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JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 7 No 1 Agustus 2014
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.598 KB) | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v7i1.602


The development in technology, especially in electronic technology. Every technology in many fields of study mostly need electronic device. Even door lock incur-porate electronic technology to junction better.To make electronic key system follow few steps. First, the planning to design electronic and mechanic system of the door lock. Second, design the hardware and drill the PCB, Then assemble the electronic compo-nents. Third, design of the software use algoritm from system. Fourth, flash the assembler program into the IC AT89C51 and set it to hardware, next test the completed system.The result, shows that the system can be applied to the door lock system with time recording access. It uses Real Time Clock (RTC), Line Port Terminal (LPT), IC AT89C51 and handphone siemens M35i as the interface system.
Implementasi Sistem Data Logger pada Alat Pemantau Energi Listrik Motor Induksi 3-Fasa Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560 di PT Madu Baru Yogyakarta Beny Firman; Hariyo Santoso; Sigit Priyambodo; Hadi Prasetyo Suseno; Prastyono Eko Pambudi; RR Yuliana Rachmawati Kusumaningsih
Aviation Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Electricals, Controls (AVITEC) Vol 4, No 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/avitec.v4i1.1189


An Induction motor is an electric machine that converts electrical energy into kinetics energy and widely used in the industrial fields. Many disturbances that occur in the motor that cause production to be not optimal as for the problems that occur at PT. Madu Baru Yogyakarta is when there is a disturbance in the three-phase induction motor, workers still use manual methods to analyze the disturbance, so that the time used in the analysis takes a long time even the three-phase induction motor cannot work again. In overcoming this, it is necessary to implement a data logger system that can detect the electrical parameters of a three-phase induction motor in real time, in order to make it easier to analyze existing disturbances through graphs. The voltage sensor CYVS13-34U0 and current sensor SCT-019 will detect the electrical parameters which will then be processed by the Arduino Mega 2560 pro so that the processed data will be stored on the microsd card. The data resulting from the processing are electrical parameters in the form of voltage, current, apparent power, real power, reactive power, and power factor. The data will be saved as a file with .txt format which has an interval of about 1 minute for each storage.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 9 No 2 Februari 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.549 KB) | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v9i2.134


Agricultural sector is playing vital role in Indonesia economy, in which irrigation mechanism is of key concern. Water management have to do optimally, both of suitability of water distribution, supply water and saving water and electricity. These problems can be overcome by designing a water level system for irrigation the plants by using a micro- controller Arduino Uno R3 and SMS Gateway. The water level control system consists of a main control that uses microcontroller Arduino Uno R3 which will take the data sent by resitif sensors, temperature sensors and moisture soil sensors and then compare it with the correct values and the results will be sent via SMS using the GSM TC35i. As for out- put used of water pumps, solenoid valve and the value of the moistuse soil and tempera- ture sensors. From the test results are analyzed it can be concluded that the test was obtained power supply circuit output value of 13.6V DC. Testing the voltage divider circuit is divided into 3 output is 12V DC for the driver circuit, 9V DC to arduino, and 5V DC for TC35i. In the water reservoir when the height of 6.5cm below the resistance ranges from 200 to 400Ω and its output voltage reaches 0.3V. Error data on the LM35 temperature sensor of 0.2265625. For moisture soil sensors every 1% increase in soil moisture, the output voltage of 0,313V. In the test results of sending and receiving SMS takes time un- der 10 seconds.
Publisher : IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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This paper discusses the application of solar cell (solar cell) as a power plant with solar energy source. The electricity generated is used as the Hanphone Charger. The working principle of a solar power plant is from sunlight that contains energy in the form of photons. When this photon concerns the surface of the solar cell, its electrons will be excited and generate electrical voltage. The electric current generated from the solar cell is the direct current (DC) as the battery charger, which is then the DC (DC) current output of the 12 Volt battery is lowered to 5 Volts and becomes an alternating current (AC) using an inverter. The testing stage is carried out in the installation field with test parameters such as voltage and electric current. The battery is filled by solar cells as a result of converting solar energy into electrical energy. The resulting voltage of the solar cell ranges from 14.8 - 17.5 volts DC. Solar cell used in the form of panel type Policristal (Poly-crystalline) with 50 wp power. At the current and voltage distribution from the solar cell source, although the voltage generated by the solar cell is ± 17V, but when the battery is very stable with an average voltage of 13.5V as regulated by solar charger controller. Voltages and currents will begin to increase in the morning at 07.00 WIB, then will reach the maximum level during the day at 10:00 to 13:00 pm, and began to fall in the afternoon.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 9 No 2 Februari 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v9i2.134


