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Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 20, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Media Hukum

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In the business world, of course, many considerations that underlie the business actors to choose arbitration as a dispute resolution efforts for dispute that will or they face. Among the advantages of arbitration over court based on Arbitration Act are the parties can choose the arbitrator. Although in the arbitration the parties can select arbitrators who are experts in their fields, seem the consideration to establish BASYARNAS (The National Sharia Arbitration Board) at first certainly raises the pros and cons. Based on the description of the background of  the above problems then the formulation of the problem is how the comparison between national arbitration and sharia arbitration where the discussion focused on Rules and Procedures of BANI  (The Indonesia  National  Board  of Arbitration) and BASYARNAS. The substance of  similarities between  National arbitration and Sharia arbitration in the same way of resolving disputes other than through the courts or alqadla. With regard to the legal basis for the enactment of a national arbitration refers to Law No.30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, while sharia arbitration is not set explicitly in the Law No. 30 of 1999 even in this act there is no article that offends the existence of sharia arbitration.The existence of sharia arbitration is recognized in the elucidation of Article 59 paragraph 1 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning the judicial power, which reads referred to arbitration under the provisions of the law including the sharia arbitration.There are some differences between national arbitration and sharia arbitration, the differences are the source of law, the legal principle , the jurisdiction of authority, pre-hearing phase, hearing phase and enforcement of the arbitral award phase.Keywords: National Arbitration, Sharia Arbitration , Comparative Study
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 20, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In the business world, of course, many considerations that underlie the business actors to choose arbitration as a dispute resolution efforts for dispute that will or they face. Among the advantages of arbitration over court based on Arbitration Act are the parties can choose the arbitrator. Although in the arbitration the parties can select arbitrators who are experts in their fields, seem the consideration to establish BASYARNAS (The National Sharia Arbitration Board) at first certainly raises the pros and cons. Based on the description of the background of the above problems then the formulation of the problem is how the comparison between national arbitration and sharia arbitration where the discussion focused on Rules and Procedures of BANI (The Indonesia National Board of Arbitration) and BASYARNAS. The substance of similarities between National arbitration and Sharia arbitration in the same way of resolving disputes other than through the courts or alqadla. With regard to the legal basis for the enactment of a national arbitration refers to Law No.30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, while sharia arbitration is not set explicitly in the Law No. 30 of 1999 even in this act there is no article that offends the existence of sharia arbitration.The existence of sharia arbitration is recognized in the elucidation of Article 59 paragraph 1 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning the judicial power, which reads referred to arbitration under the provisions of the law including the sharia arbitration.There are some differences between national arbitration and sharia arbitration, the differences are the source of law, the legal principle , the jurisdiction of authority, pre-hearing phase, hearing phase and enforcement of the arbitral award phase.
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 21, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Due to pollution and environmental destruction that most feel  is  the victim. Most victims also suffered losses, both material  and  immaterial  losses,  therefore  it  is  natural  that  the  victims  should  receive protection.  The purpose of  this  research  is  to  analyze  about:  1)  the  resolution  of  environmental  cases which  occur  either through the courts or out of court; 2)  the implementation of legal protection for  the victims of pollution and environmental destruction; 3)  formulating  the  ideal model of legal protection for  the victims of pollution and environmental destruction by the corporation is based on the principles of restorative justice in the future. The research method  is used  the  socio-legal  research using primary and  secondary data. The  results  showed  that environmental cases can be  resolved through the court and outside the court. Ideal model of  legal protection for the  victims of pollution and  / or environmental destruction by the  corporation  is based on  the  restorative justice principle in the future.The offender in this case as the corporation will deal with victims of environmental pollution and the state  as a facilitator. The  Facilitator from  the state for this early stage could be  represented by a judge. In an agreement between  the perpetrator and the victim of the most important is the provision of compensation  from  the  offender  to  the  victim. Ideally  in  the  concept  forward  on major  and  compensation mechanism  is  stipulated  in  the  rules of  implementation.
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 23, No 2 (2016): December
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2016.0081.209-217


