruitment, so it is hoped that it can help companies in conducting employee selection. The dataset was obtained from the selection of freelance daily workers at the Pati Regency Civil Service Police Unit in 2018, totaling 290 prospective employees. Based on calculations on 5-fold cross validation, the resulting accuracy is 98.27%, precision is 99.13% and recall is 96.88%.
Expert System for Detecting Diseases of Potatoes of Granola Varieties Using Certainty Factor Method Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono; Moch. Sjamsul Hidajat; Tri Esti Rahayuningtyas; Zudha Pratama; Iffah Irdinawati; Evita Citra Yustiqomah
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.132 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ijair.v4i2.5312


The low productivity of potatoes is caused by many factors, including the very low quality of the seeds used, poor storage, climate, capital, limited farmer knowledge, and attacks by plant-disturbing organisms, especially diseases. Not only that, many farmers are still unfamiliar with the various diseases that can attack potato plants, or their knowledge about potato plant diseases is incomplete. This study aims to design and develop an expert system web-based application technology using the Certainty Factor (CF) method to detect potato disease symptoms. The CF method defines a measure of the capacity of a fact or provision to express the level of an expert's belief in a matter experienced by the concept of belief or trust and distrust or uncertainty contained in the certainty factor. The results showed that the CF method could function optimally in detecting potato plant diseases which can help farmers based on the symptoms that appear with an accuracy value of 94%.
Optimalisasi Keamanan Data Teks Menggunakan Kombinasi Algoritma Kriptografi ElGamal Dan Vigenere Cipher Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono; Natalinda Pamungkas; Wildan Mahmud; Zudha Pratama; Imelda Dimentieva; Pita Mellati
Prosiding SEMNAS INOTEK (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): SEMINAR NASIONAL INOVASI TEKNOLOGI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/inotek.v7i1.3400


Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan akan informasi. Peningkatan ini memicu timbulnya kejahatan terhadap informasi yang ditukar, baik dalam bentuk pencurian maupun penyadapan informasi. Akibatnya, informasi yang seharusnya bersifat rahasia menjadi dapat diakses oleh pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Untuk menjaga kerahasiaan informasi, diperlukan metode tertentu. Salah satu metode yang bisa dipakai adalah algoritma kriptografi ElGamal dan Vigenere Cipher. Algoritma ElGamal adalah algoritma kriptografi kunci publik yang menggunakan kunci publik untuk enkripsi dan untuk dekripsi nya menggunakan kunci privat. Sementara itu, Vigenere Cipher adalah metode enkripsi alfabetik di mana teks dienkripsi melalui pergeseran karakter yang berbeda dalam teks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan pesan teks dengan menggabungkan algoritma ElGamal dan Vigenere Cipher. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pesan teks yang dienkripsi dengan menggunakan Vigenere Cipher dan ElGamal menjadi makin sulit untuk diakses oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang karena adanya banyak pergeseran karakter serta penggunaan kunci yang lebih kompleks.
Comparative Analysis of the Performance Testing Results of the Backtracking and Genetics Algorithm in Solving Sudoku Games Bonifacius Indriyono; Natalinda Pamungkas; Zudha Pratama; Ery Mintorini; Imelda Dimentieva; Pita Mellati
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/ijair.v5i1.6501


Games that hone thinking skills and logical accuracy have recently been very popular. One of them is the game Sudoku. Sudoku is a game that hones logic through puzzles arranged in rows and columns. Sudoku is also defined as a puzzle game that aims to arrange several numbers in a grid from one to nine on a grid consisting of 9x9 squares. The concept of this Sudoku game is to enter numbers into the rows and columns provided. The rule of this game is that the numbers arranged on the board cannot be the same in every row, column, and 3x3 square in the grid. In another sense, each number entered must appear once in each row and column. When running Sudoku, several numbers are already instructions for players to fill in the next boxes. The number of clues at the beginning of the game determines the difficulty level players face. The fewer clues, the more difficult the Sudoku is to solve. This study aims to compare how to solve Sudoku using genetic algorithms, backtracking, and the completion time needed. The tests' results show that the genetic and backtracking algorithms can solve Sudoku games quickly. Still, the backtracking algorithm has the advantage of being relatively shorter, and the process is not so complicated that the backtracking algorithm can be an alternative solution to solving Sudoku logic games.