Agricultural sector is playing vital role in Indonesia economy, in which irrigation mechanism is of key concern. Water management have to do optimally, both of suitability of water distribution, supply water and saving water and electricity. These problems can be overcome by designing a water level system for irrigation the plants by using a micro- controller Arduino Uno R3 and SMS Gateway. The water level control system consists of a main control that uses microcontroller Arduino Uno R3 which will take the data sent by resitif sensors, temperature sensors and moisture soil sensors and then compare it with the correct values and the results will be sent via SMS using the GSM TC35i. As for out- put used of water pumps, solenoid valve and the value of the moistuse soil and tempera- ture sensors. From the test results are analyzed it can be concluded that the test was obtained power supply circuit output value of 13.6V DC. Testing the voltage divider circuit is divided into 3 output is 12V DC for the driver circuit, 9V DC to arduino, and 5V DC for TC35i. In the water reservoir when the height of 6.5cm below the resistance ranges from 200 to 400Ω and its output voltage reaches 0.3V. Error data on the LM35 temperature sensor of 0.2265625. For moisture soil sensors every 1% increase in soil moisture, the output voltage of 0,313V. In the test results of sending and receiving SMS takes time un- der 10 seconds.
Optimalisasi Pengisian Accu Pada Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Dengan Solar Charge Controller (MPPT) Muhammad Suyanto; Sigit Priyambodo; Prasetyono E.P; Ari Purnama Aji
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Jurnal Teknologi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/jurtek.v15i1.3929


The use of renewable energy is currently one of the alternative energies to support the decline in fossil energy in Indonesia. Solar energy is the right choice for now, as a solar power plant (PLTS), which is a renewable technology, which can convert solar thermal energy into electrical energy. The solar power generation system has various components, one of which is the Solar charge controller. The purpose of this research is to optimize battery charging using the MPPT Solar charge controller type. MPPT solar charge controller, has better characteristics and is able to charge the battery (accu) faster. In this study also pay attention to the effect of light intensity and temperature on the power output generated by the solar cell. The results showed that the MPPT Solar charge controller was able to work better and faster in charging the battery (accu) than other Solar charge controllers. It is proven by the results of the average voltage, current and output power of the MPPT controller of 13.79 volts, 3.06 amperes and 42.26 watts of power, for high light intensity and temperature do not always affect the results of high voltage, current and power, because environmental factors also affect the output of the solar cell.
Purwapupa Alat Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas LPG Berbasis IoT (Internet Of Things) Dengan Indikator Monitor Jarak Jauh Berbasis Platform NodeMCU Sigit Priyambodo; Johannes Anjaswara Sinaga
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri 2019: Prosiding Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Purwarupa dari alat pendeteksi kebocoran gas LPG berbasis IoT ini dikendalikan dengan platform NodeMCU. Sebuah detektor gas dipasang untuk mendeteksi gas LPG yang kemungkinan bocor keluar dari tabung nya yang terakumulasi dalam suatu ruangan, sehingga sangat berbahaya dan berpotensi bahaya ledakan. Pada rancangan purwarupa ini digunakan satu buah sensor gas seri MQ-2. Satu buah modul Node MCU dan satu buah LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) untuk indikator lokal. Semua piranti ini dirangkai dalam sebuah box akrilik. Detektor gas bekerja mendeteksi gas yang timbul diruangan tertentu lalu mengirimkan sinyal menggunakan ke NodeMCU sebagai kontrol unit, sinyal yang dikirim berupa digital yang di broadcase menjadi sinyal analog proses ini biasa disebut dengan istilah ENCODER, kemudian pesawat penerima akan menerima sinyal analog ini lalu memproses dengan cara menterjemahkan menjadi data digital proses ini biasa disebut dengan istilah DECODER, hasilnya akan ditampilkan mengunakan oleh display LCD, smart phone dengan aplikasi android dan Buzzer.
Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Sistem Grid- Connected Berbasis Pvsyst 6.7.0 Pada Kantor Desa Putat Kecamatan Sedong Kabupaten Cirebon Slamet Hani; Gatot Santoso; Sigit Priyambodo; Fikri Fahrezzy
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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The use of renewable energy sources is an effort to answer the challenges of the energy crisis that is occurring. One of the renewable energies is the use of solar energy. Government Regulation Number 79 of 2014 concerning national energy policies encourages the use of Renewable Energy (EBT). One of the public facilities that can be used as the object of the author's application to initiate planning for a solar power plant is the Putat Village Government Office, Sedong District, Cirebon Regency. This planning is carried out using the Pvsyst 6.7.0 software with direct data collection method. The results of calculations and analysis are obtained to meet the needs of the electrical energy load of 50,587.7 Wh in the Village Government Office of Putat requires a solar power plant capacity of 10,402 Wp or 10.402 kWp with an array area of 61.77 m2 and 48 units of solar modules with the capacity of each module solar 220 Wp, SCC requires 2 units, batteries require 52 units with a battery storage capacity of 12 volts 200 Ah and 1 inverter unit with an output power capacity of 10 kW. Keywords: solar power, power generation, Pvsyst 6.7.0