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Jurnal HPJI Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v4i1.2845.%p


Abstract This paper describes the disruption of Directorate General of Highway, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, in improving the good governance and financing systems for the execution of regional road. Together with Australia Government through Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative Program, Directorate General of Highway made a grant program called Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat. This program is delivered through pre-financing by local budget and reimbursement grant scheme maximum of 40% by the Central Government with incentives around 10% from total program. Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance applies good governance and open government principles by involving the road authorities, service provider, and road users through Road Transport and Traffic Forum.The Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance program successfully improved the stability and service of roads in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat with the optimum budget. The program also encourages women participation in order to improve gender equality. As a result, Bappenas with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and Ministry of Finance plan to replicate this program for the broader coverage in 2018. Keywords: regional road, road stability, road service, road maintenance, road improvement  Abstrak Makalah ini menjelaskan persoalan yang dihadapi oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, dalam memperbaiki tata pemerintahan dan sistem pembiayaan yang baik untuk menangani jalan daerah. Bersama Pemerintah Australia, melalui Program Inisiatif Infrastruktur Indonesia, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga membuat program hibah yang disebut Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Program ini disampaikan melalui pre-financing dengan skema kompensasi anggaran daerah dan penggantian maksimum sebesar 40% oleh Pemerintah Pusat dengan insentif sekitar 10% dari total program. Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance menerapkan tata pemerintahan yang baik dan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan yang terbuka dengan melibatkan pihak penyelenggara jalan, penyedia jasa, dan pengguna jalan melalui Forum Lalulintas Jalan. Program Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance berhasil memperbaiki kemantapan dan pelayanan jalan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan dana yang optimal. Program ini juga mendorong partisipasi perempuan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesetaraan jender. Hasilnya adalah bahwa Bappenas bersama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat dan Kementerian Keuangan berencana untuk mereplikasi program ini untuk cakupan yang lebih luas pada tahun 2018. Kata-kata kunci: jalan daerah, kemantapan jalan, pelayanan jalan, pemeliharaan jalan, peningkatan jalan
Jurnal HPJI Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v3i2.2739.%p


Abstract Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2015-2019 mandates provincial road stabilization targets of 75% and district/city roads of 65%. However, in 2016 the provincial road stability only amounted to 69.81%, while the district / city roads only amounted to 58.85%. Through Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM) Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM) Grants Program is expected to increase the capability of local government in the management and maintenance of provincial and district roads; including encouragement to Local Government to increase the allocation for road maintenance by providing grant funds of up to 40%. The results of the PRIM program in NTB province stability of roads is maintained and up from 62% (2012) to 72% (2016). On the other hand, in order to improve the governance of road operators and public involvement in road monitoring, the program involves Forum Lalu Lintas Angkatan Jalan (FLLAJ) as community representatives. FLLAJ is tasked to receive various complaints and enter from the community related to PRIM program and follow up the form of input to the Regional Device Work Unit (SKPD). By involving the community directly will be very helpful in terms of monitoring activities. The community also has a sense of ownership of the road infrastructure in the region. Keywords: FLLAJ, Local Road, Society, PRIM  Abstrak Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2015-2019 mengamanatkan target kemantapan jalan provinsi sebesar 75% dan jalan kabupaten/kota sebesar 65%. Namun pada tahun 2016 kemantapan jalan provinsi hanya sebesar 69,81% sedangkan jalan kabupaten/kota hanya sebesar 58,85%. Melalui Program Hibah Peningkatan Kinerja dan Pemeliharaan Jalan Provinsi, yaitu Provincial Road Improvements and Maintenance (PRIM) diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas Pemerintah Daerah dalam pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan jalan provinsi dan kabupaten; termasuk dorongan kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk meningkatkan alokasi untuk pemeliharaan jalan dengan memberikan dana hibah sebesar maksimal 40%. Hasil dari program PRIM di provinsi NTB, kemantapan jalan mampu terjaga dan naik dari 62% (2012) menjadi 72% (2016). Di sisi lain, untuk dapat meningkatkan tata kelola penyelenggara jalan serta keterlibatan publik dalam pengawasan jalan, program ini melibatkan Forum Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan (FLLAJ) sebagai perwakilan masyarakat. FLLAJ bertugas untuk menerima berbagai macam keluhan dan masukan dari masyarakat terkait program PRIM serta melakukan tindak lanjut berupa masukan kepada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). Dengan terlibatnya masyarakat secara langsung akan sangat membantu dalam hal pengawasan kegiatan. Masyarakat juga menjadi mempunyai rasa kepemilikan terhadap infrastruktur jalan di daerahnya. Kata-kata kunci: FLLAJ, Jalan Daerah, Masyarakat, PRIM
Majalah Ilmiah Kaputama Vol 3, No 2 (2019): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 2, EDISI JULI 2019
Publisher : STMIK Kaputama

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In the field of animal husbandry, especially in cattle, the expert system aims to help facilitate the diagnosis of diseases in cattle. The low ability of livestock to meet the need for beef meat and milk is caused by many problems. It could be one of them is a disease. Such as Abscess, Ascariasis, BEF, Bloat, Endometritis, Entritis, Mastitis, Omphaltis, Pneumonia, Retention, Scabies. The emergence of these diseases may be due to the care factors of the breeders so that it affects the health of the bull. the application of the Certainty factor method in the diagnosis of ox disease was built in order to have benefits for the breeders as a consultation media that replaced experts or veterinarians.