This research has 3 aims, the first is to examines the consideration of the Supreme Court in deciding the cancellation of arbitration decision under Article 70 and beyond Article 70 of Arbitration Act, the second is to review and analyze theories used in the consideration of the Supreme Court to cancel the Arbitration Decision. The third is to formulate concept in deciding the cancellation of Arbitration based on the principle of justice. This type of research is normative judicial research. Approach used in this research is case study approach. In more detail of the data obtained, processed and analyzed and presented in descriptive qualitative. The result of the research is divided into several parts, the first shows that according to the consideration of Deision of Supreme Court No.729/K/Pdt.Sus/2008 see Article 70 of the Arbitrase Act is limitative, different with Supreme Court Decision No.03/Arb/BTU of 2005 interpeting Article is enunciatif. The second, the Great Judge who cancel the arbitrase decision according to Article 70 Arbitration Act which is limitative by using Analytical theory. the Great Judge cancel the arbitrase decision refers to reasons beyond Article 70 of Rbitrase Act using Progressive Law theory. The third, according to procedural fairness the reason for cancellation is based on decision Article No.70 Arbitrase Act is too limitative comparing to Article 34 of the UNICITRAL Model Law. This substantive justice should be limited to the signs, so that arbitrators use it arbitrarily.
Media of Law and Sharia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.31 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/mls.1104


Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of 17,504 islands included in the territory.Indonesia needs transportation, especially sea transportation. Sea transportationneeded to facilitate the transportation of people and goods, shipping safety.Therefore, the law which refers to the existence of improvement efforts for seatransport services, those passengers is entitled to compensation which shall beprovided by the carrier due to negligence during the transport operation. The legal basis based on Law No. 17 of 2008 on shipping, consumer protection and security of shipping to have fulfillment the rights of victims on maritime transportation. The research will open the view on the settlement on liability of carrier against the loss of passengers. The purpose for bringing a change in the practice of marine transportation when accidents happen, getting the rights of accident victims, providing compensation for heirs, providing compensation for the property and provide accountability for victims. The method research used is the normative method. This’s by recovering bibiliographic data and scientific journals as well as documents relating to the problems analyzed to implementation of legal protection for passenger safety. The result of the research is to involve in sea transportation must be careful in carrying out the transportation business.
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 20, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.v20i1.1412


In the business world, of course, many considerations that underlie the business actors to choose arbitration as a dispute resolution efforts for dispute that will or they face. Among the advantages of arbitration over court based on Arbitration Act are the parties can choose the arbitrator. Although in the arbitration the parties can select arbitrators who are experts in their fields, seem the consideration to establish BASYARNAS (The National Sharia Arbitration Board) at first certainly raises the pros and cons. Based on the description of the background of the above problems then the formulation of the problem is how the comparison between national arbitration and sharia arbitration where the discussion focused on Rules and Procedures of BANI (The Indonesia National Board of Arbitration) and BASYARNAS. The substance of similarities between National arbitration and Sharia arbitration in the same way of resolving disputes other than through the courts or alqadla. With regard to the legal basis for the enactment of a national arbitration refers to Law No.30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, while sharia arbitration is not set explicitly in the Law No. 30 of 1999 even in this act there is no article that offends the existence of sharia arbitration.The existence of sharia arbitration is recognized in the elucidation of Article 59 paragraph 1 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning the judicial power, which reads referred to arbitration under the provisions of the law including the sharia arbitration.There are some differences between national arbitration and sharia arbitration, the differences are the source of law, the legal principle , the jurisdiction of authority, pre-hearing phase, hearing phase and enforcement of the arbitral award phase.
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 23, No 2 (2016): December
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2016.0081.209-217


