Anang Kristianto
Department Of Civil Engineering, Maranatha Christian University, Jalan Suria Sumantri 65, Bandung 40164, Indonesia

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Confinement of Reinforced-Concrete Columns with NonCode Compliant Confining Reinforcement plus Supplemental Pen-Binder Kristianto, Anang; Imran, Iswandi; Suarjana, Made; Pane, Ivindra
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 44, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.434 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.eng.sci.2012.44.3.2


Abstract.  One  of  the  important  requirements  for  earthquake  resistant  building related  to  confinement  is  the  use  of  seismic  hooks  in  the  hoop  or  confining reinforcement  of  reinforced-concrete  column  elements. However, installation of a  confining  reinforcement  with  a  135-degree  hook  is  not  easy.  Therefore,  in practice, many construction workers apply a confining reinforcement with a  90-degree  hook  (non-code  compliant).  Based  on  research  and  records  of  recent earthquakes  in  Indonesia,  the  use  of  a  non-code  compliant  confining reinforcement  for  concrete  columns  produces  structures  with  poor  seismic performance.  This paper  presents a study  that  introduces  an additional element that is expected to improve the effectiveness of concrete columns confined with a non-code compliant  confining reinforcement. The additional element, named a pen-binder,  is   used to keep the  non-code compliant  confining reinforcement in place. The effectiveness of this element  under pure axial concentric loading  was investigatedcomprehensively.The  specimens  tested  in  this  study  were  18 concrete columns,with a cross-section of 170 mm x 170 mm and a height of 480 mm. The main test variables were the material type of the  pen-binder, the angle of  the  hook,  and  the  confining  reinforcement  configuration.The  test  results indicate  that  adding  pen -binders  can  effectively  improve  the  strength  and ductility of the column specimens confined with a non-code compliant  confining reinforcement. 
Studi Eksperimental Penggunaan Tulangan Pengekang Tidak Standar yang Dimodifikasi pada Kolom Persegi Beton Bertulang Kristianto, Anang; Imran, Iswandi; Suarjana, Made
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1865.077 KB)


Abstrak. Salah satu persyaratan penting untuk konstruksi tahan gempa yang terkait dengan pengekangan adalah pemasangan tulangan pengekang dengan kait gempa 1350 pada sengkang. Dalam pelaksanaannya banyak pelaksana konstruksi menggunakan tulangan pengekang dengan kait 900 atau dengan konfigurasi dobel C (tidak sesuai standar). Berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian dan beberapa catatan dari kejadian gempa di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini, pemasangan tulangan pengekang yang tidak sesuai standar untuk kolom beton bertulang menghasilkan kinerja yang buruk sebagai struktur tahan gempa. Makalah ini memaparkan hasil eksperimen yang bertujuan mengembangkan elemen tambahan (pen-binder) untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengekangan kolom beton dengan tulangan pengekang yang tidak sesuai standar. Efektivitas dari tambahan elemen untuk meningkatkan kinerja pengekangan pada beberapa konfigurasi tulangan pengekang yang tidak standar ini diuji dengan beban aksial dan lateral siklis. Benda uji berjumlah 5 buah kolom, dimensi penampang 260 mm x 260 mm dan tinggi 1500 mm. Variabel pengujian adalah jenis material pen-binder,level beban aksial dan sudut kait yang digunakan dalam tulangan pengekang. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi terhadap tulangan pengekang tidak standar efektif mengekang inti beton, meningkatkan daktilitas dan kemampuan disipasi energikolom benda uji.Abstract. One of the important requirements for earthquake resistant buildings associated with confinement is the use of seismic hook (135-degree hook) in hoop. Therefore, in practice many construction workers use confining reinforcement 90-degree hook or with double C configuration (code non-compliance). Based on some research and some records of recent earthquakes in Indonesia, the use of the code non-compliance confining reinforcement for reinforced concrete columns can result in structures with poor seismic performance. This paper presents the results of experimental study with an objective to develop an additional element (pen-binder) expected to improve the effectiveness of concrete columns confined with non-compliance confining reinforcement. The effectiveness of  this additional element in improving the performance of some configuration of non-compliance confining reinforcement in columns under axial and lateral cyclic loading was investigated in this study.The specimens tested in the study were 5 column specimens, with 260 mm x 260 mm in cross section and 1500 mm in height. The test variables were types of pen-binder material, level of axial load, angle of hook applied. The test results indicate that confining reinforcement modification can be effective in confining the core concrete, improving ductility and dissipation energy of column specimens.
Pengembangan Sambungan Hubungan Join Balok-Kolom Kayu dengan Ring-Modifikasi dan Perkuatan-Paku Yosafat Aji Pranata; Anang Kristianto; Olga Catherina Pattipawaej
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.5


