Deasy Yunita Siregar
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatra Utara

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Perkembangan Kurikulum Di Indonesia Dan Dampak Perkembangannya Terhadap Kualitas Pendidikan Fadhila; Fatimah Azzahra; Kezia Nur Elizanti Purba; Bima Bahari; Deasy Yunita Siregar
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Konvergensi Manusia dan Teknologi
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Curriculum development in Indonesia has experienced various changes over time. This change aims to improve the quality of education and adapt it to the needs of society and current developments. However, the impact of these curriculum developments on the quality of education needs to be analyzed critically. In this research, the literature review method was used to collect and analyze data from various related sources regarding curriculum development in Indonesia and its impact on the quality of education. Data was obtained through literature searches, academic journals and other related publications. Curriculum development in Indonesia has experienced several significant changes in the last few decades. Each change is controlled and adjusted by the Minister of Education based on certain experiences and considerations. The main aim of curriculum changes is to improve the quality of education, provide education that is relevant to society's needs, and able to compete at the global level. However, the impact of these curriculum developments can vary. On the one hand, curriculum changes can provide benefits such as increased relevance to the world of work, skills development, and integration of technology in learning. However, on the other hand, curriculum changes can also have negative impacts such as an overly heavy curriculum load, a gap between theoretical and practical subjects, and a lack of training and resources for teachers in implementing the new curriculum. Curriculum changes can also affect the education system in general, including learning methods, evaluation and further curriculum development. Therefore, careful assessment of the impact of curriculum changes on the quality of education needs to be carried out continuously to ensure the desired results are achieved. Curriculum development in Indonesia is an ongoing process in order to improve the quality of education. In making these changes, it is important to consider the impacts, both positive and negative. Evaluation of curriculum changes and close supervision are needed to ensure that the education system is able to provide quality and relevant education for students.
Pengaruh Proses Observasi Magang Terhadap Motivasi Mahasiswa Deasy Yunita Siregar; Hafizah Ismayati; Nur Ain Nun; Miftahul Jannah; Sirrul Aulia
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Preparing interns to become professional educators is the program's first priority. This includes a protracted process that begins with locating and observing a school and ends with candidates being able to stand and teach in class according to the needs and desires of their pupils. Preservice teachers need to be well-versed in four areas: 1) pedagogy, 2) professionalism, 3) social competence, and 4) personality. This study aims to shed light on how an internship programme might enhance these abilities. This study employed exploratory and descriptive approaches to analyse secondary data collected through surveys. Students in the English Language Studies major contributed data for this study. Students whose first internship was in an English language training programme were the topic of this study. As a component of Internship Programme I, learning process observation helps students develop a sense of educational identity and improves their academic competence in the classroom. Effective and responsive teaching abilities, as well as an understanding of the strategies necessary to become competent educators who can adapt to varied school situations, are the goals of this exercise, which is designed to help interns improve these talents. First language education internship programme English is a programme that seeks to enhance students' proficiency and enthusiasm for learning the English language.
MERDEKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Februari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62017/merdeka.v1i3.852


Aspek terpenting dalam program magang adalah menyiapkan lulusan calon pendidik yang profesional diperlukan pentahapan sejak dari kemampuannya mengenali, mengamati sekolah sampai dengan dapat berdiri mengajar di kelas sebagai sosok yang dinanti dan dirindu oleh peserta didiknya dibutuhkan proses panjang. Penelit ian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana program magang dapat menguatkan kompetensi calon guru yang terdiri dari 1) Kompetensi Paedagogik, 2) Kompetensi Profesional, 3) Kompetensi Sosial, dan 4) Kompetensi Kepribadian. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa melalui program magang meliputi aspek: kompentesi pedagogik, kompentensi profesional, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi kepribadian sosial telah mencapai standar profesi dan dijadikan sebagai tauladan bagi calon guru. Mahasiswa magang 2 sudah memiliki konsep dala m menyusun rencana Proses Pembelajaran (RPP), yang terdiri dari pengetahuan membuat perencanaan pengajaran, pelaksanaan pengajaran,sampai pada evaluasi pengajaran, dan bahkan sarana dan prasarana, serta administrasi kesiswaan.Mahasiswa juga memperoleh kompetensi kepribadian dalam wujud softskill meliputi: keterampilan berkomunikasi,keterampilan beradaptasi dalam pekerjaan, keterampilan mengelola kerja tim, keterampilan bersosialisasi, serta ketelitian dalam bekerja. kompetensi tersebut dapat terinternalis asi di dalam diri mahasiswa sebagai insan akademik dengan ditopang beberapa matakuliah penunjang.