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Policy and Planning for Regional Development in the North Coast of Central Java: A Review Philia Christi Latue; Heinrich Rakuasa; Susan. E Manakane
Nusantara Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/202328


Indonesia's coastal areas have abundant natural resources that need to be preserved in a planned manner. The implementation of development in a region has a different portion that causes an imbalance of economic activities in the region where the concentration of population in the coastal area has a diversity of service facilities and services. Coastal communities, especially those who work as fishermen, are closely related to poverty which is related to complex problems, where the cause is inequality of access and resources. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of the region and the perceptions of relevant stakeholders so that it can be expected to formulate directions for the development of coastal areas in poverty reduction. The method used is a scalogram analysis to see the level of development of an area based on the completeness of infrastructure. The results of the analysis show that area IV (Karimunjawa Sub-district) is a priority area for coastal development. This is because the availability of infrastructure is a top priority in planning the development of an area. Poverty alleviation in coastal areas is carried out by community empowerment methods based on the potential of community character by changing the mindset in finding work so that it can generate sustainable income. Abstrak: Wilayah pesisir Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah yang perlu dijaga kelestariannya secara terencana. Pelaksanaan pembangunan di suatu wilayah memiliki porsi yang berbeda sehingga menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah tersebut dimana pemusatan penduduk di wilayah pesisir memiliki keragaman fasilitas pelayanan dan jasa. Masyarakat pesisir khususnya yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan sangat erat kaitannya dengan kemiskinan yang terkait dengan permasalahan yang kompleks, dimana penyebabnya adalah ketimpangan akses dan sumber daya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perkembangan wilayah dan persepsi stakeholder terkait sehingga diharapkan dapat merumuskan arahan pengembangan wilayah pesisir dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis skalogram untuk melihat tingkat perkembangan suatu wilayah berdasarkan kelengkapan infrastruktur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa wilayah IV (Kecamatan Karimunjawa) merupakan wilayah prioritas pengembangan wilayah pesisir. Hal ini dikarenakan ketersediaan infrastruktur menjadi prioritas utama dalam perencanaan pembangunan suatu wilayah. Pengentasan kemiskinan di wilayah pesisir dilakukan dengan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat yang berbasis pada potensi karakter masyarakat dengan merubah pola pikir dalam mencari pekerjaan sehingga dapat menghasilkan pendapatan yang berkelanjutan.
Regional Development Planning and Policy in the Aspects of Vulnerability and Disaster Resilient Cities: A Review Theochrasia Latue; Philia C Latue; Daniel A Sihasale; Heinrich Rakuasa
Nusantara Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/202333


Disaster management in the world has undergone a paradigm change that is from responsive to preventive, from sectoral to multi-sector, from government responsibility solely to joint responsibility, centralization to decentralization and from emergency response to disaster risk reduction. Based on 6 directives of the President of the Republic of Indonesia delivered during the Rakornas PB (Disaster Management) at surabaya, February 2, 2019 one of which is "Regional development planning must be based on aspects of DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction)". Disaster risk-based regional development planning aims to reduce the impact of disaster risk including, threats, vulnerabilities, and capacity. Vulnerability assessment in areas that have the potential to experience disaster events is one of the important factors that must be reviewed in disaster mitigation efforts. Vulnerability assessment with the concept of data from wisdom allows local policymakers to recognize their specific situation in the broader context of a similar situation, providing regional perspectives and important connections between regions. Based on the efforts that have been integrated between the program into city spatial planning, it is hoped that it can increase the resilience of the City in facing disasters and adapt to climate change. Abstrak: Penanggulangan bencana di dunia telah mengalami perubahan paradigma yaitu dari responsif menjadi preventif, dari sektoral menjadi multi sektor, dari tanggung jawab pemerintah semata menjadi tanggung jawab bersama, sentralisasi menjadi desentralisasi dan dari tanggap darurat menjadi pengurangan risiko bencana. Berdasarkan 6 arahan Presiden Republik Indonesia yang disampaikan pada saat Rakornas PB (Penanggulangan Bencana) di surabaya, 2 Februari 2019 salah satunya adalah "Perencanaan pembangunan daerah harus berbasis pada aspek PRB (Pengurangan Resiko Bencana)". Perencanaan pembangunan daerah berbasis risiko bencana bertujuan untuk mengurangi dampak risiko bencana yang meliputi, ancaman, kerentanan, dan kapasitas. Penilaian kerentanan pada wilayah yang berpotensi mengalami kejadian bencana merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus dikaji dalam upaya mitigasi bencana. Penilaian kerentanan dengan konsep data dari kearifan memungkinkan para pembuat kebijakan lokal untuk mengenali situasi spesifik mereka dalam konteks yang lebih luas dari situasi yang sama, memberikan perspektif regional dan hubungan penting antar wilayah. Berdasarkan upaya yang telah diintegrasikan antara program tersebut ke dalam perencanaan tata ruang kota, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ketangguhan Kota dalam menghadapi bencana dan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim.
Study of Development Planning and Spatial Policy of Mapanget Sub-district, Manado as a New City Center: A Review Susan E Manakane; Philia Christi Latue; Heinrich Rakuasa
Nusantara Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/202336


