Gregorius Rupang
Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta

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KONSELING ANAK SEBAGAI SARANA UNTUK MENUMBUHKAN KEGEMBIRAAN DAN KEPERCAYANA DIRI ANAK-ANAK PANTI ASUHAN PUTRA SANTA MARIA BORO, KULON PROGO, YOGYAKARTA Agus Faisal; Antonius Glendnaldy Hendrysusanto; Gregorius Rupang; Nora Dolisna Simanjuntak; Vincentius Kaunang; Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023 (Publication in progress...)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v6i2.6225


Child counseling is an attempt to assist children individually for guiding and helping them directly so that they can open them up and develop to be a sound person psychologically, personally and spiritually. The personal approach is required so that children to be open and understand their life experiences in order that they may find joy and develop their confidence. In addition to personal approach, some works to foster their self-confidence and joy are carried out by doing their daily duties and responsibilities, developing talents and providing adequate spiritual support. This social service attempts to provide both personal and group assistance so that the orphanage children can grow optimally and can prepare their better future.
Prinsip-Prinsip Teori John Locke dan John Stuart Mill Terhadap Penyelesaian Kasus Korupsi di Indonesia Gregorius Rupang; Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology
Publisher : Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/snf.v2i2.8503


Since birth, humans have human rights that cannot be challenged by anyone. Even when a state is formed with such a system of power, it cannot take away human rights. The rights to life, liberty and property are rights that have been inherent in humans since birth. When humans form a country and use their freedom to elect a few people to be their leaders, these leaders automatically hold the people's mandate to create justice and social prosperity. However, citizens are also free to dismiss a government that acts arbitrarily, for example because it has committed corruption. Corruption is the same as taking away human rights, where funds used for the welfare of the people are taken by the authorities for their personal or group welfare. In this paper the author tries to help minimize social injustice, through the principles of authority and freedom put forward by John Locke and John Stuart Mill. The author will describe several cases of corruption committed by government officials and then help readers on how to take a stance on this corruption phenomenon based on the thoughts of John Locke and John Stuart Mill.AbstrakManusia sejak lahir telah memiliki hak sasi yang tidak boleh digugat oleh siapapun. Bahkan ketika negara terbentuk dengan sistem kekuasaan yang sedemikian rupa, tidak boleh merenggut hak asasi manusia. Hak atas hidup, kebebasan, dan milik merupakan hak yang telah melekat pada manusia sejak lahir. Ketika manusia membentuk negara dan menggunakan kebebasannya untuk memilih segelintir orang menjadi pemimpinnya, maka secara otomatis para pemimpin tersebut memegang amanah rakyat untuk menciptakan keadilan dan kesejahteraan sosial. Akan tetapi, warga juga bebas memberhentikan pemerintah yang bertindak sewenang-wenang, misalnya karena telah melakukan korupsi. Korupsi sama saja merenggut hak asasi manusia, di mana dana yang digunakan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat justru diambil oleh penguasa untuk kesejahteraan pribadi atau kelompoknya. Dalam paper ini penulis mencoba membantu meminimalisir ketidakadilan sosial, melalui prinsip-prinsip otoritas dan kebebasan yang dikemukakan oleh John Locke dan John Stuart Mill. Penulis akan memaparkan beberapa kasus korupsi yang dilakukan oleh pejabat pemerintahan lalu membantu pembaca bagaimana mengambil sikap terhadap fenomena korupsi ini berdasarkan pemikiran John Locke dan John Stuart Mill.