Abstrak. Sambungan antar komponen struktur, khususnya hubungan join balok-kolom memberikan kontribusi yang dominan terhadap perilaku struktur bangunan gedung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perilaku kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu dengan alat sambung baut, yaitu hubungan join balok-kolom. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model perkuatan sambungan dengan adanya ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan-paku (selanjutnya disebut sambungan PRP) untuk meningkatkan tingkat daktilitas sambungan. Ruang lingkup penelitian antara lain jenis kayu yang digunakan yaitu Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), dan Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) dengan rentang berat jenis berkisar antara 0,47-0,72. Pengujian eksperimental dilakukan di laboratorium dengan tipe pembebanan monotonik. Model benda uji yang digunakan mengacu pada metode uji baut pada sambungan kayu ASTM D5652-95. Penggunaan ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan paku memberikan kontribusi positif terhadaphasil pengujian sambungan khususnya perilaku kinerja kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu, yaitu beban batas proporsional yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP meningkat berkisar 3,09-19,89% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar (tanpa perkuatan), beban batas ultimit yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP 3,47-28,94% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Secara umum tingkat daktilitas yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP adalah 3,69-11,03% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Abstract. The connection between the structural members, especially the beam-column joints provide a dominant contribution to the behavior of the building structure. The aim of this research is to study the behavior of strength and stiffness of timber connection with a bolt connection, which are the beam-column joints. In this study is developed a reinforcement connection model with the ring-modification and nail-strengthening (hereinafter referred to as the PRP connection) to improve the connection ductility. The scope of the study is the types of timber used such as Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), and Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) with Specific Gravity ranged from 0.47 to 0.72. Experimental tests are performed in the laboratory using the monotonic loading type. The use of specimens are based on a standard test method for bolts connections in wood ASTM D5652-95. The use of ringmodification and nail-strengthening give a positive contribution to the test results, especially the connection strength and stiffness performance behavior of timber connections, i.e., the proportional limit load can be achieved the PRP connection ranged from 3.09 to 19.89% that increases higher than the standard connection (without reinforcement), ultimate limit loads that can be achieved the PRP connection from 3.47 to 28.94% which is higher compared to the standard connection. In general, the level of ductility can be achieved the PRP connection between 3.69 and 11.03% which is higher compared to the standard connection.
Studi Eksperimental Penggunaan Pen-Binder dan FRP Sebagai Perkuatan Tulangan Tidak Standar Pada Kolom Lingkaran Anang Kristianto; Yosafat Aji Pranata; Iswandi Imran
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.1.7


AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi peningkatan kekuatan yang terjadi pada spesimen kolom lingkaran beton bertulang dengan tulangan pengekang tidak standar yang diberi perkuatan pen-binder dan perkuatan FRP. Benda uji berupa kolom lingkaran dengan diameter 190 mm dan tinggi 480 mm dengan mutu beton 15 MPa. Benda uji terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu kolom dengan tulangan sengkang spiral, kolom dengan tulangan tidak standar/lingkaran, kolom dengan tulangan tidak standar yang diberi perkuatan pen-binder dan kolom dengan tulangan tidak standar dengan perkuatan FRP. Untuk setiap jenis kolom dibuat 3 buah benda uji yang sama. Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji tekan konsentris hingga kolom mengalami kegagalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan pen-binder dan FRP pada tulangan pengekang tidak standar memberikan peningkatan kapasitas aksial berturut-turut sebesar 18% dan 58% dari kolom dengan tulangan spiral. Pen-binder dapat digunakan sebagai solusi perkuatan sederhana untuk tulangan pengekang tidak standar dan lebih ekonomis daripada FRP.AbstractThis study was conducted to evaluate the increasing strength of circular reinforced concrete column specimens with non-compliance confinement reinforcements strengthened by pen-binder and FRP. The test specimens were circular column 190 mm diameter and 480 mm height with 15 MPa concrete strength. The test specimens consist of 4 types of columns where there is a column with spiral reinforcement, columns with non compliance reinforcements, a column with non-compliance reinforcement strengthened by pen-binder and columns with non-compliance reinforcements strengthened with FRP reinforcement. Three specimens were made for each type of column. The axial concentric test was done until the column specimen failure. Test results showed that the use of pen-binder and the FRP with non-compliant confining reinforcement improved axial capacity by 18% and 58% respectively as compared to the columns with spiral reinforcements. Pen-binder can be used as a simple solution for non compliant confining reinforcement strengthening and more economical than FRP. 
Studi Analitis dan Eksperimental Mekanisme Slip-Kritis Sambungan Struktural Baut Baja Noek Sulandari; Yosafat Aji Pranata; Anang Kristianto
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 19 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jts.v19i1.5755