The policy in dividing the KBI and KTI regions is intended to avoid development imbalances that occur in Indonesia. Development in Eastern Indonesia is considered disproportionate and only focused on the Western Region. But now the priority of regional development will be focused on Eastern Indonesia. As a large city in North Sulawesi that is included in Eastern Indonesia, Manado has a strategic location as an investment gateway to economic growth in Eastern Indonesia, this is the background for the development plan of Mapanget sub-district which is included in the Manado City area to become a new city center. This research aims to assess the feasibility of the Mapanget area as the object of this strategic project. The method used was a literature study in combination with the availability of secondary data obtained from research, records and provisions related to the analysis of new city development. Based on the results of the various elements of new city development such as residential areas, health and education facilities, trade, services and industry, and population accessibility have experienced large growth in the period (2007-2019) or in the last twelve years. In terms of development planning, there are also complete guidelines that are based on an in-depth study of various aspects, so it can be concluded that Mapanget Sub-district is strategic enough for the development of a New City in Eastern Indonesia. Abstrak: Kebijakan dalam pembagian wilayah KBI dan KTI dimaksudkan untuk menghindari ketimpangan pembangunan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Pembangunan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia dirasa kurang proporsional dan hanya terfokus di Kawasan Barat saja. Namun saat ini prioritas pengembangan wilayah akan difokuskan ke Timur Indonesia. Sebagai Kota besar di Sulawesi Utara yang temasuk Kawasan Timur Indonesia, Manado memiliki lokasi yang strategis sebagai gerbang investasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Timur Indonesia, Hal ini melatarbelakangi rencana pembangunan kecamatan Mapanget yang termasuk wilayah Kota Manado menjadi pusat Kota baru. Dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengkaji kelayakan wilayah Mapanget sebagai objek dari proyek strategis ini. Metode yang dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan kombinasi dengan ketersediaan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari penelitian, pencatatan dan ketetapan yang berhubungan dengan analisa pembangunan kota baru. Berdasarkan hasil dari berbagai unsur pembangunan kota baru seperti wilayah hunian, sarana kesehatan dan pendidikan, perdagangan, bidang jasa dan industri, serta aksesibilitas penduduk telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang besar dalam periode (2007-2019) atau dalam dua belas tahun terakhir. Dari segi perencanaan pembangunan juga tersedia kelengkapan pedoman yang berdasarkan kajian mendalam terhadap beragam aspek, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kecamatan Mapanget cukup strategis untuk pembangunan Kota Baru di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.
Spatial Approach in Health Predicting the Spread of Infectious Disease Incidence Rates (Malaria & COVID-19) in Ambon City, Indonesia, A Review Anesia Clorita Pertuak; Philia Latue; Heinrich Rakuasa
Journal of Health Science and Medical Therapy Том 1 № 02 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jhsmt.v1i02.234


This study explores the role of geographers in analyzing the distribution of infectious diseases (malaria and COVID-19) in Ambon City with a spatial approach in epidemiological analysis. The method used in this review is a comparative descriptive study with a qualitative approach using secondary data from relevant sources. This research will review the role of geographers in analyzing and modeling the distribution of infectious diseases (malaria & COVID-19) in Ambon City from previous research. This research integrates geographic and health data to understand the pattern of spread and environmental factors that influence disease. Through case mapping, environmental factor analysis, and modeling of future trends, this research illustrates the important contribution of geographers in infectious disease control and prevention efforts at the local level. Interdisciplinary collaboration plays a key role in this approach, which ultimately supports more informed and effective decision-making in addressing these health challenges.
Utilization of GeoAI Applications in the Health Sector: A Review Anastasia Amponsah; Philia Latue; Heinrich Rakuasa
Journal of Health Science and Medical Therapy Том 1 № 02 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jhsmt.v1i02.240


