M. Alfin Fatikh
Fakultas Dakwah Dan Ushuluddin, Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

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Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas II MI Dwi Dasa Warsa Edy Kurniawan; Mokhammad Nizzam; M. Alfin Fatikh; Muhammad Husnur Rofiq
Attadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Pendidikan Dasar Anak
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/attadrib.v5i1.226


The problem in this research is the lack of mastery of students ‘English vocabulary, the teacher’s lack of creativity in using learning media, and students’ assumption that English lessons are difficult and ultimately ignored. Formulation of the problem “how the influence of the use of audio-visual media on learning outcomes of English vocabulary students in grade II MI Dwi Dasa Warsa. The study aims to determine the effect of audio-visual media on learning outcomes of English vocabulary material Pets and Wild Animals in Class II MI Dwi Dasa Warsa This study is quasi-experimental design research with one group pre-test design research. The population in this study was all students in MI Dwi Dasa Warsa with a total of 273 students, while the sample were all students of class II MI Dwi Dasa Warsa amounting to 37 students. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test formula. From the hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the use of audiovisual media on the learning outcomes of English vocabulary material Pets and Wild Animals.
Pertimbangan Konsumen Memilih Provider Telkomsel Daripada Indosat, XL Fitria Ningsih; Alfin Fatikh
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2021): J-Kis: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Juni 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53429/j-kis.v2i1.188


Untuk saat ini masyarakat Indonesia adalah masyarakat yang berada dalam kondisi peralihan berkembang dari masyarakat agraris yang penuh dengan spiritualistik menjadi masyarakat industri modern yang materialistis. Bahkan mereka memiliki tindakan pribadi yang berbeda untuk berkomunikasi atau bersosialisasi. Bersosialisasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan media sosial. Sebagai contoh di media telekomunikasi, Telepon yang pada awalnya merupakan media statistik yang berubah menjadi lebih baik, lebih pintar, lebih mudah dengan handphone untuk akses internet. Untuk koneksi ke internet, pada handphone tentunya kita membutuhkan provider yang memiliki koneksi data internet. Untuk pengalaman data internet Periset menggunakan 3 provider yaitu Telkomsel, Indosat dan XL. Telkomsel, Indosat dan XL merupakan beberapa operator perusahaan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Tapi yang membuatnya berbeda adalah harga, kualitas dan sinyal. Untuk pemeriksaan sinyal kita dapat melihatnya dari BTS (Base Transceiver Station) dan untuk teori yang digunakan untuk analisis Penelitian ini yang telah dipilih oleh peneliti adalah Teori Uses and Gratifications.
Jurnal PIKMA : Publikasi Ilmu Komunikasi Media Dan Cinema Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (757.192 KB) | DOI: 10.24076/PIKMA.2019v2i1.397


Tingginya antusiasme masyarakat dalam menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana memperoleh dan menyebarkan informasi membuat pentingnya kemampuan masyarakat dalam melakuan gate keeping. Dengan kemampuan gate keeping, diharapkan masyarakat mampu mengelola konten digital agar tidak menjadi korban atau bahkan menjadi pelaku penyebar isu hoax. Untuk melakukan gatekeeping bagi diri sendiri, masyakarat perlu memahami pentingnya membangun kecerdasaan dalam bermedia sosial.Penelitian ini menyoroti paradigma di era komunikasi 2.0 yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk dapat terlibat maupun memberikan feedback langsung dalam proses komunikasi khususnya dalam menggunakan sosial media. Oleh sebab itu Melihat tantangan dan peluang di era komunikasi 2.0 ini masyarakat perlu memahami 21st Century Skills sebagai bekal dasar dalam menjalankan media sosial.
Pola Komunikasi Kepala Desa Petak Dalam Pengelolaan Progam Inovasi Desa Petak Menuju Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Ramadhani Praptama; Alfin Fatikh
Syiar: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Syiar: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Publisistik Thawalib Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54150/syiar.v2i2.100


The aim of the study was to find out the communication pattern of the innovation program by the village head. This type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach, data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique with data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the study show: 1) Orientation Phase, the village head introduces the village innovation program plan. 2) Explorative Affective Exchange Stage, the development of interpersonal relationships marked by agreement and understanding. 3) Affective Exchange Stage, the emergence of critical and evaluative feelings at a deeper level. 4) Stable Exchange Stage, each individual is enabled to estimate their respective actions and respond accordingly. Petak Village Head Communication Patterns are 1) Chain Communication Patterns; the village head provides direction and stimulus to the community with the Kadus as an intermediary for information. 2) Circular Communication Patterns; communication in which the communicator provides a source of reciprocal response to other communicators.
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Dakwah Islam dan Komunikasi
Publisher : Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/altsiq.v7i2.3301


Cultural communication between Islam and local culture gave rise to the acculturation of religious culture in one of the Islamic tomb complexes of the Majapahit kingdom era located in Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java. The architecture of this tomb still holds elements from Hindu culture which are very different when compared to Islamic tombs in general. This study aims to determine the existence of cultural communication that occurs between Islam and local culture based on the architecture of the Troloyo tomb complex. This research is literature-based research and the history of Islamic development in the Majapahit area. This cultural communication is seen with a Jirat or Kijing located on top of the tomb with three piles based on faith, Islam, and Ihsan, the tombstone also uses an upright stone (menhir) with Arabic encryption with name and date. Cungkup is built with a variety in the form of a Joglo or temple which is believed to be a temple to store the ashes of the king, one of which is a form of respect for the king in ancient times.
Moderasi Beragama di Tengah Masyarakat Plural (Studi Kasus Pada Masyarakat Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Banyuputih Kabupaten Situbondo) Imam Safi'i; M. Alfin Fatikh; Mohamad Toha; Fatkhiyatus Su'adah
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.3222


