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Pendidikan Islam Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Idealisme Yanuarti, Eka
BELAJEA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/bjpi.v1i2.108


Idealism is a flow of philosophy that emphasizes the importance of excellence thoughts (mind), soul or spirit instead of the things that are related to immaterial or material. The nature of a human is the soul or the spirit, called "mind". Mind is an entity that is aware of its state, and playing a role as stimulant and stimuli all the human behavior. The role of philosophy in education is to provide a reference in the philosophy of education in order to create an ideal education expected by a society or a nation. Throughout history, the philosophy of idealism is also related to religion, because they both focus on the spiritual aspect. Thus the study of the flow of philosophical idealism towards Islamic education includes issue objectives of Islamic education, Islamic education curriculum, the teaching methods of Islamic education, the learning mateial of Islamic education, learners’ position in the Islamic education and the role of educators in Islamic education Keywords: Islamic Education, Philosophy and Idealism
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 11, No 2 (2017): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v11i2.3489


The progress in education side today, cannot be separated from the role of figures as the main actor. The figure who has a major contribution to the development of education in Indonesia and become a Father of National Education that is KI. Hajar Dewantara, This study is a library research by using content analysis approach. His thought about education is relevant to the K13, such as learning objectives, which are aimed at educational goals in four dimensions, physical, intellectual, spiritual and social objectives. The purpose of education is; equally directing educational goals relating to individuals and society, but in K13 the objectives itself are further related to the nation and state, even the civilization of the world. The role of educators according to KI. Hajar Dewantara as facilitator and motivator. Meanwhile, according to the k13 the role of educator itself as a facilitator in learning and as a learning partner for learners. Both agree that there are four competencies that must be owned by an educator, namely pedagogic, personality, social and professional. The principle of learning in theEka Yanuarti414 Jurnal Penelitian, Vol. 11, No. 2, Agustus 2017K13 also related to the Father of National Education’s learning principles. He stated that there are five principles itself: the principle of independence, the principle of nationality, the principle of culture, the principle of nature and the principle of humanity. Furthermore, in the learning materials both agreed that learning materials are taught in accordance with the level of development of the age of learners. Both of them put the subjects of education of Religion and Character in every level of the educational unit
Media Akademika Vol 31, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Media Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Dunia pendidikan saat ini sedang mengalami krisis dan masalah dalam berbagai hal, tidak hanya dalam hal prestasi juga pada aspek sosial para siswanya. Pada umumnya gejala masalah sosial ini tampak pada perilaku keseharian para siswa. Sikap-sikap individualistis, egoistis, acuh tak acuh, kurangnya rasa tanggung jawab, malas dalam berkomunikasi, selain itu munculnya perilaku-perilaku kekerasan, pemaksaan kehendak, pengrusakan, konflik antar kelompok serta tawuran antar siswa merupakan fenomena yang menunjukkan adanya kehampaan nilai sosial dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Cooperative Learning merupakan salah satu model pembelajaaran terpadu dengan menumbuhkan kerja sama dalam pembelajaran. Di mana dalam proses belajar tidak harus dari guru menuju siswa, siswa dapat juga saling mengajar siswa yang alinnya. Komunikasi dibangun dengan melibatkan siswa dan guru yang terjalin secara seimbang, yaitu komunikasi antara guru dan siswa, siswa dengan guru dan sesama siswa.
Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menumbuhkan Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa Fitriani, Atika; Yanuarti, Eka
BELAJEA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/belajea.v3i2.527


Abstrak. SMAN 01 Lebong Atas merupakan sekolah tingkat SMAN yang mengedepankan dan menanamkan akhlak mulia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan spiritual siswa di SMAN 01 Lebong Atas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Upaya guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan spiritual siswa di SMAN 01 Lebong Atas dilaksanakan melalui beberapa cara: Menjadi teladan bagi siswanya, membantu siswa merumuskan misi hidup mereka, membaca Al-Qur`an bersama siswa dan dijelaskan maknanya dalam kehidupan, menceritakan pada siswa tentang kisah-kisah agung dari tokoh-tokoh spiritual, mengajak siswa berdiskusi dalam berbagai persoalan dengan perspektif ruhaniah, mengajak siswa kunjungan ke tempat-tempat orang yang menderita, melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan keagamaan, mengajak siswa menikmati keindahan alam, mengikutsertakan siswa dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sosial, dan membentuk tim nasyit.
Pengaruh Sikap Religiusitas terhadap Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Masyarakat Kelurahan Dusun Curup Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Yanuarti, Eka
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STAIN Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v3i1.387


