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Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Vol 1, No 1 (2018): 1st National Seminar on Elementary Education (SNPD 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.451 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v1i1.23784


Education really aims to humanize humans. When a childborn into the world, he is equipped with various potential that must be actualized. The process of actualization is done deliberately called the educational process. The teacher plays an important role in the processeducation primarily in shaping a child's ability to shape skillsin the form of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Teachers are also influential to make improvements to a healthy learning environment, conducive and comfortable for students. Complete school facilities are certainly not a guarantee for the protection of children's rights because violence in primary school-aged children is still common in schools. Implementation of child-friendly school program is done to reduce the problem to the students according to rights in convention of child. One of the main pillars of child-friendly school is the availability of a healthy, safe and protective environment. Schools also serve to protect children's rights so that children feel safe from violence, abuse and exploitation. While it is easy to understand that a nonviolent environment is a prerequisite of productive learning, it is certainly more difficult to take precautions. Improving the relationship of teachers and students to be one strategic action to understand the needs of each student. Effective communication relationship can be done through snap diary program. Every student has right and freedom to talk about the events that he has experienced. Through a snap diary, students can express the events they experienced not only through writing but also through pictures. Teacherwhich has a large number of classes will be easier to analyze the problems of students through snap dairy.
Taman Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.795 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/tc.v4i1.6398


This study aims to improve the ability to understand the concept of the properties of the flat figure of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Widoro through visual learning media. This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were grade IV students of SD Negeri Widoro as many as 30 students. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, and documentation. The instrument used in the form of learning achievement tests, concept understanding tests, and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques using qualitative and quantitative. The results of observation before the action showed that the average comprehension ability of students 'mathematical concepts was 65.67, which was included in the sufficient category. Then in the first cycle, the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts on average increased from the low to the high categories (understanding ability average concept of 74.48. To strengthen the observations of the first cycle, learning activities continued with the second cycle, the results of understanding the ability of mathematical concepts increased from 74.48 to 84.53 in the high category, while students' learning completeness in the first cycle was 73.33 in cycle II increased to 76.67 and has met the minimum completeness criteria in the material properties of flat shape. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the use of visual learning media can improve the understanding of mathematical concepts of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Widoro in the school year 2019/2020.
Taman Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/tc.v5i2.11080


Strengthening literacy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge for academics and educational practitioners to continue in encouraging literacy. Literacy was one of the important programs in education because literacy culture in Indonesia was still low. The pandemic had hampered the implementation of the School Literacy Movement. Therefore, this research aimed to: 1) develop reading materials in the form of Augmented Reality-based fairy tales for elementary school students so that they became supporting tools of the School Literacy Movement during the pandemic; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of Augmented Reality-based fairy tales in fostering literacy habits in elementary school students. This research was a development research in elementary school students which refered to the ADDIE development stage which had been modified to suit the research objectives. The development stages were: 1) Analysis; 2) Design; 3) Development; 4) Implementation; and 5) Evaluation. The research data were collected through observation, documentation, questionnaires, and tests. The data analysis techniques in this research were divided into four, namely preliminary studies, product development processes, product feasibility tests, and product practicality tests. The research results showed that stories based on AR developed as literacy material for students in Elementary Schools was considered worthy of a good category after validation tests were carried out by material experts, media experts, and practitioners. Keywords: augmented reality, digital literacy. References:   Apriyani,  M.E., Huda, M., &  Prasetyaningsih, S.  2016. Analisis Penggunaan Marker Tracking Pada Augmented Reality Huruf Hijaiyah. JURNAL INFOTEL - InformatikaTelekomunikasiElektronika,8(1), Arini, A., & Fitrana, E.A. 2019. Pengembangan Aplikasi Katalog Rumah Berbasis Augmented Reality Menggunakan Algoritma FAST. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 4(1), 9. Asfandiyar, A.Y. 2010. Cara Pintar Mendongeng. Bandung: Mizan. Habsari, Z. 2017. Dongeng sebagai Pembentuk Karakter Anak. Bibliotika: Jurnal Kajian Perpustakaan dan Informasi.Vol 1 No. 1-April 2017(21-29). Khansa, A.R. 2017. The Pengembangan Aplikasi “Indonesian Landmark” Berbasis Android dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality. KOPERTIP : Jurnal Ilmiah ManajemenInformatikaDanKomputer,1(2),77–84. Krissandi, A.D.S. 2018. Buku Cerita Anak Yang Bermuatan Pendidikan Anti Korupsi. NATURALISTIC : Jurnal Kajian Penelitian   Pendidikan  Dan  Pembelajaran,2(2), 139. Mutiasih, P., Iswara, P., Nugraha, & Trisna. 2021. Pengembangan Buku Bercerita bergambar berbasis Pendidikan karakter Dalam menumbuhkan Budaya Literasi Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar. Taman Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an, 5(1), 560. Nurgiyantoro, B. 2013. Sastra Anak: Pengantar Pemahaman Dunia Anak. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. OECD.  2019.  Programme  for  International  Students  Assessment  (PISA)  Result  from  PISA 2018. Indonesia-Country Note-PISA 2018 Result, Volumes I-III. Puspasari,  R., & Suryaningsih,  T.  2019.  Pengembangan  Buku  ajar  kompilasi  Teori Graf dengan Model ADDIE. Journal of Madives Vol. 3(1), 137-152. Scrivner, O., Madewell, J., Buckley, C., & Perez, N. 2017. Augmented reality digital technologies (ARDT) for foreign language teaching and learning. FTC 2016 - Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference, 395–398. Sugiyono. 2015. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta Sumartini, L.P.A., Antara, P.A.,   &   Magta, M.  2017.   Pengaruh   Metode Dongeng Interaktif  Terhadap  Karakter  Anak  Pada  Taman  Kanak-Kanak  Kuncup  Harapan  Singaraja. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Vol. 5, No. 1. Yuen, S., et al. 2011. Augmented Reality: An Overview and Five Directions for AR in Education. Journal of Education Technology Development and Exchange, 4(1), 119-140. Doi: 10.18785/jetde.0401.10. Wangid, M. N., Mustadi, A., & Putri, A. R. 2018. Fairy Story Integration For Meaningful Classroom. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 37(2), 6–8.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi Vol 8, No 1: April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pangabdhi.v8i1.14002