This research has 3 aims, the first is to examines the consideration of the Supreme Court in deciding the cancellation of arbitration decision under Article 70 and beyond Article 70 of Arbitration Act, the second is to review and analyze theories used in the consideration of the Supreme Court to cancel the Arbitration Decision. The third is to formulate concept in deciding the cancellation of Arbitration based on the principle of justice. This type of research is normative judicial research. Approach used in this research is case study approach. In more detail of the data obtained, processed and analyzed and presented in descriptive qualitative. The result of the research is divided into several parts, the first shows that according to the consideration of Deision of Supreme Court No.729/K/Pdt.Sus/2008 see Article 70 of the Arbitrase Act is limitative, different with Supreme Court Decision No.03/Arb/BTU of 2005 interpeting Article is enunciatif. The second, the Great Judge who cancel the arbitrase decision according to Article 70 Arbitration Act which is limitative by using Analytical theory. the Great Judge cancel the arbitrase decision refers to reasons beyond Article 70 of Rbitrase Act using Progressive Law theory. The third, according to procedural fairness the reason for cancellation is based on decision Article No.70 Arbitrase Act is too limitative comparing to Article 34 of the UNICITRAL Model Law. This substantive justice should be limited to the signs, so that arbitrators use it arbitrarily.
Responsibility of Airlines Company to the Passenger After The Ratification of the Montreal Convention 1999 by Indonesia Fadia Fitriyanti; Yordan Gunawan; Ade Armansyah
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v9i1.17274


Aviation is a strategic business owned by a country, whether managed by a state company or a private company. In Indonesia, airplanes are the most important transportation. It is said to be able to connect every city, province, and inter-island very quickly compared to land and sea transportation. The importance of air transportation must be accompanied by regulations that guarantee the safety and security of airlines and passengers who are users of air transportation services. Security and safety are regulated through national and international rules which must be followed by every airline and passenger for the creation of a good aviation business. The main problem in the aviation business is aircraft accidents which result in aircraft destruction and death to all passengers and crew members. This cannot be avoided because the cause of the accident could be from aircraft engine damage, weather, or error from the pilot. This aircraft accident, not only damage airlines that have planes worth billions of rupiah but can damage passengers and heirs. Due to the risks involved in the aviation business. Although it is said that air transportation is very safe because the technology used by aircraft is the latest, accidents can not be avoided if it occurs.Keyword: Responsibility; Airlines Company; Passenger; Montreal Convention 1999 Pertanggungjawaban dari Maskapai Penerbangan kepada Penumpang berdasarkan Ratifikasi Montreal Convention 1999 oleh Pemerintah Indonesia AbstrakPenerbangan merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha strategis dalam sebuah negara, baik dikelola oleh perusahaan negara sendiri, maupun oleh perusahaan swasta. Di Indonesia sendiri, perusahaan penerbangan merupakan transportasi yang paling penting karena jenis transportasi ini dapat menghubungan setiap kota, provinsi, dan antar pulau dengan cepat dibandingkan dengan transportasi darat maupun laut. Pentingnya transportasi udara ini, tentu harus dibarengi dengan aturan yang menjamin keamanan dan kesalamatan maskapai penerbangan serta penumpang yang menjadi pengguna jasa transportasi udara. Keamanan dan keselamatan tersebut, diatur melalui aturan nasional dan aturan internasional yang wajib diikuti oleh setiap perusahaan penerbangan dan penumpang demi terciptanya bisnis penerbangan yang baik. Permasalahan utama dalam bisnis penerbangan adalah kecelakaan pesawat terbang yang seringkali mengakibatkan hancurnya pesawat terbang dan kematian kepada seluruh penumpang dan juga kru pesawat. Hal ini tidak bisa dihindarkan dikarenakan penyebab kecelakaan tersebut bisa dari kerusakan mesin pesawat, cuaca, maupun kesalahan dari pilot. Kecelakaan pesawat terbang ini tidak hanya merugikan maskapai penerbangan yang memiliki pesawat yang harganya miliaran rupiah, namun dapat merugikan penumpang dan ahli warisnya, dikarenakan resiko yang ada  dalam bisnis penerbangan. Meskipun, dikatakan transportasi yang sangat aman karena teknologi yang digunakan pesawat adalah teknologi yang mutakhir, namun kecelakaan tersebut tidak dapat dihindarkan jikalau terjadi. Artikel ini membahas masalah pertanggungjawaban Pertanggungjawaban dari Maskapai Penerbangan kepada Penumpang setelah adanya Ratifikasi Montreal 1999 oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Tanggungjawab; Maskapai Penerbangan; Penumpang; Konvensi Montreal 1999 Ответственность авиакомпании перед пассажирами после ратификации Индонезией Монреальской конвенции 1999 г. АннотацияАвиация - это стратегический бизнес, принадлежащий стране, независимо от того, управляется ли он государственными или частными компаниями. В Индонезии самолеты - самое важное средство передвижения. Говорят, что он может очень быстро соединить каждый город, провинцию и острова по сравнению с наземным и морским транспортом. Важность авиаперевозок должна сопровождаться правилами, гарантирующими охрану и безопасность авиакомпаний и пассажиров, пользующихся услугами авиаперевозок. Охрана и безопасность регулируются национальными и международными правилами, которые должны соблюдаться каждой авиакомпанией и пассажирами, чтобы создать хороший авиационный бизнес. Основная проблема в авиационном бизнесе - авиационные происшествия, в результате которых самолет выходит из строя и гибнут все пассажиры и экипаж. Это неизбежно, потому что причиной аварии могло быть повреждение двигателя самолета, погодные условия или ошибка пилота. Эта авиакатастрофа не только ставит в невыгодное положение авиакомпании, владеющие самолетами на миллиарды рупий, но также может причинить вред пассажирам и их наследникам. Из-за рисков, связанных с авиационным бизнесом, хотя говорят, что воздушные перевозки очень безопасны, поскольку в самолетах используются новейшие технологии, несчастных случаев нельзя избежать, если они происходят.Ключевые Слова: ответственность; авиакомпания; пассажир; Монреальская конвенция 1999 г
Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8 No 7 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.94 KB)