Wonorejo Village's society in Banyuputih Situbondo Regency has four religions that live harmoniously. Islam is a majority group, while other religions are a minority group. In religious and state life, there are guidelines for life that can become a medium of harmony among them, namely socio-community ethics. In this paper, two objectives must be answered, including a) Knowing how the dynamics of the lives of the people of Wonorejo Village and B) knowing how the attitude of religious moderation is built in the plural society that occurs in the Wonorejo village as the capital of national and dynamic national life. To answer the purpose of this study, the author uses a type of qualitative research using the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Tomas Luckman. The results of this study show that the dynamics of the lives of the people of Wonorejo Village are classified as harmonious, peaceful, and tolerant. Furthermore, the attitude of religious moderation in this village takes time to happen. Three forces construct the lives of the people of Wonorejo Village until the attitude of religious moderation during plural society is pitched. Among them are the understanding and awareness of the individual, the existence of culture and tradition, and the role of agents. These three moments run simultaneously and are dialectic three moments, namely the moment of externalization, objectivation, and internalization.
Merdeka Belajar Activity Unit at Madrasah Aliyah: Program Evaluation Study Using CIPP Method Jannatul Wardiyah; Yusnaili Budianti; Muhammad Al Farabi; Akhmad Sirojuddin; M. Alfin Fatikh
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Islamic Education in Madrasah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v6i1.2633


Evaluation is an activity to find out the teaching and learning process has achieved the goals that have been set. Meanwhile, the Independent Learning Activity Unit program is a small unit of lessons arranged sequentially from easy to difficult with respect to knowledge and skills. This study aims to determine the existence of the Independent Learning Activity Unit program in terms of context, input, process and product at MAN 3 Medan. This research is a quantitative research with CIPP model evaluation. Data was collected by means of questionnaires or questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The population is 329 students with a sample of 82 students consisting of class XI at MAN 3 Medan. Data analysis techniques with editing, tabulating, analyzing and concluding. The results showed that the Independent Learning Activity Unit program at MAN 3 Medan was effective as seen from the results of the average value of the process in the category 51.02. When viewed from the results of the context, input and product, the Independent Learning Activity Unit has complied with the guidelines and is equipped with supporting facilities.
Merdeka Belajar Activity Unit at Madrasah Aliyah: Program Evaluation Study Using CIPP Method Jannatul Wardiyah; Yusnaili Budianti; Muhammad Al Farabi; Akhmad Sirojuddin; M. Alfin Fatikh
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Islamic Education in Madrasah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v6i1.2633


Evaluation is an activity to find out the teaching and learning process has achieved the goals that have been set. Meanwhile, the Independent Learning Activity Unit program is a small unit of lessons arranged sequentially from easy to difficult with respect to knowledge and skills. This study aims to determine the existence of the Independent Learning Activity Unit program in terms of context, input, process and product at MAN 3 Medan. This research is a quantitative research with CIPP model evaluation. Data was collected by means of questionnaires or questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The population is 329 students with a sample of 82 students consisting of class XI at MAN 3 Medan. Data analysis techniques with editing, tabulating, analyzing and concluding. The results showed that the Independent Learning Activity Unit program at MAN 3 Medan was effective as seen from the results of the average value of the process in the category 51.02. When viewed from the results of the context, input and product, the Independent Learning Activity Unit has complied with the guidelines and is equipped with supporting facilities.
Pemberdayaan Desa Wisata Melalui Pengembangan Wisata Air Terjun Songgo Tuyo di Desa Nogosari Kec. Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto Imam Safii; Alfin Fatih; Ashad Abdillah Rosyid; M Afif Zamroni; Hasyim Asy'ari
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengembang Masyarajat (ADPEMAS) Forum Komunikasi Dosen Peneliti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/engagement.v4i1.144


Natural tourism assets are frequently driven by market forces where rich people make investment by collaborating with local government. It is rarely that the local community has the authorization to manage the assets by themselves, including the people in Nogosari village with its Songgo Tuyo waterfalls. This community service aimed at supporting and assisting the local people to optimize the available assets by themselves. Asset Based Approach (ABA) was employed by maximizing the promotion of the existing assets through the combination of online promotion and a photo competition in the tourism area. The programs was succesful in raising new enthusiasm from the community to develop the tourism resources not only the waterfalls but also the infrastructure, services, cultural, culinary, and merchandise, and attracted more tourists to come
Merdeka Belajar Activity Unit at Madrasah Aliyah: Program Evaluation Study Using CIPP Method Jannatul Wardiyah; Yusnaili Budianti; Muhammad Al Farabi; Akhmad Sirojuddin; M. Alfin Fatikh
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Islamic Education in Madrasah
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Kh Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v6i1.2633


Evaluation is an activity to find out the teaching and learning process has achieved the goals that have been set. Meanwhile, the Independent Learning Activity Unit program is a small unit of lessons arranged sequentially from easy to difficult with respect to knowledge and skills. This study aims to determine the existence of the Independent Learning Activity Unit program in terms of context, input, process and product at MAN 3 Medan. This research is a quantitative research with CIPP model evaluation. Data was collected by means of questionnaires or questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The population is 329 students with a sample of 82 students consisting of class XI at MAN 3 Medan. Data analysis techniques with editing, tabulating, analyzing and concluding. The results showed that the Independent Learning Activity Unit program at MAN 3 Medan was effective as seen from the results of the average value of the process in the category 51.02. When viewed from the results of the context, input and product, the Independent Learning Activity Unit has complied with the guidelines and is equipped with supporting facilities.