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Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik pada Materi Menganalisis Struktur Teks Biografi Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Lotu Arman Suka Damai Zega; Riana; Lestari Waruwu
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.256


The purpose of this research is to develop comic learning media on the material of analyzing the structure of biography text in class X SMK Negeri 1 Lotu which is valid/worthy, practical, and effective. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development). The development model used is the 4D model which consists of four stages, namely the Define stage, Design stage, develop stage, and Disseminate stage. Comic learning media developed through the validity test stage by three validators (material and content experts, linguists, and design experts), small group tests and field tests conducted in class X DPIB SMK Negeri 1 Lotu. Based on the results of research conducted by three validators/experts, comic learning media has been tested valid and feasible by 100% material and content expert validators, 100% language expert validators, and 96% design expert validators. The practicality of comic learning media in the small group test was 93%, and the field test was 94% with very practical criteria. The effectiveness of comic learning media has also been tested very effective with the percentage of classical completeness in the small group test of 100%, and the field test of 87.5%.
Pengembangan Booklet pada Materi Merangkum Buku Fiksi Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Gunungsitoli Utara Yudika Rahmawani Zebua; Riana; Lestari Waruwu
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.258


The purpose of this study is to determine the development of Booklets on material summarizing fiction books grade VII SMP Negeri 2 North Gunungsitoli. This type of research is development (Research and Development). The development model used is the Hannafin and Peck model which consists of four phases namely needs analysis, design, development and implementation and Evaluation and Revision. This Booklet product was developed through a validity test stage by three validators (material experts, linguists, and design experts), small group tests, and large group trials. The results of data analysis, Booklet products on the material summarizing class VII fiction books have been tested valid and feasible by material expert validators in revision III 100%, linguist validators in revision II 94.2%, and design expert validators in revision II 98.4%. The practicality of Booklet in small group trials was 97.2%, and large group trials were 96.9% with very practical categories. Booklet's effectiveness has also been shown to be highly effective with an average hearing for small group trials of 84.3% and large group trials of 96.5%. Based on the results of the research above, the Booklet in the material summarizes the fiction book grade VII SMP Negeri 2 Gunungsitoli Utara which has been developed with the Hannafin and Peck model has met the requirements and is suitable for use
Pengembangan Buku Saku Berbasis Inkuiri pada Materi Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Drama di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho Restu Krismon Putra Zebua; Riana; Lestari Waruwu
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.259


The purpose of this research is to develop a decent, practical, and effective Inquiry-based pocketbook learning media. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model which consists of analysis (Analyze), design (Design), development (Development), implementation (Implementation), evaluation (Evaluation). The research instruments used were questionnaires validating material experts, linguists, and design experts, as well as student response questionnaires and the effectiveness of student learning outcomes. The results of this research are in the form of inquiry-based pocketbook products on the material of identifying the elements of drama. Material expert assessment in revision I reached 71%, in revision II reached 96.3%, with very decent criteria. The assessment of linguists in revision I reached 82.1%, in revision II it reached 100%, with very decent criteria. The design expert's assessment in revision I was 40%, in revision II it reached 98.33% with very feasible criteria. The results of the assessment on the student response questionnaire in the small group trial obtained a score of 95.5% in the very practical category. In the field test, a score of 87.3% was obtained in the very practical category. Assessment of student learning outcomes tests obtained a percentage of classical completeness in 100% small group trials and 100% field trials with very effective criteria. From the results of the research above, pocketbooks are feasible, practical, and effective for use in the learning process.
Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Tataran Ejaan Menulis Karangan Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Gunungsitoli Grace Dominggos Febrini Zendrato; Riana
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.260


This research aims to analyze language errors in the expository essays of class VIII students at SMP Negeri 7 Gunungsitoli. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data for this research is the worksheet of students who wrote expository essays. The data source in this research was class VIII students at SMP Negeri 7 Gunungsitoli. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it shows that spelling errors in class VIII students at SMP Negeri 7 Gunungsitoli included 104 errors consisting of: 48 errors in the use of capital letters were found, including 27 errors in usage at the beginning of sentences, 18 errors in place names, in There is 1 error in the divine name, and there are 2 errors in the title of the essay. There was only 1 error in using italics. There were 25 errors in writing derived words, including 24 errors in the prefix and 1 error in the suffix. There were 6 errors in writing the word re-form. There were 6 errors in writing prepositions found. There were 18 errors in the use of punctuation marks, including 8 errors in the use of the dot (.), 4 errors in the use of the comma (,) and 6 errors in the use of the hyphen (-).
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual pada Materi Menganalisis Unsur Pembangun Puisi Kelas X SMK Negeri 2 Gunungsitoli Lilimeida Zebua; Riana
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.261


