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Filantropi : Jurnal Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Filantropi
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/finalmazawa.v3i2.5341


Zakat is an expenditure of wealth that must be issued by Muslims and is given to help government programs and alleviate poverty. Therefore paying zakat can also be useful for the progress of a country. The role of zakat is as a financial controller in the country which is known as monetary policy. Because zakat is included in state income which is channeled for the welfare of the community in the economic field, such as employment opportunities, fair distribution of income and wealth, and stability of the value of money to groups who are entitled to receive it to meet needs and increase equitable economic growth. Paying zakat is very beneficial for life because it can increase one's faith in Allah SWT. In addition, zakat also participates. Zakat adalah pengeluaran harta yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh orang muslim dan diberikan membantu program pemerintah dan mengentaskan kemiskinan. Maka dari itu membayar zakat dapat berguna juga untuk kemajuan suatu negara. peran zakat adalah sebagai pengendali keuangan di dalam negara yang dikenal dengan kebijakan moneter. Karena zakat termasuk dalam pendapatan negara yang disalurkan untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat di bidang ekonomi seperti, kesempatan peluang kerja, keadilan distribusi pendapatan dan kekayaan, serta stabilitas nilai uang.kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serta meningkatkan pemerataan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Membayar zakat sangat memberi manfaat untuk kehidupan karena dapat meningkatkan iman seseorang pada Allah SWT. Selain itu, zakat juga ikut.  
Creative Economy-Based MSMEs Chips Development Model from Maqashid Sharia Perspective Arsiah Dwi Cintana; Rahmat Daim Harahap; Purnama Ramadani Silalahi
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i2.18255


The background of this research is driven by the importance of empowering MSMEs in improving a sustainable local economy, while ensuring that these economic activities are in accordance with sharia principles. This research aims to develop a creative economy-based chips MSME development model by considering the Maqashid Syariah perspective in Perlanaan Village, Simalungun. This type of research is using a qualitative approach with the PESTEL Analysis technique (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) which reveals that political stability, government support, economic conditions, social trends, technological advances, environmental awareness, and legal regulations play an important role in the success of chip MSMEs. The research sample will be purposively selected among the chip MSMEs operating in Perlanaan Village. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, observation and analysis of relevant documents. The data will be thematically analyzed to identify the challenges and potentials of chip MSMEs in the context of the creative economy and Maqashid Syariah. The results of this research are expected to provide new insights in the development of sustainable chip MSMEs that fulfill sharia principles, and provide relevant policy recommendations. The implication of this research is its contribution in strengthening the base of a sustainable local creative economy and promoting the values of justice, balance, and economic sustainability based on Maqashid Sharia in the context of MSMEs in Indonesia, particularly in Perlanaan Village, Simalungun.Keywords: MSMEs; Creative Economy; Maqashid Syariah