This research describes the use of GeoAI, a geospatial data-based artificial intelligence, to improve the understanding and management of health in a global context. GeoAI enables the integration of geographic data such as maps, satellite images, and environmental information with artificial intelligence technology to analyze disease spread, health risk factors, and health resource management more accurately. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The type of research used is a literature study. The literature review database used is by searching on Google Scholar, Scopus, and Google Book. The results of this study show that the basic concept of GeoAI involves more accurate spatial analysis, disease spread monitoring, disease outbreak prediction, and more efficient health resource management. However, challenges such as access to adequate data, lack of understanding among health professionals, and data privacy and security issues need to be addressed for GeoAI to be effectively implemented. In conclusion, GeoAI has great potential in improving public health and addressing global health challenges, but requires careful steps in its implementation.
Climate Change and its Impact on Human Health: A Medical Geography Perspective Agustia Ayu Wulandari; Anesia Clorita Pertuak; Heinrich Rakuasa
Journal of Health Science and Medical Therapy Том 1 № 02 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jhsmt.v1i02.279


This research discusses the impact of climate change on human health using a medical geography approach. Climate change affects health through extreme heatwaves, changing patterns of infectious disease spread and intensification of natural disasters. A medical geography perspective provides insight into how geographical factors such as climate, topography and population distribution affect vulnerability to these impacts. The importance of understanding medical geography in meeting these challenges and the need for global cooperation to address the impacts of climate change on human health are emphasized. The article underscores the need for appropriate mitigation measures to protect future human health in the face of increasingly apparent climate change.
Policy Review and Regional Development in Disaster Mitigation (Case Study: 2004 Aceh Tsunami and 2011 Tōhoku Tsunami) Philia Christi Latue; Susan Manakane; Heinrich Rakuasa
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.165


The geological location of Indonesia and Japan means that both countries experience frequent disasters. On December 26, 2004, Aceh, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and the westernmost province in Indonesia, was hit by a tsunami that left 166,000 people dead or missing and 500,000 people displaced. While on March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tōhoku Tsunami with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred and resulted in approximately 15,800 fatalities and 220,000 displaced persons. This study uses a descriptive comparative study method by reviewing policies and regional development in disaster mitigation after the Aceh Tsunami (2004) and the Tōhoku Tsunami (2011) occurred. Policies related to disaster mitigation in Aceh show that tsunamis were never considered in urban planning before the 2004 Aceh Tsunami, while Japan has developed them since 1896 after the Great Meiji Sanriku Tsunami occurred. Existing disaster mitigation policies in Aceh's spatial planning have also not been implemented optimally and consistently. Japan's policies and regional development in disaster mitigation can be a lesson learned as Japan is considered worldwide as a model country in the field of tsunami preparedness and resilience.
Role of Geographers in the Analysis and Modeling of the Spread of Communicable Diseases (Malaria & COVID-19) in Ambon City: A Spatial Approach for Epidemiological Analysis Theochrasia Latue; Philia Latue; Sandy Liwan; Susan Manakane; Heinrich Rakuasa
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.198


This study explores the role of geographers in analyzing the distribution of infectious diseases (malaria and COVID-19) in Ambon City with a spatial approach in epidemiological analysis. The method used in this review is a comparative descriptive study with a qualitative approach using secondary data from relevant sources. This research will review the role of geographers in analyzing and modeling the distribution of infectious diseases (malaria & COVID-19) in Ambon City from previous research. This research integrates geographic and health data to understand the pattern of spread and environmental factors that influence disease. Through case mapping, environmental factor analysis, and modeling of future trends, this research illustrates the important contribution of geographers in infectious disease control and prevention efforts at the local level. Interdisciplinary collaboration plays a key role in this approach, which ultimately supports more informed and effective decision-making in addressing these health challenges.