This study aims to determine the influence of religious attitudes toward PHBS community at RejangLebong district. This research is field research, with approach of mixed methods, concurrent triangulation model. The results showed that the attitude of religiosity has a contribution of 83.80% to the community PHBS Dusun Curup. The attitude of the religiosity of society has an influence on the clean behavior of them, as the religious ritual dimension brings influence to the behavior of using clean water in everyday life. Then the dimension of religious consequences in the community in bringing influence on community behavior in combating mosquito larvae. The influence of the attitude of religiosity on the Psychic / Mental health of society is to make people obedient to the leadership who gave command that is Allah SWT. Coachingpeople have a high legislature in carrying out the duty that is given to them. Making people have an optimistic attitude in facing the future. Reassuring people's souls. Encouraging the community face the problems of life with a patient and steadfast heart.Educating people to be sportive and gentleman to admit their mistakes and sin. Avoiding people from doing despicable and evil. While the influence of medical health, has not brought significant influence as there are still many people who smoke, smoking habit has been evenly done by the fathers, not only fathers, but also the youth who are still in school and have not had a job.
Pelayanan Sosial dan Keagamaan Dengan Menggunakan Media Audio Visual Dalam Meningkatkan WPKNS ABH di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas II A Curup Fadila, Fadila; Yanuarti, Eka
Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jbk.v3i1.798


The article is the result of actions taken in research to improve the WPKNS ABH. The method used in this paper is descriptive analysis, by presenting the results of the study and analyzing the results obtained in the study. The WPKNS ABH is giving donations to Curup Class II Lapas. By coordinating with the Lapas and Stakeholders, in the form of Islamic material, general education material, soft skills, national knowledge and insights, providing counseling services and holding an Islamic Competition. The results of the study and actions showed the insight, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of the ABH in Class II A Curup Prison, before and after the action: ABH insights increased by 52.5% from the total score before the action amounted to 28 (35%) increased to a total of 75 (87.5%) after the action. ABH's knowledge increased by 41.25%, the overall total score before carrying out the actions amounted to 62 (38.75%) increased to 128 (80%) after the action. ABH's skills experienced an increase of 52.5% from a total score of 28 (35%) before the action became 75 (87.5%) after the action was taken. The aspect of ABH value increased by 58.75% from the initial total score of 26 (32.5%) to 73 (91.25%) after the action was taken. The attitude aspect of ABH increased by 43.75% from the total score of 35 (43.75%) to 75 (87.5%) after the action was taken.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 11, No 2 (2017): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v11i2.3489


The progress in education side today, cannot be separated from the role of figures as the main actor. The figure who has a major contribution to the development of education in Indonesia and become a Father of National Education that is KI. Hajar Dewantara, This study is a library research by using content analysis approach. His thought about education is relevant to the K13, such as learning objectives, which are aimed at educational goals in four dimensions, physical, intellectual, spiritual and social objectives. The purpose of education is; equally directing educational goals relating to individuals and society, but in K13 the objectives itself are further related to the nation and state, even the civilization of the world. The role of educators according to KI. Hajar Dewantara as facilitator and motivator. Meanwhile, according to the k13 the role of educator itself as a facilitator in learning and as a learning partner for learners. Both agree that there are four competencies that must be owned by an educator, namely pedagogic, personality, social and professional. The principle of learning in theEka Yanuarti414 Jurnal Penelitian, Vol. 11, No. 2, Agustus 2017K13 also related to the Father of National Education’s learning principles. He stated that there are five principles itself: the principle of independence, the principle of nationality, the principle of culture, the principle of nature and the principle of humanity. Furthermore, in the learning materials both agreed that learning materials are taught in accordance with the level of development of the age of learners. Both of them put the subjects of education of Religion and Character in every level of the educational unit