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Penguatan Peran Anggota Masyarakat Dalam Perencanaan, Penganggaran dan Penilaian Hasil Pembangunan Desa Randi Gunawan; Muhammad Husin Gultom; Ajinar; Akhyari; Suhaeri; Syahrizal; Iskandar; Sabri
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i1.8


Law Number 6 June 2014 Village development plans must be carried out in a participatory manner, including the entire community, including sensitive groups (minorities, diverse, women, and the poor). The development carried out by the village is intended to be truly beneficial for all residents. So far, most villages in Indonesia have not been able to carry out legal missions. This is evidenced by the existence of a complete village without entangling the community with a transparent development plan. In addition, there are villages that try to involve the community through the “musrenbangdes” mechanism, but not all community components are invited to the “musrenbangdes”. As a result of non-participatory development planning, the benefits of village development are not felt by all levels of society, so the development program is not successful. The USK staff conducts training on village development planning, budgeting, and evaluation of village development results in Payakameng Village as an effort to realize a participatory village development plan. Representatives from all levels of the village community (village residents, administrators of social organizations, village government) participated in these activities. In this training, it is necessary to implement a participatory village development plan so that all residents can feel the results of development.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Teknis Perawatan Pompa Sumur Dalam di Desa Luthu Lamweu, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Zulfadhli; Husni; Sabri; Muhibbuddin; Dandi Bahtiar
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v2i2.161


This community service aims to improve care, maintenance and repair of submersible water pumps spread across Gampong Luthu Lamweu, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. Activities begin with the preparation stage, site feasibility survey, identification of problems with partners, implementation of activities, as well as socialization and evaluation of results. Problem identification is carried out through maintenance, upkeep and repair steps for water pumps, which are delivered through training and technical assistance by the PKM implementation team to participants, with the aim of ensuring that participants are able to independently manage and maintain the water pump system. The repair process focuses on components that can be repaired, while for damaged components, they are replaced with new spare parts. Evaluation is carried out at the final stage of activities to ensure that the water pump is functioning optimally and water distribution is running normally, so that the availability of water for agricultural and rice field needs can be guaranteed. This activity was carried out successfully, as evidenced by the appreciation received from the participants, especially local farmer groups, which showed their level of satisfaction and pride in their success in independently managing the maintenance and repair of water pumps.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Bagi Para Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Desa Naga Umbang Kecamatan Lhoknga Aceh Dandi Bachtiar; Razali; Sabri; Masri; Nurdin Ali; Zulfan
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v2i2.173


Building a safety culture in the home or family environment will tend to be more difficult than building a safety culture in the workplace. This community service program aims to provide health and safety education to housewives in Naga Umbang Village, Lhoknga District, Aceh. Through various outreach activities, such as seminars, workshops and practical demonstrations, it is hoped that housewives can increase understanding and awareness of the importance of good health practices and safety measures in everyday life. It is hoped that the results of this program evaluation can provide constructive input for continuous improvement and increasing the welfare of local communities.