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Andalas Dental Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Andalas Dental Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.895 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/adj.v4i1.47


There are main factors that play role in the occurrence of caries, those are host factors, microorganism, substrate, and time. If one factor is not there then caries does not occur. Breastfeeding is fat emulsion in a solution of protein, lactose, and organic salt that are secreted by the breast. Breastfeeding contains nutrients that can inhibit caries occurrence. The aim of this study is to determine effect of duration breastfeeding toward def-t Index of 2-3 years old child in Posyandu Puskesmas Andalas. This study design is an observational with cross sectional design. The total sample were 68 of 2-3 years old children in Posyandu Puskesmas Andalas. The analysis effect of duration breastfeeding toward def-t Index is Chi Square’s Test. This study shows that there are significant effect (p<0,05) between duration breastfeeding toward def-t Index of 2-3 Years Old Child. def-t Index the moderate category for ≥6 months breastfeeding and def-t index the high category for <6 months breastfeeding.There is effect duration breastfeeding toward def-t Index of 2-3 years old. Key words : Breastfeeding, def-t Index, caries
Cakradonya Dental Journal Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : FKG Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.425 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/cdj.v9i1.9875


Kontrol infeksi adalah suatu upaya pencegahan penyebaran mikroorganisme, baik dari pasien ke pasien lainnya, pasien ke operator, operator ke pasien, operator ke lingkungan dan lingkungan ke pasien. Kontrol infeksi yang efektif adalah salah satu indikator penting menunjukkan tercapainya pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung jumlah koloni dan mengidentifikasi bakteri pada air yang melewati Dental Unit Waterline (DUWL) di dental unit Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (RSGM) Universitas Andalas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menampung air dari high-speed handpiece, water syringe dan ultrasonic scaler. Berdasarkan rumus penelitian Federer (2007) diperoleh sebanyak 9 sampel dalam satu kelompok alat. Sehingga sampel seluruhnya berjumlah 27. Pengambilan sampel didapat menggunakan metode acak sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 22 sampel air terkontaminasi oleh bakteri, 4 diantaranya tidak sesuai dengan standar ADA. Kontaminasi bakteri kokus Gram positif sebanyak 8 sampel dan basil Gram negatif sebanyak 16 sampel. Bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae ditemukan pada 2 sampel air yang melalui water syringe. Jadi, dental unit waterline (saluran air) pada dental unit berpotensi sebagai sumber mikroorganisme. Kata Kunci: infeksi, bakteri, waterline, handpiece, syringe
Cakradonya Dental Journal Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : FKG Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.434 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/cdj.v12i2.18446


Maloklusi open bite adalah suatu gigitan terbuka merupakan komplikasi paling signifikan suatu fraktur maksila yang tidak memperoleh perawatan dengan segera dirawat, atau terlantar terlalu lama, dalam waktu beberapa hari hingga beberapa minggu dan disebut dengan neglected fracture. Salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini adalah melakukan osteotomi pada maksila. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk memberikan tambahan pengetahuan tentang kelainan yang muncul akibat ditundanya perawatan pada fraktur maksila Le Fort I beserta cara pengelolaannya. Dilaporkan seorang pasien laki-laki, 32 tahun datang ke Poliklinik Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial dengan keluhan tidak dapat mengatupkan kedua rahang dan mengunyah makanan dengan baik. Satu bulan sebelum datang ke RS. Dr. Hasan Sadikin pasien memiliki riwayat jatuh dari atap rumah dengan posisi menelungkup dan wajah terlebih dahulu membentur lantai rumah, selanjutnya pasien dibawa ke Unit Gawat Darurat salah satu rumah sakit swasta terdekat, dinyatakan tidak ada kelainan dan diperbolehkan pulang ke rumah setelah dilakukan pemeriksaaan dan perawatan luka di dalam mulut. Terapi Le Fort I osteotomy dilakukan, reposisi rahang atas untuk mencapai oklusi yang baik, dan maksila difiksasi dengan empat osteosynthesis miniplate.
Strategic Planning for Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) Universitas Andalas (Unand) Indonesia Suci Rahmasari; Harfindo Nismal; Yudi Setyawan; Dyana Putri; Aminatu Nur Rahmah
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 7 No. 10 (2023): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/bsm.v7i10.868


In the current information era, hospitals, including dental and oral hospitals, are required to improve performance and competitiveness as a business entity by not reducing the mission it carries. Currently, computer-based management information systems are a very important supporting tool, and it could even be said to be absolutely necessary to support hospital operational management. A hospital management information system, hereinafter abbreviated as SIMRS, is a communication information technology system that processes and integrates the entire flow of hospital service processes in the form of a network of coordination, reporting, and administrative procedures to obtain precise and accurate information and is part of the health information system. Efforts to utilize information systems are a step forward that need to be implemented in the face of very rapid changes, and the impact of the era of globalization is starting to be felt. Having a health information system is very helpful in data processing activities, most of which are carried out using computers that have been programmed with various programs that will handle an application.
Strategic Planning for Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) Universitas Andalas (Unand) Indonesia Suci Rahmasari; Harfindo Nismal; Yudi Setyawan; Dyana Putri; Aminatu Nur Rahmah
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 7 No. 10 (2023): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/bsm.v7i10.868


