An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Journal : Jornal Of Tourism Sciences (Toursci)

The Role of BUMDes in Overcoming Over Tourism in Bejiharjo Tourism Village Karangmojo District Gunung Kidul Regency An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 17 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i1.24


The topography of the Bejiharjo tourist village in the form of rice fields, rivers, caves is very supportive of various natural tourism activities. Cave tubing Goa Pindul is famous for its unique natural beauty, one of which is karst stalactites and stalagmites attracting the attention of tourists so that overtourism occurs. The research was conducted with the aim of finding out how the Bumdes Institution can overcome the problem of overtourism. The research method used is descriptive research, data obtained by interviews with stakeholders. The results show that the Bumdes Institution plays a role in overcoming overtourism by providing alternative diversions of tourists who come to Pindul Cave to other tourist destinations in the Bejiharjo tourist village. The community worked hard hand in hand in tourism awareness groups resulting in the success of villagers in the Bumdes Institution to manage and promote the potential of the Bejiharjo tourist village so that it became one of the leading tourist villages in Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta and in 2012 was named the best tourist village by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Gender and Capacity Building in Tourism (Case Study in Pentingsari Tourism Village) I Ketut Aditya Prayoga; An Nuur Khairune Nisa; Delfyan Intan Nurmala Fadin
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 17 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i1.26


The role of women in the tourism sector is very important, but in fact in some places still positions women in male dominance, both in quality and quality of work. The development of tourism villages has become a program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and one of them is the Pentingsari tourist village. Pentingsari Tourism Village is a community empowerment-based tourism village that has done good women empowerment. This research was conducted to determine gender capacity in tourism development in Pentingsari tourism village seen from psychological, economic, social, and political dimensions. The method used in this study is qualitative method. Data collection in the form of in-depth interviews with managers, field observations and literature reviews from various sources such as books, journals, proceedings, mass media both print and electronic. The results showed that the involvement of women in tourism villages in all lines showed women's response in empowerment ranging from psychological, economic, social, and political dimensions also showed that women had been well empowered. The capacity of women in developing tourism is also high with access to participate in decision making related to tourism in Pentingsari Tourism Village.
The Effect of the G20 Summit in Bali on Creative Economy and Tourism: Economic Impact Analysis of High-Level Events An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Vol 1 No.2 17 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i2.70


This research examines the impact of the G20 Summit in Indonesia in 2022 on the country's economy, especially in the creative economy and tourism sectors. The G20 summit in Bali became a platform for multilateral collaboration between 19 major economies and the European Union. The main focus of the conference is on issues of global economy and sustainable development with the theme "Recover Together, Recover Stronger." This research method involves the analysis of economic and statistical data, including official statements from Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This data includes the impact on domestic consumption, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector growth. In addition, the research involved an analysis of women's empowerment programs in MSMEs, fund allocation, and the level of realization of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program. The research includes an analysis of the positive effects on infrastructure in Bali and the improvement of tourism image. Data on the influence on the tourism sector includes statistics on foreign tourist visits, hotel occupancy, and an increase in tourist visits during the conference period. The study also includes analysis from the MSMEs, restaurants, arts and crafts, and transportation sectors to detail the economic impact in various sectors.
The Influence of the Film "KKN Desa Penari" on Tourist Visit Interest in Film-Induced Tourism in Plunyon Kalikuning Destination, Sleman, Yogyakarta Muhammad Nufail Naisaburi; An Nuur Khairune Nisa; Delfyan Intan Nurmala Fadin
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Vol 1 No.2 17 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i2.72


Film-induced tourism has emerged as a dynamic facet of the contemporary tourism landscape, leveraging the visual and cultural appeal portrayed in films to enhance the attractiveness of destinations. This study delves into the impact of the Indonesian horror film "KKN di Desa Penari" on tourist visitation in the picturesque Plunyon, Kalikuning, Cangkringan, and Sleman regions of Yogyakarta. The research methodology involves an exploration of the nexus between the film's scenes and tourists' destination choices. The study gauges the impact by analyzing tourists' interest in film locations and their expectations regarding the benefits of engaging in film-induced tourism. The research uses a mixed-methods approach, encompassing surveys, interviews, and data analysis to discern patterns in tourist behavior and motivations influenced by the film. Understanding the interplay between cinematic representation and tourist decision-making is crucial for the tourism and film industries. The findings aim to contribute insights into the dynamics of film-induced tourism, providing valuable information for stakeholders to optimize the potential of cinematic representations in attracting and retaining tourists in the captivating landscapes showcased in "KKN di Desa Penari."
Ecotourism and Art Mangunan Kaki Langit Tourism Village Fahmi Anwar Yahya; An Nuur Khairune Nisa; Iswan Bahri; Putrisari Oktaviani Gustiarti
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Vol 1 No.2 17 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i2.73


Mangunan Kaki Langit Tourism Village is an ecotourism that focuses on community empowerment. The village was formed on March 9, 2014, by the Mangunan Dukuhan KKLPMD Organization. The name "Skyline" has a deep meaning as a symbol of the goal of community empowerment in the Skyline. The concept refers to the idea that the Skyline Tourism Village must be able to move the community to achieve goals without space and time limits by creating new opportunities as a source of income and people's economic empowerment. This study aims to explore the potential of community empowerment of Kaki Langit Tourism Village and evaluate eight main activities that become a forum for community empowerment under their respective fields, such as traditional homestays, traditional culinary, cultural arts, unique tourist accommodation, youth support, local artisans, rural nature education, and agriculture. This research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through participatory observation, interviews with related parties, and document analysis related to the Skyline Tourism Village. The collected data is analyzed descriptively to get a comprehensive picture of the potential for community empowerment in the village.
Community Participation Analysis in Community Based Tourism Development (PBM) in Pentingsari Tourism Village An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.151