The purpose of this study was to develop learning audio visual media on the material of analyzing the elements of poetry building class X SMK Negeri 2 Gunungsitoli. This type of research is development with the ADDIE model which consists of analysis (Analyze), design (Design), Development (Develompment), Implementation (Iplementation), Evaluation (Evaluation), the research instrument used is a validation questionnaire for material experts, linguists and design experts and a student response questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, it has been tested by material validators at revision I of 59.52%, revision II of 95.23%, language experts at revision I of 67.8% and at revision II of 100%, and design experts at revision I of 51% and revision II reached 96.7%. Furthermore, audio visuals are also very practical to use by students with a percentage of practicality in small group trials of 92.6%. And the field trial of 90% audio visual is also effective to use with the percentage of classical completeness of small group trials of 100% and field trials of 90%, From the results of the above research, the audio visual developed is feasible, practical, and effective to use in the learning process
Menganalisis Makna Denotasi dan Makna Konotasi dalam Lirik Lagu Berita Kepada Kawan Ciptaan Ebiet G Ade riana
TE'EHAO Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nias

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56207/taehao.v1i1.33


ABSTRACT Literature can be interpreted as a branch of linguistics that studies all events or events that have occurred in the past regarding the growth and development of a nation's literature, literature provides general insight into human, social and intellectual problems. The lyrics of the song Berita To Kawan have strong emotions about the story of human life. There are some similarities of opinion from various parties regarding the meaning of the song. For some people this song is about natural disasters, but there are also people who think that the song is about being close to God. Ebiet Gade as the songwriter clarified the meaning of the song. The creator of the song Ebiet G Ade, this song is about natural disasters seen from the victim's point of view. Therefore, the song is often used as a soundtrack for news about natural disasters on television because the song is considered to represent sympathy and empathy for the victims of natural disasters. The song also invites listeners to always remember His creator and care for the surroundings, both for fellow humans and the surrounding environment. Keywords: Meaning of Denotation, Meaning of Connotation, News Song to Friends by Ebiet G. Ade. ABSTRAK Sastra dapat diartikan sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu bahasa yang mempelajari segala peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi pada masa lampau tentang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sastra suatu bangsa, sastra memberikan wawasan yang umum tentang masalah manusiawi, sosial maupun intelektual. Lirik lagu Berita Kepada Kawan memiliki emosi yang kuat tentang cerita kehidupan manusia. Terdapat beberapa kesamaan pendapat dari berbagai pihak mengenai makna dari lagu tersebut. Bagi beberapa orang lagu ini menceritakan tentang bencana alam akan tetapi ada juga yang berpikir bahwa lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang kedekatan diri kepada Tuhan. Ebiet G ade selaku pencipta lagu memperjelas makna dari lagu tersebut. Pencipta lagu Ebiet G Ade, lagu ini memang menceritakan tetang bencana alam yang dilihat dari sudut pandang korban. Oleh sebab itu, lagu tersebut sering menjadi Soundtrack berita-berita tentang kejadian bencana alam di televisi karena lagu tersebut dianggap dapat mewakili rasa simpati dan empati bagi para korban bencana alam. Lagu tersebut juga mengajak pendengarnya untuk selalu mengingat penciptaNya dan peduli pada sekitarnya baik itu terhadap sesama manusia mau pun lingkungan sekitar. Kata Kunci: Makna Denotasi Makna Konotasi, Lagu Berita Kepada Kawan Ciptaan Ebiet G. Ade.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Kelas X SMK Negeri 2 Botomuzoi dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Erwin Serius Lase; Riana
TE'EHAO Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nias

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56207/taehao.v2i1.151


This research aims to improve students' ability to write poetry by using the discovery learning model. The subjects of this study were 22 students of class X ATPH at SMK Negeri 2 Botomuzoi even semester. This study uses the Classroom Action Research model with the implementation procedures namely Planning, Action, Observation, Reflection. Based on the results of the study, there was an increase in students' abilities, seen in the assessment of the first cycle, the lowest score was 60 and the highest was 80 with an average value of 67.95. While the second cycle obtained the lowest value of 75 and the highest 95 with an average value of 84.77. The results of the first cycle of researchers at the first meeting were 57.14% and the second meeting was 64.28%. While cycle II the first meeting was 71.42% and the second meeting was 100%. While the results of observations of researchers in the first cycle of the first meeting were 46.75% and the second meeting were 48.05%. It can be concluded that the discovery learning model can improve the ability of class X students at SMK Negeri 2 Botomuzoi