In the current information era, hospitals, including dental and oral hospitals, are required to improve performance and competitiveness as a business entity by not reducing the mission it carries. Currently, computer-based management information systems are a very important supporting tool, and it could even be said to be absolutely necessary to support hospital operational management. A hospital management information system, hereinafter abbreviated as SIMRS, is a communication information technology system that processes and integrates the entire flow of hospital service processes in the form of a network of coordination, reporting, and administrative procedures to obtain precise and accurate information and is part of the health information system. Efforts to utilize information systems are a step forward that need to be implemented in the face of very rapid changes, and the impact of the era of globalization is starting to be felt. Having a health information system is very helpful in data processing activities, most of which are carried out using computers that have been programmed with various programs that will handle an application.
Pola sidik bibir suku Batak Mandailing dan Sunda di Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia berdasarkan klasifikasi Suzuki dan Tsuchihashi: studi cross-sectional Afifah Fitri Amalia; Harfindo Nismal; Desy Purnama Sari
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 7, No 3 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v7i3.50334


ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Masyarakat pendatang Sumatera Barat berasal dari berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia, diantaranya Batak Mandailing (proto-melayu) dan Sunda (deutro-melayu). Sumatera Barat dikenal sebagai daerah “Supermarket Bencana” sehingga data antemortem menjadi hal penting bagi individu dalam menentukan identitas, salah satunya dengan sidik bibir. Keunggulan iidentifikasi dengan sidik bibir diantaranya yaitu bersifat permanen sebab tidak berubah sejak usia 6 minggu intrauterine hingga meninggal dunia, bersifat khas, unik dan personal serta mudah dan murah untuk diaplikasika.  Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sidik bibir dominan pada Suku Batak Mandailing dan Sunda di Sumatera Barat berdasarkan klasifikasi Suzuki dan Tsuchihashi. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif observasional menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan metode survei. Sampel berjumlah 28 responden Suku Batak Mandailing dan 28 Suku Sunda. Penentuan etnis responden ditetapkan dari dua generasi sebelumnya, berusia 17-40 tahun, dengan kondisi bibir tidak mengalami inflamasi, kelainan dan tidak pernah dilakukan operasi. Pengambilan sidik bibir menggunakan lipstik, kemudian dicetak dengan selofan dan dianalisis menggunakan sistem komputerisasi. Selanjutnya tipe sidik bibir diklasifikasikan berdasarkan klasifikasi Suzuki dan Tsuchihashi. Hasil: Pola sidik bibir yang ditemukan pada Suku Batak Mandailing adalah tipe I (60,7%) dan tipe III (28,6%), Sunda tipe I (82,1%). Simpulan: Pola sidik bibir berdasarkan klasifikasi Suzuki dan Tsuchihashi, paling banyak dijumpai pada Suku Batak Mandailing dan Suku Sunda di Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat adalah tipe I (vertikal lengkap).KATA KUNCI: pola, sidik bibir, suku, klasifikasi, suzuki dan tsuchihashiLip Pattern Types among Mandailing Bataknese and Sundanese in Padang City, Sumatera Barat Province, Indonesia: cross-sectional study ABSTRACT Introduction: The immigrant community from West Sumatra comes from various ethnic groups in Indonesia, including Batak Mandailing (proto-Malay) and Sundanese (deutro-Malay). West Sumatra is known as a "Disaster Supermarket" region, so antemortem data is important for individuals in determining identity, one of which is lip prints. The advantages of lip patterns include being permanent because it does not change from the age of six weeks intraurine until death,  being specific, unique and individual, and being simple and cheap to apply. This study aims to determine the dominant lip print pattern of the Mandailing and Sundanese Batak Tribes in West Sumatra based on the Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classifications. Methods: The type of research is descriptive observational study using a cross-sectional approach with survey methods. The sample consisted of 28 respondents from the Mandailing Batak tribe and 28 respondents from the Sundanese tribe. The ethnicity of the respondents was determined by the previous two descendants, aged 17–40 years, with lips that had no inflammation or abnormalities and had never had surgery. Lip prints are taken using lipstick, then printed with cellophane and analyzed using a computerized system. Next, the types of lip prints are classified based on the Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classifications. Results: The dominant lip print patterns of the Mandailing Batak tribe are type I (60,7%) and type III (28,6%); while Sundanese lip print pattern is type I (82.1%). Conclusion: The dominant lip print patterns of the Mandailing Batak and Sundanese tribe are types I (complete vertical).KEY WORDS:  pattern, lip prints, ethnicity, suzuki, and tsuchihashi, classification
Pengetahuan dan Keinginan Pasien pada Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi di Kecamatan Padang Utara Melakukan Vaksinasi COVID-19 Safira Aziza; Susi Susi; Harfindo Nismal
Andalas Dental Journal Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Andalas Dental Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/adj.v11i2.261


Background: Vaccination is an action to raise immunity actively by injecting an antigen substance to trigger the formation of antibodies to be immune from the disease or only experience mild symptoms. According to data from the Padang City Health Office, the North Padang sub-district is included in 5 sub-districts with low vaccination coverage. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and the intention of dental clinic patients to carry out COVID-19 vaccination in the sub-district area of Padang Utara. Methods: This research is an analytical study using a Cross-Sectional design study approach with chii-square test. The sample in this study was 107 respondents using purposive sampling techniqueobtained from research questionnaires filled out by respondents. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis processed by using SPSS.Results: 58.9% of respondents have good knowledge about vaccinating, and 66.4% are willing to vaccinate. 23.8% of respondents who had good knowledge but had a low intention to carry out COVID-19 vaccination, and as many 76.2% of respondents who had good knowledge with a high intention to carry out COVID-19 vaccination and obtained significant results with a p-value = 0.005 (<0.05)..Conclusion: There is a correlation between dental clinic patients’ knowledge of dental health service facilities in the sub-district area of Padang Utara with the intent to conduct COVID-19.