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EDUKASI DAN DONASI HAND SANITIZER SEBAGAI UPAYA PREVENTIF TRANSMISI COVID-19 DI KELURAHAN NGAGLIK KOTA BATU JAWA TIMUR Santy Irene Putri; Aris Widiyanto; Joko Tri Atmojo; Asruria Sani Fajriah; Prima Soultoni Akbar; Rina Tri Handayani; Hendra Dwi Kurniawan
Abdimas Kosala : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Abdimas Kosala : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37831/akj.v2i2.262


Angka penularan Covid-19 di Kota Batu semakin meningkat. Kelurahan Ngaglik merupakan salah satu zona merah persebaran Covid-19 di kota Batu. Masih rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyumbang angka kasus Covid-19 semakin meningkat. Tujuan dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mencegah transmisi Covid-19 serta menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam melakukan protokol kesehatan secara disiplin melalui edukasi dan pemberian donasi hand sanitizer pada Kelurahan Ngaglik Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Metode pelaksanaan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan di lokasi yakni di Kelurahan Ngaglik dan disiarkan secara online melalui youtube. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 03 Januari 2021 di  Kelurahan Ngaglik, Kota Batu dengan dihadiri lurah dan juga perangkat kelurahan serta babinsa. Target dalam pelaksanaan program ini difokuskan terhadap masyarakat yang kurang mampu di wilayah Kelurahan Ngaglik Kota Batu. Hasil yang sudah dicapai dalam pengabdian ini adalah terdistribusinya hand sanitizer kepada masyarakat kurang mampu di Kelurahan Ngaglik, Kota Batu. Kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilaksanakan berupa edukasi kesehatan serta donasi hand sanitizer di Kelurahan Ngaglik Kota Batu dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar. Setelah dilaksanakan kegiatan, diharapkan masyarakat dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19   Kata kunci: edukasi kesehatan, donasi hand sanitizer, pencegahan transmisi, Covid-19   The number of Covid-19 transmission in Batu City is increasing. Ngaglik Village is one of the red zones for the spread of Covid-19 in Batu City. The low level of public awareness to implement health protocols is one of the factors contributing to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. The purpose of carrying out this community service activity is to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and to raise public awareness in implementing health protocols in a disciplined manner through education and donating hand sanitizers to the Ngaglik Village, Batu City, East Java. The implementation method for community service activities is carried out at a location, namely in the Ngaglik Village and broadcast online via YouTube. This community service activity was carried out on January 3, 2021 in the Ngaglik Village, Batu City, attended by the village head and also village officials and babinsa. The target in the implementation of this program is focused on underprivileged people in the Ngaglik Village area, Batu City. The results that have been achieved in this service are the distribution of hand sanitizers to the underprivileged in Ngaglik Village, Batu City. Community service activities that have been carried out in the form of health education and hand sanitizer donations in Ngaglik Village, Batu City can be carried out properly and smoothly. After carrying out the activities, it is hoped that the community can improve discipline in complying with health protocols to reduce the spread of Covid-19.   Keywords: Covid-19, hand sanitizer donation, health education, transmission prevention
Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on the Incident of Stroke: Meta-Analysis Ahmad Syauqi Mubarok; Hendra Dwi Kurniawan; Prissy Verasita; Akhmad Azmiardi; Kiky Puspitasary
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v5i4.2461


Blood vessel disorders can occur due to the narrowing and hardening of the artery walls, which is called atherosclerotic plaque. Stroke is a serious health problem because of the high mortality and morbidity rates and its impact can cause chronic disability and occurs not only in elderly people but also in young people. This study aims to estimate and analyze the effect of diabetes mellitus on the incidence of stroke. This research is a systematic review and meta-analysis research using the PRISMA diagram. Article searches were carried out based on the PICO Model eligibility criteria. P= DM patient; I= Diabetes mellitus; C= Normal blood sugar; O= Stroke. The articles used come from Google Scholar. With keywords including "Diabetes mellitus" AND "Normal blood sugar" AND "Stroke" AND "adjusted Odds Ratio". Articles were analyzed using the PRISMA diagram and the Review Manager 5.3 application. 5 articles (2016-2022) with a randomized controlled trial study design will be used as a source for meta-analysis of the effect of diabetes mellitus on the incidence of stroke. Shows that people with diabetes mellitus increase the likelihood of stroke. Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus increase the likelihood of stroke by 2.41 times compared to those with normal blood sugar. (aOR= 2.41; 95% CI= 1.71 to 3.39; p=0.0001), and statistically significant. The forest plot also shows high heterogeneity of effect estimates between studies (I2 = 73%). The funnel plot shows that there is publication bias which tends to exaggerate the true effect (overestimate). Meta-analysis of 5 studies cross-sectional concluded that people with diabetes mellitus increase the likelihood of stroke.