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Implementasi Model Pintar Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas, Keterampilan Memecahkan Masalah Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Muatan Matematika Di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Rahmawati; Aslamiah
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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The problem in this study is that learning is only one-way and less attractive to students resulting in low activity, problem-solving skills and student learning outcomes that do not meet the specified Minimum Completeness Category (KKM) standard of 75. The purpose of this study is to describe teacher activities and analyze student activity problem solving skills and learning outcomes using the PINTAR model. The approach used is a qualitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is carried out in 3 meetings. The research subjects were fourth grade students at SDN Alalak Selatan 2 for the academic year 2022/2023, with a total of 22 students. The results showed: (1) teacher activity scored 34 very good categories, (2) student activity reached the very active category of 96%, (3) problem solving skills 86% and (4) classical mastery of student learning outcomes in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (skills) by 100%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that activity, problem solving skills and student learning outcomes in mathematics content in the material of presenting data with bar charts using a combination of the PINTAR model in Class IV elementary schools have increased.
Manajemen Kewirausahaan Bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK Dalam Mengembangkan UMKM Produk Olahan Kerupuk Tempe Di Desa Bumi Jaya Kecamatan Pelaihari M. Hasanur Arifin; Rasyidi; Dimas Azhar Maulana; Rahmawati; Maulidia Fitria; Adella Nagma Agnesia; Nurhaliza Nabila Rahmah
Jurnal Pengabdian Eksplorasi Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Maret 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis

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ABSTRAK: Program kemitraan masyarakat akan dilaksanakan pada Ibu-Ibu PKK Dalam Mengembangkan UMKM  Produk Olahan Kerupuk Tempe Di Desa Bumi Jaya Kecamatan Pelaihari Kabupaten Tanah Laut menjadi mitra sebab adanya permasalan-permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu akses permodalan yang terbatas karena kurangnya kepercayaan kreditur pada pelaku bisnis UMKM, belum memiliki catatan keuangan yang rapi sehingga tidak dapat menggambarkan kondisi keuangan sesungguhnya, pemasaran masih dilakukan secara direct selling dengan lingkup sekitar wilayah Kecamatan Pelaihari karena tidak adanya biaya pemasaran, dan inovasi produk kurang karena keterbatasan teknologi yang digunakan. Metode kegiatan berisi tentang uraian secara ringkas, praktis, ilmiah, dan bersifat aplikatif. Adapun metode yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, tugas, latihan praktik dan simulasi. Adanya kombinasi penggunaan metode ini diharapkan tujuan dari kegiatan ini dapat tercapai secara optimal. Selanjutnya melakukan wawancara, yaitu tanya jawab dengan UMKM tentang penggunaan aplikasi keuangan. Hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian pada Ibu-Ibu PKK di Desa Bumi Jaya Kecamatan Pelaihari diberikan materi tentang manajemen kewirausahaan. Selanjutnya lebih khusus di berikan materi di bidang keuangan dan dilakukan simulasi pembuatan pelaporan keuangan sehingga mampu memberikan laporan keuangan jalannya UMKM Produk Olahan Kerupuk Tempe Kata kunci : Manajemen Kewirausahaan, Ibu-Ibu PKK, UMKM   ABSTRACT: The community partnership program will be implemented for PKK women in developing UMKM Processed Tempe Cracker Products in Bumi Jaya Village, Pelaihari District, Tanah Laut Regency to become partners because of the problems that occur, namely limited access to capital due to a lack of creditors' trust in MSME business actors, yet has neat financial records so that it cannot describe the actual financial condition, marketing is still carried out by direct selling within the Pelaihari District area because there are no marketing costs, and product innovation is lacking due to the limited technology used. The activity method contains a brief, practical, scientific and applicable description. The methods that will be used in this activity are lectures, questions and answers, assignments, practical exercises and simulations. By combining the use of these methods, it is hoped that the objectives of this activity can be achieved optimally. Next, conduct interviews, namely questions and answers with MSMEs about the use of financial applications. As a result of the service implementation, PKK mothers in Bumi Jaya Village, Pelaihari District were given material on entrepreneurial management. Next, more specifically, material in the financial sector is provided and a simulation of making financial reports is carried out so that they are able to provide financial reports on the running of MSMEs for Tempe Cracker Processed Products. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Management, PKK Women, MSMEs