This service activity is a collaboration between the Service Team and Taman Baca Abdurohman. Taman Baca Abdurohman at the beginning of its establishment was the initiation of a community group in RT.13/08 Panjatan, Kulon Progo. The purpose of establishing the Taman Baca Abdurohman is to facilitate children in the surrounding environment who like to read or want to read but are hindered by economic affordability. In addition, the purpose of establishing the Taman Baca Abdurohman is to increase interest in reading and improve literacy, especially for children around and in general the community in the reading park environment is located. Children as the main users of the benefits of Taman Baca Abdurohman's have a tendency to like folklore and fairy tales. With the advancement of science and technology, of course, adjustments must be made by Taman Baca Abdurohman. The service team and partner cooperation programs implemented to achieve these goals are empowerment and mentoring. Empowerment activities are carried out through adding to the collection of books in Abdurohman's reading park and implementing empowerment for PKK mothers around the reading park locations, mentoring activities are carried out through the provision of English language tutoring and competitions. The results of the evaluation of the service program showed that there was an increase in the number of visits by members of the Taman Baca Abdurohman and the general public to the place. So it can be concluded that the solution provided by the service team is appropriate to overcome the problems that exist in Taman Baca Abdurohman's.
Digital Literacy Initiation Through the Family Literacy Movement for Sogan Elementary School Parents Novy Trisnani; Anita Dewi Astuti; Wulan Tri Puji Utami; Endah Rahmawati
International Journal of Public Devotion Vol 5, No 1 (2022): January - July 2022
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/ijpd.v5i1.2754


The progress of knowledge in the educational process is one of the crucial needs that must be met by parents and guardians of students, especially when implementing learning from home as a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic. The Community Service Program with activities to introduce digital-based family literacy movements is one of the efforts to help the community, especially parents, to continue to understand the progress of knowledge to support the education and learning process from home. Outcomes Community service activities that have been carried out at SD Negeri Sogan aim to help improve digital literacy skills in everyday life. The subjects of the service were the guardians of the sixth grade students at SD Negeri Sogan as many as 20 people. The method of implementing service activities is carried out through 3 (three) stages, namely need assessment, implementation, and evaluation of activities. From the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the activities, it can be concluded that 1) it is effective and useful for service participants, namely the guardians of class VI Sogan Elementary School; and 2) there is an increase in the knowledge and understanding of service participants about the digital-based family literacy movement.
Ethnomathematics-Based Learning Tools Novy Trisnani; Wulan Tri Puji Utami
International Journal of Elementary Education Vol 5 No 4 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijee.v5i4.40574


