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Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dan Pengetahuan Terhadap Perawatan Diri Penderita Kusta Fira Yulia
Corona: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Umum, Psikolog, Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Corona: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Umum, Psikolog, Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/corona.v1i2.26


Leprosy is still a health problem in Indonesia, the problem referred to is not only from a medical perspective but extends to social, economic, cultural, security and national security issues. (Asutic, 2016). Leprosy comes from the word kustha in Sanskrit, which means a collection of general skin symptoms. Leprosy was actually first discovered by history from Norway GH Armauer Hansen in 1873, so leprosy is also known as Morbus Hansen, this disease is a type of granulomatous disease of the peripheral nerves and mucosa in the upper respiratory tract and lesions on the skin are signs that can be observed from the outside. If left untreated, leprosy can be very progressive so that it can cause damage to the skin, limb nerves, and eyes. (Amiruddin, 2005).