Juli Dwi Prasetyono
Universitas Indonesia

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NURSE: Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol 2, No 2 (2023): NURSE: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/nurse.v2i2.33889


Background. Working at a petrol station has a considerable and serious impact on the health of workers/labourers. This is because workers, especially petrol station operators, must inhale petrol vapour every working day when serving customers, which can have a direct and long-term health impact. In addition, petrol contains chemicals that can harm the body, and this can result in damage to the brain system, dizziness, cancer, and those who often inhale it can cause death. However, the health behaviours of petrol station operators are still lacking and therefore do not meet optimal health needs while working.Aim. To explore the health promotion behaviour of petrol station workers towards exposure to benzene (gasoline vapour) hazards.Sample. The study population is petrol station operators in West Bandung. The sampling technique that will be carried out in this study is purposive sampling, namely petrol station operators who have worked for at least 12 months.Methods. Data from participants will be obtained by in-depth interviews and observations. This research design uses qualitative research: Case Study on 3 participants who work at DODO X petrol station. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using qualitative content analysis using ATLAS.ti software.Results. After the analysis, 3 themes were described with subthemes obtained from the interviews, namely 1) petrol station operators' perceptions of petrol vapour hazards 2) petrol station workers' responses and 3) workplace policies to prevent exposure to petrol vapour hazards.Conclusion.  Improving positive perceptions in preventing health risks, passive and active responses of individual workers and occupational health policies also occupational health nurse role is need to be improved as an effort to make the working community at large healthy, especially petrol station operators.Keywords : petrol station operators, health promotion, workers, benzena AbstrakLatar Belakang. Bekerja di SPBU memiliki dampak yang cukup besar dan serius untuk kesehatan pekerja/ buruh. Hal ini dikarenakan pekerja/buruh terutama operator SPBU harus menghirup uap bensin setiap hari kerja ketika melayani konsumen sehingga dapat berdampak bagi kesehatan secara langsung dan jangka panjang. Selain itu di dalam bensin mengandung zat kimia yang dapat membahayakan tubuh, dan hal demikian bisa berakibat pada kerusakan sistem otak, memberikan efek pusing, kanker, dan terhadap pihak yang sering menghirupnya dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Namun begitu, perilaku kesehatan dari operator SPBU masih kurang sehingga belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan optimal saat bekerja.Tujuan. Mengeksplorasi bagaimana perilaku promosi kesehatan pekerja SPBU terhadap paparan bahaya benzena (uap bensin).Sampel Penelitian. Populasi penelitian adalah operator SPBU yang ada di Bandung Barat. Teknik sampling yang akan dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling yaitu opeartor SPBU yang telah bekerja minimal 12 bulan.Metode. Data dari partisipan akan diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif: Case Study pada 3 orang partisipan yang bekerja di SPBU DODO X. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using qualitative content analysis menggunakan software ATLAS.tiHasil. Setelah dilakukan analisis diperoleh sebanyak 3 tema yang diuraikan dengan subtema-subtema yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara tersebut, yaitu 1) persepsi operator SPBU tentang bahaya uap bensin 2) respon pekerja SPBU dan 3) kebijakan tempat kerja untuk mencegah paparan bahaya uap bensin.Kesimpulan.  Perbaikan persepsi yang positif dalam mencegah risiko kesehatan dapat dilakukan oleh perawat kesehatan kerja, respon pasif dan aktif individu pekerja serta kebijakan kesehatan kerja perlu ditingkatkan sebagai upaya menyehatkan masyarakat pekerja secara luas terutama pada operator SPBU.Kata kunci: operator SPBU, Promosi kesehatan, perawat kesehatan kerja, benzena