This study aims to identify the geographical area of Pentingsari Village as a village that offers experiential tourism activities in the form of learning and interaction about nature, the environment, agriculture, plantations, entrepreneurship, socio-cultural life, various traditional arts, and local wisdom still profoundly rooted in the community with a typical rural atmosphere on the slopes of Mount Merapi. The study used qualitative data with two data sources, namely primary and secondary. Primary data comes from interviews and observations, while secondary data comes from various sources such as the web, journals, electronic media, social media, and other mass media. Data analysis techniques in this study use qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results and conclusions show that the economic principles in Pentingsari Village have been fulfilled because the community already has local products that are proven to increase community income, have been managed by the residents themselves, and have been independent. The political principle has been fulfilled because the community has actively managed the tourism village, is responsive to the community's needs, and works together to overcome it. The level of power of the residents has fully managed the tourism village democratically.
Gentrification of Trusmi Batik Cirebon An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.152


This study aims to photograph the immigration of middle-class residents to urban areas that are in poor condition or have recently been refurbished or modernized. This study uses a qualitative approach to see the phenomenon of Trusmi Village as the heart of batik production in Cirebon. They involve thousands of batik artisans working daily from residents of Trusmi village and its surroundings, such as Gamel, Kaliwulu, Wotgali, and KaliTengah. Shops and showrooms showcase artisans' finest products along 1.5 kilometers of Trusmi Street. Batik showrooms in the form of shops line the village streets in various sizes and shapes. UNESCO recognizes Indonesian Batik as one of the intangible world cultural heritage. Ironically, the wages of batik artisans are meager. Due to labor shortages, about 60 percent of the 360 batik SME industries in Cirebon Regency have gone out of business in the last five years. Old artisan mothers dominate the batik-making centers in Trusmi Village over the age of 4
The Charm of Kanigoro Beach: Student Tourism Trends and Social Media Effects Delfyan Intan Nurmala Fadin; Putrisari Oktaviani Gustiarti; An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.153


This study aims to describe the charm of Kanigoro Beach, a tourist trend for students, and theeffect of social media. Kanigoro is located on the coast of Gunungkidul and has beautiful beach potential,namely Ngrenehan, Ngobaran, and Nguyahan (3N). However, there is no public transportation availabledirectly to access the location of this Kanigoro beach area. The TikTok social media application is used inthis analysis because the growth rate of TikTok users in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Recognizing thetremendous potential but also the challenges faced, strategic steps need to be taken to improveinfrastructure, environmental hygiene, accessibility, and tourism management holistically. Increasingcooperation between related parties, involving local communities in sustainable management, andimproving transportation facilities and accessibility can be critical first steps to optimize the tourismpotential of 3N Beach in the Kanigoro Area.
Stakeholder Interaction: A Qualitative Approach to Beach Tourism Management Davina Ristana Iswari Santosa; Siti Nur Cahyani; An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.154


This study aims to describe the natural tourism potential of three beaches in the Kanigoro Area.Each beach is managed individually by its respective beach pokdarwis, and its management has nointegration system. The Kanigoro community already has a relatively high level of tourism awareness, and there is a community of photographers who support tourism activities. However, this physical and non-physical potential must be managed effectively and efficiently to improve the welfare of the local Kanigoro community. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the situation orproblems in the Kanigoro Beach Area. This study allows researchers to understand the context in detail,analyze the variables involved, and explore the perceptions and views of relevant stakeholders.Diversification of tourism products plays a vital role in extending the level of tourist visits by encouragingthem to visit more than one beach to increase the tourism sector's economic benefits by increasing theduration of stay and tourist spending. Jargon "Discover the Beauty of Kanigoro". The Kanigoro CoastalArea is divided into three regional development themes, namely Nguyahan Beach (The Wonders ofKanigoro), Ngobaran Beach (Authentic Kanigoro), and Ngrenehan Beach (Nautical Live of Kanigoro).
Kotagede Heritage City: Dynamics of Urban Tourism in Kotagede Yogyakarta An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 4 (2024): ol 1 No.4 17 februari 2024
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i4.201


This study aims to target Kotagede's tourist attractions, which lie in its historical and cultural heritage, including traditional houses and heritage sites, as well as performances, culinary, and art. The region's historical significance, since the establishment of the Mataram kingdom, provides a wealth of wealth for visitors to explore. Preserving traditional architecture, such as traditional wooden joglo houses and eclectic merchant houses, adds to Kotagede's appeal as a heritage city. This research uses a qualitative method approach to describe the natural condition of objects, where the researcher is the key instrument. The reason researchers choose descriptive research is to be able to describe systematically and accurately facts and characteristics about the population or a particular field. Kotagede's characteristics align with urban tourism's attributes, the first of which is connectivity. In this region, spaces between regions are connected by narrow streets and alleys of community housing. Each tourist attraction place is also equipped with signs and signs. Some roads are arranged to be one way that is useful for regulating traffic density. Furthermore, tourist activities and attractions are heterogeneous. Kotagede attracts different types of tourists with different motivations. From those who want to walk, go on a study trip, culinary to pilgrimage. In the Kotagede area, there are overlapping events between the activities of residents and tourists, such as residents shopping at the market while tourists explore culinary.