The application of the learning from the home system (BDR) and the implementation of social distancing require teachers to develop mathematics learning resources by utilizing an environment close to students' daily lives. However, there are still many teachers who have difficulty developing learning resources that are suitable for students to apply. This study aimed to design a good, practical, and efficient ethnomathematical-based learning device by utilizing Pawon (kitchen) as a learning resource. Learning tools are designed by modifying the Borg and Gall development procedures, namely exploration, planning, development, initial revision, limited trial, final revision, and dissemination. The learning tools developed are then validated by media, material, and cultural experts, which are then tested on three teachers and 12 students. Data collection instruments in the form of exploration sheets and questionnaires. The analysis technique was carried out through quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The study results are that the design of the learning device developed meets the valid criteria as indicated by the percentage of assessments by material experts, media experts, practitioners, and cultural experts in Kulon Progo Regency, which reaches almost 100%. Practicality criteria based on assessments by teachers and students included in the excellent category and effective criteria based on the criteria reference assessment, more than 75% of students get scores above the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The results of the development of ethnomathematical-based learning tools meet the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective for use in learning mathematics for elementary school students.
Developing Thematic Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) to Improve Affective Domain of The Students in Grade 4 State Elementary School 1 Potrobangsan Magelang Wulan Tri Puji Utami
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Vol 2, No 1 (2019): 4th National Seminar on Educational Innovation (SNIP 2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.986 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v2i1.38444


This study aims to produce a thematic Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) and test the effectiveness of the thematic SSP to improve the affective domain in grade IV elementary school students in Potrobangsan 1 Elementary School Magelang. This research is a Research and Development, which stages consist of: research and data collection; planning; development of product drafts; initial field trials; revision of trial results; field trials; improvement of field trial product products; field implementation test, improvement of the final product. Data collection instruments consisted of interview guidelines, product assessment sheets, SSP assessments by teachers, student observation sheets, response questionnaires and students. The results of this study are in the form of SSP which includes: syllabus, lesson plans, LKPD and evaluation sheets. The results of the SSP assessment are in the form of syllabus, lesson plans, LKPD and assessment sheets developed in good category. Thus it can be stated that the developed SSP was feasible and effective to improve the affective domain of grade IV primary school students.
Taman Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/tc.v6i1.12082


The development of creative thinking skills in student pedagogical activities can form a personality structure, which contributes to improving their professional culture and the effectiveness of the educational process. One form of stimulant that can be given to students is to make students creative in making children's literary works. The population in this study were 4th-semester students of the PGSD study program at IKIP PGRI Wates who took children's literature courses. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of the level of student creativity on the ability to make children's literature. The influence of student learning creativity on the achievement of learning outcomes by 23% shows the tendency of the results of making children's literary works to significantly depend on the creativity of students. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the higher the creativity of students, the higher the ability to make children's literature is achieved.
LindungiAku: Sexual Harassment Educational Media Through Pop-Up Books Wulan Tri Puji Utami; Novy Trisnani; Anita Dewi Astuti
International Journal of Elementary Education Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijee.v6i3.51127


Elementary school students are students who are vulnerable to sexual violence and harassment, so we need media that can provide students with an understanding of the dangers of sexual violence and harassment. The purpose of this research is to develop a valid and effective pop-up book as an educational medium for violence and sexual harassment to elementary school students. This type of research is ADDIE model development research. The subjects in this study were 6 validators and 10 elementary school students. The instruments used in data collection were questionnaire sheets, interview sheets, and validation sheets. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The research data shows that the pop-up book meets the valid criteria, with a validity score of 4.40 from material experts, 4.70 from media experts, and 3.85 from practicing experts. The results of the hypothesis test show a significance value of 0.000 so the research hypothesis that there is an effectiveness of the Protect Aku pop up book as an educational medium for elementary school students can be accepted. So based on these results it can be concluded that the pop-up book that was developed has been valid and effective to be used as a medium for education on violence and sexual harassment to elementary school students.
Workshop Menulis Dongeng Berbasis Augmented Reality untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi Digital Guru SD Wulan Tri Puji Utami; Novy Trisnani; Syauqie Muhammad Marier
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora (Future Issue)
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v4i2.287


The location of SD N Tukharjo, which is about 30 km from the Kulon Progo district center, makes educational facilities such as the regional library difficult to reach for students and teachers. The mobile library car run by the Kulonprogo regional library has also not reached SD N Tukharjo. The impact is that students and teachers only use the school library as literacy material. Currently Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) also limits the circulation of borrowed books in the school library. Through this activity, teachers will be given a deeper understanding of the nature of the literacy-numeration school program. Teachers are also encouraged to produce works in the form of fairy tale books that can add to reading material in reading corners or libraries, as well as increase skills regarding digital literacy by making literacy books based on augmented reality (AR). This service activity is carried out through four stages, namely planning, implementation, mentoring, and evaluation and reflection. From the results of the evaluation and reflection activities it can be concluded: 1) there is an increase in knowledge and digital literacy skills for teachers at SD Negeri Tukharjo, and 2) teachers at SD Negeri Tukharjo have succeeded in composing augmented reality fairy tales and have been ISBN-approved.