Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna
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Rusunawa dan Sandwich Generation: Resiliensi Masa Pandemi di Ruang Perkotaan Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna; Violetta Lovenika Nur Anwar
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): COVID-19 and Resilience
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2021.001.01.5


ABSTRAKTulisan ini bertujuan menelaah resiliensi dari sandwich generation di masa pandemi tentang kebutuhan tempat tinggal (rusunawa) di ruang perkotaan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Rusunawa merupakan bagian dari Rencana Strategis (Renstra)    Direktorat Rumah Susun, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat pada tahun 2020-2024 yang menyediakan rumah baru sejumlah 107.967 unit melalui kegiatan pembangunan rumah susun, rumah khusus dan dana bantuan stimulan pembangunan baru rumah swadaya. Rusunawa dikhususkan salah satunya untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) dengan jumlah 18.380 unit. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam kepada empat sandwich generation yang bertempat tinggal di kawasan Malang, Probolinggo, Surabaya, dan Sidoarjo serta sumber data sekunder berupa laporan studi empiris dan dokumen-dokumen pemerintahan yang terkait dengan rencana strategis pembangunan rusunawa, jumlah usia sandwich generation, serta jumlah status kepemilikan rumah sewa. Hasilnya adalah pengalaman-pengalaman para sandwich generation dalam memilih tempat tinggal serta interaksi-interaksi yang berjalin kelindan di antara para sandwich generation dalam mendefinisikan ketahanan kota (urban resilience). Perdebatan ini terjadi pada konteks pemahaman penyematan kata kota tangguh atau ketahanan kota dalam pemikiran para sandwich generation. Faktor ekonomi menjadi dominan pada diri para sandwich generation untuk memilih kebutuhan tempat tinggal ketimbang urusan kapasitas ekosistem, manusia, serta gangguan selama masa pandemi. Semuanya sama-sama memikirkan kapasitas ekonomi yang mereka miliki dengan cara lebih memilih kebutuhan tempat tinggal dengan status “rumah sewa” daripada rumah sendiri, tanpa memikirkan kapasitas-kapasitas lainnya di dalam unsur ketahanan perkotaan. Hal ini menjadi kontradiktif di tengah upaya pemerintah yang semakin gencar dalam penilaian indikator kota tangguh untuk mewujudkan ketahanan perkotaan.Kata kunci: kota tangguh, resiliensi perkotaan, rusunawa, sandwich generation     ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze resilience from sandwich generation during pandemic era about the needs of living place (rusunawa) in city space East Java province. Rusunawa is a part of strategic plan from Flats directorate, ministry of public works and society housing in 2020-2024 which provides new houses for about 107-967 units through program flats building, special house and stimulant budget for constructing new self-subsistent house. Rusunawa is made especially for the people who has low income for around 18.380 unit. The method of taking data is using deep interview technic to the four sandwich generation which located in Malang, Probolinggo, Surabaya, and Sidoarjo also second data resources in form of empirical study report and government documents which related strategic plan rusunawa construction, the number of sandwich generation, also number of possession status of the rental house. The result is the experiences of sandwich generation for choosing a place to live also the interaction that happened among the sandwich generation in defining urban resilience. This debate happens in context of understanding and embedding the word of tough and defense city in the thought of the sandwich generation. The economy factor happened dominantly to the sandwich generation for choosing the needs of a place to live other than the capacity of economy capacity, human, also disturbance during pandemic. All together think about the economy capacity which they had in a way of more to choose a place to stay with ste status of 'rental house' than possesed their own house without considering another capacities in the elements of city defense. This thing become contradictory in the middle of effort of the government which getting intense to the evaluation of indicator of the tough city for manifesting city defense. Keywords: resilient city, sandwich generation, rusunawa, urban resilience
Konsumsi Produk Sustainable Beauty di Masa Pandemi: Menjaga Kesadaran Ekologis ataukah Menjaga Fenomena FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna; Anastasya Carollita Lukman
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Social Problems and COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2022.001.02.4


ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the shift in knowledge about the use of beauty products during the global Covid-19 pandemic from conventional products to sustainable beauty products. Conventional beauty products are products that are considered to have environmentally unfriendly packaging such as plastic, contain synthetic chemicals that have the potential to harm the skin and the environment, usually made from palm oil derivatives. Meanwhile, sustainable beauty products are products that are packaged as environmentally friendly (can be recycled) and do not contain synthetic chemicals that can harm the environment. The data collection method used in-depth interviews with five informants consisting of three women and two men with criteria as users of sustainable beauty products both before and during the pandemic, as well as the use of journals and information from related news channels. The result is a shift in knowledge about the use of conventional products to sustainable beauty products, which are more likely to be done by women from the Z generation group (age range 9-24 years). These women understand that the use of sustainable beauty products is very important to protect the environment which is part of maintaining ecological awareness. But on the other hand, all informants did not reject the phenomenon of fear of missing out (FOMO) through the Tiktok platform which was introduced by beauty bloggers regarding the introduction of sustainable beauty products. The FOMO phenomenon is a condition in which a person feels anxious, restless, and afraid of missing the moment experienced by others while he or she is not involved in it. Apart from the increase in skincare products during the pandemic, the FOMO phenomenon has become a marker for purchasing sustainable beauty products as part of self-awareness not only to increase prestige but also to take care of the environment.
Kondisi Para Pekerja Industri Alas Kaki di Indonesia Pasca Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) di Masa Pandemi Global COVID-19 Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna; Regina Cita Berdida
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Social Problems and COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2022.001.02.3


