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Jurnal Keperawatan Terapan Vol 5 No 1 (2019): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN TERAPAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/jkt.v5i1.671


Laparatomy is a frequent abdominal surgical procedure. The mostly problem during post surgery is pain accompanied by the appearance of physiological response. One of the nursing self care actions for non pharmacologic pain management and relaxing effects is back massage therapy and fingerhold relaxation. This study aims to determine the difference in pain intensity between back massage therapy with finger hold relaxation in patients undergoing laparotomy surgery at RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi. This research has been done ethical clearance test before result test. Design the research used comparative study with two groups pre test post test without control design. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with 2 groups with 17 respondents each other. The test used in this study is the Paired T Test and Independent test. The results showed that the mean intensity of pain prior to back massage therapy was 4.21 and after back massage therapy to 3.19 whereas the mean intensity of pain before finger hold relaxation was 4.01 and after finger hold relaxation to 2.94. The result of paired t test statistic test showed that there was significant difference of pain intensity before and after back massage therapy and finger hand hold relaxation with p value is 0.000 and in independent test statistic test showed that there was no significant difference to the intensity pain between back massage therapy with finger hold relaxation with p value is 0.312 which means therapy and relaxation is able to decrease the intensity of pain. Thus back massage therapy and finger hand relaxation can be a reference and nursing intervention in the handling of post operative patients, especially Laparotomy. Keywords: Post Laparatomy, Pain Intensity, Back Massage Therapy, Finger Hold Relaxation. Laparatomi merupakan prosedur pembedahan pada abdomen yang sering dilakukan. Masalah yang sering timbul saat post operasi adalah nyeri sehingga timbul respons fisiologis. Salah satu tindakan mandiri keperawatan untuk manajemen nyeri secara non farmakologis dan memberikan efek relaksasi adalah terapi back massage dan relaksasi genggam jari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan intensitas nyeri antara pemberian terapi back massage dengan relaksasi genggam jari pada pasien yang mengalami pembedahan laparatomi di RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi. Penelitian ini sudah dilakukan uji kelayakan etik sebelum uji hasil. Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan comparative study dengan pendekatan two group pre test post test without control design. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan sampel 2 kelompok masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 17 responden. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji Paired T Test dan uji Independent Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata intensitas nyeri sebelum terapi back massage adalah 4,21 dan sesudah terapi back massage menjadi 3,19 sedangkan rata-rata intensitas nyeri sebelum relaksasi genggam jari adalah 4,01 dan sesudah relaksasi genggam jari menjadi 2,94. Hasil uji statistik paired t test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan intensitas nyeri yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah terapi back massage dan relaksasi genggam jari dengan nilai p sebesar 0,000 dan pada uji statistik independent test menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap intensitas nyeri antara pemberian terapi back massage dengan relaksasi genggam jari dengan nilai p sebesar 0,312 yang berarti terapi dan relaksasi ini mampu menurunkan intensitas nyeri. Dengan demikian terapi back massage dan relaksasi genggam jari dapat menjadi referensi dan intervensi keperawatan dalam penanganan pasien post operasi khususnya Laparatomi. Kata Kunci: Post Laparatomi, Intensitas Nyeri, Terapi Back Massage, Relaksasi Genggam Jari
COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT WITH STUNTING FILTERS TO CREATE HEALTHY FAMILIES Fitriana Kurniasari Solikhah; Erlina Suci Astuti; Naya Ernawati; Taufan Arif; Maria Diah Ciptaning Tyas; Rudi Hamarno; Joko Wiyono; Imam Subekti
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i2.74


Stunting is a condition where a child experiences growth disorders, so that the child's height does not correspond to his age, as a result of chronic nutritional problems, namely lack of nutritional intake for a long time (Ministry of Health, 2020). The results of the 2018 Regional Health Research (Riskesdas 2018) show that toddlers in Indonesia aged 0-23 months still experience shortness of breath or very shortness of breath. This shows that there is a bright spot in the implementation of intervention programs in accelerating the reduction of stunting rates which cannot be separated from the cooperation of every existing element. The difference in the average knowledge of pre- and post-education cadres providing education to improve care for low birth weight babies was obtained by a mean pre-education value of 2.60 and a mean post-education value of 1.40. The standard deviation value for pre-training is 0.308 and post-training is 0.40. The Wilcoxon z value is -4.102. The statistical test results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test obtained a value of p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between before and after training in cadres' knowledge about early detection of stunting in toddlers. The community service program to assist families at risk of stunting is a new breakthrough in determining effective and integrated, community-based strategies to reduce the risk of stunting.