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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract Villages are the most accurate data source for searching population data. For this reason, the method of collecting population data, filling in data in formats, processing data and presenting population data information to the public must be carried out effectively and efficiently so that the information can be conveyed quickly and accurately. This activity was carried out in 3 stages, namely survey; implementation of activities; and evaluation of activities. The survey was conducted in several villages in Kebumen Regency. The team assisted in re-arranging the Village website username and password at the Kebumen Regency Communication and Information Hall. In this activity, activities were also carried out to update plugins and main information for administration services on the village website. With the theme Village Digitalization to Improve the Quality of Information Services and realize Kebumen Smart, this activity aims to change the management process and administrative services in the Village to be of better quality and make information about Villages in Kebumen Regency easier to find by the wider community by updating contacts and website pages. , apart from that this activity will run on a scheduled basis for ongoing monitoring and evaluation. This also functions to publish information related to Village Programs, BUMDES, UMKM and the potential that exists in the Village. Abstrak Desa merupakan sumber data paling akurat untuk pencarian data kependudukan. Untuk itu, cara pengumpulan data penduduk, pengisian data dalam format, pengolahan data hingga penyajian informasi data kependudukan kepada masyarakat harus dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien agar informasi yang tersampaikan dapat dengan cepat dan akurat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam 3 tahapan yakni survei; implementasi kegiatan; dan evaluasi kegiatan. survei di lakukan di beberapa desa yang berada di Kabupaten Kebumen. Tim melakukan pendampingan pengurusan kembali username dan password website Desa di Balai Kominfo Kabupaten Kebumen. Dalam kegiatan ini juga dilakukan kegiatan memperbaharui Plugin dan Informasi utama untuk layanan administrasi pada website desa. Dengan tema Digitalisasi Desa untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Informasi dan mewujudkan Kebumen Smart kegiatan ini memiliki tujuan mengubah proses pengurusan dan layanan administrasi di Desa menjadi lebih baik kualitasnya dan informasi tentang Desa yang berada di Kabupaten Kebumen lebih mudah dicari oleh masyarakat luas dengan memperbaharui kontak dan laman website, terlepas dari itu kegiatan ini akan berjalan secara terjadwal untuk monitoring dan evaluasi yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini juga berfungsi untuk mempublikasikan Informasi yang berkaitan dengan Program Desa, BUMDES, UMKM dan potensi-potensi yang ada di Desa.
Peramalan Cuaca Harian di Kota Purwokerto Menggunakan Metode Rantai Markov Sausan; Ernawati Prahesta Kurnia Sari; Abdurrahman Muhammad Umar Lahmadi
JMT : Jurnal Matematika dan Terapan Vol 6 No 1 (2024): JMT (Jurnal Matematika dan Terapan)
Publisher : Program Studi Matematika Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/jmt.6.1.3


Daily weather forecasting is an important aspect in anticipating and managing the impact of weather changes that can affect various sectors of life, such as agriculture, transportation, tourism, and other activities. Purwokerto City, which is located in the middle of Java Island, Indonesia, is one of the cities that faces fluctuating weather changes. This research aims to perform daily weather forecasting in Purwokerto City using the Markov Chain Method, a statistical approach that has been widely used in various fields including weather forecasting. This research uses daily weather data in Purwokerto City on July 5 to 10, 2023. The data was obtained from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Purwokerto City. The weather data is based on the weather categories of cloudy, light rain, moderate rain, and thunder rain, as well as observation time which includes morning, afternoon, evening, and night. The results showed that the daily weather data from July 5 to 10, 2023 analyzed showed significant weather variations. However, cloudy weather was the most dominant condition during that week.