ABSTRACTThe global COVID-19 pandemic has an impact not only on the health sector but also on the industrial sector, especially the footwear industry in various countries such as France, Germany, England, Japan, and also Indonesia. This article discusses specifically the social problems that occur among footwear industry workers in Indonesia after termination of employment (PHK) during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, the footwear industry in Indonesia was running well, and Indonesia was even the fourth country in the world to produce the most footwear in 2018. The production of these footwear was 1.4 billion pairs of footwear which is equivalent to 4.6 percent of the total footwear production worldwide, apart from China, India and Vietnam. The research method used in the writing is descriptive qualitative, which is carried out with data collection methods through in-depth interviews, observations, and journal articles that also discuss problems in the footwear industry. The informants interviewed were a married couple who experienced the termination of employment during the pandemic. The results of this study include: (1) laying off workers, which is one of the options that emerged during the pandemic to close the termination of employment status; (2) when workers were laid off for several months, they did not receive wages, which then led to termination of employment on the grounds that the company is no longer able to carry out production and is declared bankrupt; (3) Workers who have had their employment terminated include both permanent and casual daily workers; (4) casual daily workers who do not receive severance pay; and (5) permanent daily workers who are rehired as casual daily workers.
Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) dan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (PRT): Persoalan Tentang Ruang Kebebasan Sipil di Indonesia Violetta Lovenika Nur Anwar; Bella Anggie Minata; Andhika Theo Pratama; Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Civil Liberties
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2022.002.01.5


ABSTRAK Pekerja rumah tangga atau yang sering dikenal dengan asisten rumah tangga atau bahkan pembantu rumah tangga sudah tidak asing lagi keberadaannya di dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, baik di pedesaan maupun di perkotaan. Pekerja rumah tangga atau yang disingkat PRT merupakan sebuah pekerjaan dimana pekerjanya menawarkan jasa kepada pemberi kerja untuk mengerjakan berbagai urusan rumah tangga, seperti mencuci, memasak, membersihkan rumah, mengasuh anak, dan pekerjaan rumah lainnya. Keberadaan PRT sebagai pekerja informal atau pekerja domestik di dalam rumah tangga belum dibarengi dengan aturan hukum yang jelas dan konkrit untuk mengakui dan melindungi PRT dalam pekerjaannya, sehingga seringkali PRT menjadi subyek yang diabaikan dan disepelekan dari sebagai status yang marginal dan tidak eksis, bahkan tidak jarang mendapatkan perlakuan-perlakuan yang merugikan PRT, seperti tindakan pelanggaran hak, pelecehan seksual, hingga penyiksaan atau kekerasan yang dilakukan pemberi kerja kepada PRT. Berlatar belakang dari kasus-kasus pelanggaran hak PRT, PRT mulai memberanikan diri untuk mengupayakan hak-hak nya agar dilindungi oleh negara. Usaha untuk mengupayakan kerja layak bagi PRT telah tertuang dalam RUU PPRT serta adanya Konvensi ILO No.189. Namun hingga saat ini pemerintah negara Indonesia belum juga mengesahkan RUU PPRT menjadi UU PRT. Oleh karena dibutuhkan peran serta dari seluruh elemen negara termasuk pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil. Melalui Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS), diharapkan dapat menjadi jembatan aspirasi dan suara masyarakat untuk mendorong pengesahan RUU PPRT. Selain itu sebagai negara demokrasi, OMS juga dibutuhkan untuk mengklaim sebutan negara demokrasi bagi Indonesia agar kebebasan sipil dapat ditegakkan demi tercapainya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Utamanya bagi kaum marginal seperti PRT. Kata Kunci: Kebebasan Sipil, Kesejahteraan, OMS, PRT ABSTRACT Domestic workers or often known as household assistants or even domestic helpers are no stranger to their existence in the lives of Indonesian people, both in rural and urban areas. Domestic worker or abbreviated as PRT is a job where the worker offers services to the employer to do various household chores, such as washing, cooking, cleaning the house, caring for children, and other household chores. The existence of domestic workers as informal workers or domestic workers in the household has not been accompanied by clear and concrete legal rules to recognize and protect domestic workers in their work, so that domestic workers often become subjects that are ignored and underestimated, from a status that is marginal and does not exist, not even rare. Receiving treatment that is detrimental to domestic workers, such as violations of rights, sexual harassment, to torture or violence perpetrated by employers against domestic workers. Against the backdrop of cases of violations of domestic workers' rights, domestic workers have begun to have the courage to strive for their rights to be protected by the state. Efforts to seek decent work for domestic workers have been contained in the Domestic Workers Bill and the existence of ILO Convention No.189. However, until now the Indonesian state government has not ratified the Domestic Workers Bill to become the Domestic Workers Law. Therefore it requires the participation of all elements of the state including the government and civil society. Through Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), it is hoped that they can become a bridge for people's aspirations and voices to push for the ratification of the PPRT Bill. Apart from that, as a democratic country, CSOs are also needed to claim the title of a democratic country for Indonesia so that civic freedoms can be upheld for the sake of achieving people's welfare. Especially for marginalized people like domestic workers. Keywords: CSO, Civic Freedom, Domestic Worker, Welfare