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Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Pembelajaran IPA Tema 1 Subtema 1 SDN 122398 Pematang Siantar Irfan Siagian; Lisbet Novianti Sihombing; Canni Loren Sianturi
JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember: Jurnal Sains Student Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61722/jssr.v1i2.113


This research aims to determine: The influence of the Problem Based Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students in Science Learning Theme 1 Subtheme 1 at SDN 122398 Pematang Siantar. The type of research used in this research is Quantitative Research, which states that quantitative research is research in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. The research design that will be used is an experiment, in the form of Pre-Experimental Design which uses a "one group pretest posttest design" design. The sample in this study was the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 122398 Pematang Siantar, totaling 23 students, of which there were 8 boys and 15 girls. The instrument used in this research was multiple choice questions. The results of testing the research hypothesis are that there is a significant influence in this research from the data that has been tested. The data can be seen from the data analysis that the average results of the experimental class were obtained in the pretest (55.13) and posttest (80.87). Research results at the 0.05 level. Based on data analysis of pretest and posttest values, it shows that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.00 < 0.05, where H_0 is rejected and H_is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on improving the learning outcomes of students who use the problem based learning model on the learning outcomes of class IV students in science learning theme 1 subtheme 1 at SDN 122398 Pematang Siantar Q.A 2022/2023.
Pengaruh Model Numbered Head Together Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Pada Subtema 1 SD Negeri 124385 Pematang Siantar Silvia M I B Tambunan; Natalina Purba; Canni Loren Sianturi
JOURNAL SAINS STUDENT RESEARCH Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember: Jurnal Sains Student Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61722/jssr.v1i2.115


. This relselarch aims to find oult whelthelr thel Nulmbelreld Helad Togelthelr (NHT) Lelarning Modell Influlelncels thel Lelarning Oultcomels of Class IV Stuldelnts in Sulbthelmel 1 of SD NElGElRI 124385 Pelmatang Siantar or not. Thelrel arel 2 hypothelsels in this relselarch, namelly (1) Thelrel is an influlelncel of thel application of thel Nulmbelreld Helad Togelthelr (NHT) modell on thel lelarning oultcomels of class IV stuldelnts in sulbthelmel 1 of SD NElGElRI 124385 Pelmatang Siantar (H1) and (2) Thelrel is no influlelncel of thel application of thel Nulmbelreld Helad modell Togelthelr (NHT) on thel lelarning oultcomels of class IV stuldelnts in sulbthelmel 1 of SD NElGElRI 124385 Pelmatang Siantar (H0). This relselarch melthod is an elxpelrimelntal melthod with a Prel-Elxpelrimelntal Delsign relselarch typel that ulsels a Onel Groulp Preltelst-Posttelst Delsign delsign. Thel popullation in this stuldy welrel all foulrth gradel stuldelnts at SD NElGElRI 124385 Pelmatang Siantar, totaling 20 stuldelnts. Belcaulsel thel popullation was lelss than 50 stuldelnts, thel popullation was ulseld as a samplel in this stuldy. Data collelction was carrield oult ulsing thel telchniqulel of giving telsts and obselrvations to stuldelnts. This relselarch data was analyzeld ulsing delscriptivel analysis and infelrelntial analysis. Baseld on thel relsullts of data analysis, it is known that thel t-coulnt relsullt is 7.69 with a significancel lelvell of 0.05. So it can bel concluldeld that thelrel is an influlelncel on lelarning sulbthelmel 1 thel belaulty of togelthelrnelss at IV SD NElGElRI 124385 Pelmatang Siantar. This melans H1 is accelpteld and H0 is reljelcteld.
The Influence of The Problem Based Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of Class V Students in Science Learning at UPTD SDN 125543 Pematang Siantar T.A 2023/2024 Nanci H. Lumbanraja; Lisbet Novianti Sihombing; Canni Loren Sianturi
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): October 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i4.675


This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the problem based learning model on the learning outcomes of class V students in science learning at UPTD SD Negeri 125543 Pematang Siantar FY 2023/2024, the method in this research is a quantitative experimental type method whose research design is pre-experimental. one group pretest-posttest type. Conducted in September 2023, the population of all students at UPTD SD Negeri 125543 Pematang Siantar and a sample of 22 students consisting of 14 female students and 8 male students were used, namely two research variables: the dependent variable (x) the influence of the learning model problem based learning (y) student learning outcomes , the concept of learning is a result of achievement in teaching and learning activities which is achieved through a learning process which can be measured by the student's achievement or ability to achieve. Data collection techniques are test techniques with validity tests, reliability tests, difficulty level tests, and distinguishing power tests. The test results using the N-gain technique with the help of the SPSS version 21 program, based on the calculation results obtained a mean of 0.5588, with an effectiveness of 0.7>0.5588>0.3 which is in the medium category, in the ANOVA test the significance value was 0.002, which is where category 0.002<0.05 then HO is rejected Ha is accepted. This means that all independent variables have a significant influence on learning outcomes and have a significant influence on the dependent variable. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of the problem based learning model on the learning outcomes of class V students at UPTD SD Negeri 125543 Pematang Siantar FY 2023/2024.