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Pendidikan Kesehatan Persiapan Biopsikososial Calon Pengantin untuk Pencegahan Stunting di Kepulauan Seribu Febi Ratnasari; Suryani Hartati; Nuryanih Nuryanih; Irma Nurbaiti
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Volume 7 No 2 2024
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v7i2.13274


ABSTRAK Intervensi pencegahan dan penanganan stunting sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat dan daerah, namun pencegahan stunting dengan sasaran calon pengantin belum banyak dilakukan, hal ini berdampak pada ketidak siapan secara biopsikososial, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemberian edukasi. Untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang persiapan  biopsikososial dalam pencegahan stunting sejak dini terutama saat kehamilan di wilayah kepulauan Harapan. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diawali dengan melakukan pengambilan data di Puskesmas dan Kelurahan kepulauan Harapan, kemudian melakukan survey dan pemberian pretest dan post test melalui kuesioner tentang pengetahuan persiapan catin dan stunting, setelah itu pemberian edukasi kesehatan pada calon pengantin mengenai persiapan Biopsikososial  guna menurunkan angka kejadian Stunting di Kepulauan Seribu, Pulau Harapan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan tanggal 25 Juli 2023 dihadiri oleh 7 pasang calon pengantin atau 14 orang   di tempat aula KUA pulau Harapan. Usia catin rata rata 18-24 tahun 12 orang (85.7%). Tingkat pengetahuan pasangan catin meningkat setelah diberikan penyuluhan dan diskusi tanya jawab menjadi 78,6% setelah di berikan edukasi, hal ini menunjukkan catin sudah siap untuk menuju rumah tangga. Pasangan Catin yang mengikuti pendidikan kesehatan di pulau Harapan Kepulauan Seribu ini sebagian besar usia yang cukup dewasa, sehingga pengetahuan semakin bertambah dan sumber informasi yang diperoleh semakin banyak dan lebih baik setelah diberikan edukasi.Diharapkan petugas kesehatan membantu petugas KUA untuk melakukan edukasi Kesehatan pada Catin Kata Kunci:  Catin,  Edukasi Biopsikososial, Stunting   ABSTRACT Interventions to prevent and handle stunting have been carried out by the central and regional governments, but not much has been done to prevent stunting targeting prospective brides and grooms. This has an impact on biopsychosocial unpreparedness, so it is necessary to provide education. Objective: to provide knowledge and understanding about biopsychosocial preparation for preventing stunting from an early age, especially when preparing for pregnancy in the Harapan Islands region. The aim is to provide knowledge and understanding about biopsychosocial preparation for preventing stunting from an early age, especially during pregnancy, in the Harapan Islands region. The method for implementing this activity begins with collecting data at the Puskesmas and Harapan Island Subdistricts, then conducting a survey and giving a pretest and posttest through a questionnaire regarding knowledge of prospective bride preparation and stunting. after that, providing health education to prospective brides and grooms regarding biopsychosocial preparation in order to reduce the incidence rate of  stunting in the Seribu Islands and  Harapan Island. The activity was held on July 25, 2023, and was attended by 7 pairs of bride and groom or 14 people at the KUA hall on Harapan Island. The average age of 12 people (85.7%) was 18-24 years. The level of knowledge of catin couples increased after being given counseling and question and answer discussions to 78.6% after being given education, which shows that catin is ready to enter the household. Most of the prospective brides couples who attended health education on Harapan Island, Seribu Islands, were quite mature, so their knowledge increased and the sources of information obtained became more numerous and better after being given the education. It is hoped that health workers will help KUA officers provide health education to Catin. Keywords: Prospective Bride, Biopsychosocial Education, Stunting
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mobile Health Apps in Improving Public Health Awareness in Indonesia Andi Muhammad Multazam; Yenik Pujowati; Suryani Hartati
West Science Information System and Technology Vol. 2 No. 01 (2024): West Science Information System and Technology
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsist.v2i01.803


This study investigates the effectiveness of mobile health apps in enhancing public health awareness in Indonesia through a quantitative analysis. Using 170 participants, data was collected through surveys to assess mobile health app usage patterns and public health awareness levels. Results indicate that frequent use of mobile health apps is positively associated with higher public health awareness scores. Specifically, fitness tracking and nutrition apps were found to be significantly correlated with increased public health awareness. These findings highlight the potential of mobile health apps as tools for disseminating health information and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health. The study contributes to understanding the role of mobile technology in promoting public health awareness in Indonesia and underscores the importance of targeted interventions tailored to specific health needs and preferences.