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Universitas Harapan Bangsa

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Terapi Ice Pack dan Teknik Deep Breath Relaxation untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan Kala I pada Ibu Bersalin di Puskesmas Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara Retno Mawar Arum; Surtiningsih Surtiningsih; Fauziah Hanum Nur Adriyani
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 9 (2023): Volume 6 No 9 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i9.11523


ABSTRAK Persalinan merupakan serangkaian peristiwa keluarnya bayi yang cukup umur berada dalam Rahim ibu, dan disusul keluarnya plasenta dan selaput. Ketidaknyamanan pada proses persalinan berupa rasa nyeri yang semakin bertambah dengan pembukaan. Asuhan sayang ibu dibutuhkan untuk meminimalisir trauma dan resiko. Salah satunya asuhan sayang ibu berupa mengatasi ketidaknyamanan saat nyeri persalinan. Teknik non farmakologi yang dapat diberikan kepada pasien untuk mengatasi nyeri persalinan seperti terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) adalah membantu menurunkan skala nyeri ibu bersalin kala I dengan terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation dengan memberikan pemahaman mengenai terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu dengan pemberian pemahaman kepada ibu bersalin kala I mengenai dengan terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation serta penerapan dengan terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation pada ibu bersalin kala I untuk menurunkan skala nyeri dan target dan luaran yang diharapkan adalah berkurangnya nyeri dan publikasi jurnal terakreditasi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengenai implementasi terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation pada ibu bersalin kala I dilakukan di Puskesmas Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara dengan pasien yang dilakukan pengukuran skala nyeri sebelum diberikan terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation, pemberian pemahaman kepada pasien terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation, penerapan terapi ice pack dan teknik relaksasi nafas dengan alokasi waktu 20 menit, evaluasi kegiatan dan tahap monitoring skala nyeri. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada 6 ibu bersalin mengenai terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation didapatkan karakteristik ibu bersalin dengan resiko tinggi sebanyak  (50%) dan ibu bersalin usia subur sebanyak (50%), berdasarkan gravida ibu bersalin dengan primigravida sebanyak (67%), sebagian besar ibu bersalin memiliki pemahaman dengan hasil baik (50%), setelah diberikan terapi ice pack dan teknik deep breath relaxation mengalami penurunan tingkat nyeri dari sebelum pemberian dan setelah pemberian mengalami penurunan nyeri dengan ratata skor 2,33 dan lama kala I dengan ratata 9 jam dan kala II ratata 29 menit. Kata Kunci: Persalinan, Nyeri Kala I, Terapi Ice Pack, Teknik Deep Breath Relaxation  ABSTRACT Labor is a series of events when a baby is old enough to be in the mother's womb, followed by the expulsion of the placenta and membranes. Discomfort in the delivery process in the form of pain that increases with opening. Mother's loving care is needed to minimize trauma and risk. One of them is maternal care in the form of overcoming discomfort during labor pain. Non-pharmacological techniques that can be given to patients to deal with labor pain such as ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques. The purpose of community service (PKM) is to help reduce the pain scale of mothers in the first stage of labor with ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques by providing an understanding of ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques. The solution offered is to provide understanding to mothers in the first stage of labor regarding ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques as well as the application of ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques to mothers in the first stage of labor to reduce the pain scale and the target and expected outcome is reduced pain and accredited journal publications. Community service activities regarding the implementation of ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques for mothers in the first stage of labor were carried out at the Karangkobar Health Center, Banjarnegara Regency with patients who were measured on a pain scale before being given ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques, providing understanding to patients with ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques, applying ice pack therapy and breathing relaxation techniques with an allotted time of 20 minutes, evaluating activities and monitoring the pain scale. The results of community service activities for 6 mothers regarding ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques showed that the characteristics of mothers with high risk were (50%) and mothers of childbearing age (50%), based on the gravida of mothers giving birth with primigravidas as many as (67 %), the majority of mothers who gave birth had an understanding with good results (50%), after being given ice pack therapy and deep breath relaxation techniques they experienced a decrease in pain levels from before administration and after administration experienced a decrease in pain with an average score of 2.33 and the length of the first stage with an average of 9 hours and the second stage with an average of 29 minutes.  Keywords: Labor, Pain in The First Stage, Ice Pack Therapy, Deep Breath Relaxation Technique