The purpose of this article aims to analyze the application of the montreal 1999 convention and responbsibility of airlanes company to the flight accidents. This article uses a case study approach and normative juridical approach, This normative research used secondary data consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials.. The research describes the posisition of montreal 1999 convention based on Indonesian regulation and the extent of responbsibility of airlanes company to the flight accidents. The results of this article show that, include liabilities arising in case of an air accident by the airline concerned, which are, indicate that the application of the montreal 1999 convention is able to guarantee the rights of consumers, who feel disadvantaged by accidents, also the liability of airlanes in flight disruption depends on the consequences experienced of the goods and victims. Suggestions from researchers that the government should focus on cooperating airlines as well as a bridge to the victims in solving problems relating to the compensation.
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 21, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.v21i1.1154


Due to pollution and environmental destruction that most feel  is  the victim. Most victims also suffered losses, both material  and  immaterial  losses,  therefore  it  is  natural  that  the  victims  should  receive protection.  The purpose of  this  research  is  to  analyze  about:  1)  the  resolution  of  environmental  cases which  occur  either through the courts or out of court; 2)  the implementation of legal protection for  the victims of pollution and environmental destruction; 3)  formulating  the  ideal model of legal protection for  the victims of pollution and environmental destruction by the corporation is based on the principles of restorative justice in the future. The research method  is used  the  socio-legal  research using primary and  secondary data. The  results  showed  that environmental cases can be  resolved through the court and outside the court. Ideal model of  legal protection for the  victims of pollution and  / or environmental destruction by the  corporation  is based on  the  restorative justice principle in the future.The offender in this case as the corporation will deal with victims of environmental pollution and the state  as a facilitator. The  Facilitator from  the state for this early stage could be  represented by a judge. In an agreement between  the perpetrator and the victim of the most important is the provision of compensation  from  the  offender  to  the  victim. Ideally  in  the  concept  forward  on major  and  compensation mechanism  is  stipulated  in  the  rules of  implementation.