Indonesia's geographical location makes Indonesia as a country prone to earthquake risks, both tectonic as well as volcanic. The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 1729:2015 requires bolt connections for steel buildings with a height of more than 38 m must use high-strength bolts (HSB) with pre-tensioning. Snug-tight and pre-tensioned bolted connections are physically no different. Differences will occur when the connection is loaded, namely for pre-tensioned joints, where slip between the plates being joined as a result of the bolt hole size being larger than the bolt diameter will occur when the slip limit strength is exceeded. This study aims to observe the strength and behavior of pre-tensioned bolted joints with increasing loads. The analysis was carried out according to SNI 1729:2015, with data validation through experimental tests using BJ37 plate specimens loaded with concentric axial tension. The connection uses a HSB-A325 M12 standard hole with class A surface preparation. Pre-tension bolts are applied by turn-of-nut. The test results show that the strength of the slip limit (Pslip) is 37.998 kN; this value is 5.7% higher than the analytical result of 35.94 kN. After reaching the slip limit strength, the connection can still accept the load with the bearing force transfer mechanism and reach the connection limit strength (Pu) of 50.197 kN, 32% exceeding the slip limit strength. Turn-of-nut, one of the methods recommended by SNI 1729:2015, is a fairly simple method for pre-tensioning because no special additional tools are required and the required minimum pre-tensioning force can be met by achieving Pslip experimental results not lower than the results of the analysis.
Implementation of Livable House Standards for Earthquake Resistance in Bandung Regency Michael Sian Adrian Geoffrey Santoso; Anang Kristianto
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/ice.v4i3.7297


The BSPS (Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya) program organized by the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing is a program implemented as a form of improving the quality of self-help housing. Although simple, building like this requires sufficient resistance to earthquakes. The results of the calculation of earthquake resistance that begins with loading the roof obtained a live load of 1.38 N, a super dead load of 0.75 N, and a dead load of 132102.5 N. Further testing on the calculation of ring beams results in ring beams being able to withstand a load of 1 .7191 kN with the help of the column interaction diagram states that the column is able to withstand a load of 252.6964 kN. The results of the ground spectrum response test show that Bandung district has a high earthquake risk and a class II risk period. Static power testing in the x and y directions is 270 kg and 260 kg. the level deviation on the x-axis is 0.0706500 mm and on the y-axis is 0.05575000 mm. This has proven the house to be resistant to earthquakes. Subsequent work can be in accordance with the standards given during the construction process. This building is resistant to earthquakes but the work requires more careful supervision.
Studi Parametrik Pengaruh Konfigurasi Tulangan Longitudinal dan Transversal pada Efektifitas Pengekangan Kolom Persegi Beton Bertulang Menggunakan XTRACT Anang Kristianto; Yosafat Aji Pranata; Noek Sulandari
Jurnal Permukiman Vol 15 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Permukiman dan Perumahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31815/jp.2020.15.73-83


Detailing tulangan pengekang kolom balok persegi pada struktur kolom beton bertulang yang dibangun di daerah rawan gempa memerlukan perhatian khusus mengingat banyaknya kegagalan struktur yang terjadi di lapangan akibat kurangnya pemahaman yang benar mengenai konsep desainnya maupun kesalahan implementasinya di lapangan. Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and Comentary (ACI 318-14) yang diikuti oleh SNI 2847-2019 melakukan perubahan signifikan pada perhitungan luas tulangan pengekang yang memasukkan unsur tulangan longitudinal khususnya pada kolom dengan beban aksial yang tinggi atau mutu beton diatas 70 MPa untuk sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan daktilitasnya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi parametrik menggunakan data eksperimental yang tersedia. 22 kolom persegi beton bertulang dari mutu beton 29-88 MPa serta konfigurasi tulangan mulai dari konfigurasi tanpa pengikat silang (cross ties) hingga kolom dengan 3 kaki pengikat silang pada tiap sisinya. Data penelitian yang ada dievaluasi dan analisis untuk mendapatkan daktilitas lateral maupun kurvaturnya. Hasil dari studi ini menekankan perlunya penggunaan pengikat silang yang mengekang secara lateral tulangan longitudinal, penggunaan pengikat silang memberikan peningkatan daktilitas yang signifikan, standar luas tulangan pengekang terbaru memberikan tingkat daktilitas yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.