Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

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14th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Graduate School of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ijcas.v4i1.2081


Aesthetics of Virtual: The Development Opportunities of Virtual Museums in Indonesia Ayu Soraya; Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) Vol 8, No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Graduate School of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ijcas.v8i1.5346


The Covid-19 pandemic requires us to carry out physical and social distancing. It is undeniable, this also has an impact on government policy to close tourist destinations, including museums. Currently, sophisticated 3D visualization technology provides the potential for the development of virtual museums. The virtual museums were developed for giving the experience of the visiting museum in the digital world as a distance learning. This application can provide immersion through interactivity while exploring virtual museums. Basically, this article explains the aesthetic investigations in some virtual museums. The researchers describe the aesthetic of each sampled virtual museums projects. The literature synthesis of several virtual museums projects is expected to be able to give an idea of the potential development of virtual museums in Indonesia. The aesthetics of virtual elements could be used as a recommendation for museum conservator for the development of prospective Indonesian virtual museums. Furthermore, the aesthetics of virtual in digital museums provide opportunities to present virtual museums exploration experiences. Estetika Virtual: Peluang Perkembangan Museum Virtual di IndonesiaAbstrakPandemi Covid-19 mengharuskan kita melakukan jarak fisik dan sosial. Tak bisa dipungkiri, hal ini juga berdampak pada kebijakan pemerintah untuk menutup destinasi wisata, termasuk museum. Saat ini, teknologi visualisasi 3D yang canggih memberikan potensi untuk pengembangan museum virtual. Museum virtual dikembangkan untuk memberikan pengalaman mengunjungi museum di dunia digital sebagai pembelajaran jarak jauh. Aplikasi ini dapat memberikan immersion melalui interaktivitas sambil menjelajahi museum virtual. Pada dasarnya, artikel ini menjelaskan investigasi estetika di beberapa museum virtual. Para peneliti mendeskripsikan estetika dari setiap proyek museum virtual yang dijadikan contoh. Sintesis literatur dari beberapa proyek museum virtual diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang potensi perkembangan museum virtual di Indonesia. Estetika unsur virtual dapat dijadikan sebagai rekomendasi bagi konservator museum untuk pengembangan museum virtual Indonesia yang akan datang. Selain itu, estetika virtual dalam museum digital memberikan peluang untuk menghadirkan pengalaman eksplorasi museum virtual.
The Paradox of Control: Visual Clue vs. Auditory Instruction in Game Designing Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Graduate School of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ijcas.v5i2.2409


Visual clue and auditory instruction are information that used in games. the genuine information is developed on game design conceptualization. this paper explains the study of the paradox of control, which was applied in the process of game designing. Basically, the research investigates the differences of powerful game information between visual clue and auditory instruction to gain complexity of game levelling. the research method used game design experiments, playing observations, and the interview to clarify the respondents’ decision-making. the visual clues and auditory instructions were occurred randomly based on the path of the respondents’ chosen. However, in one level of observation, the information of visual clue & auditory instruction were happening together in the same time and those were contradictive each other. this condition was called the paradox of control on information handling in the game. interestingly, in this circumstance, most of the respondents decided to follow the visual clues, although it was not the right direction. that condition potentially led by visual perception. this paper will describe the respondents’ motivation on their decision-making. Finally, the result of this study could give recommendation for level designers in game designing, especially on complexity of the challenge in the game’s dramatic element.
The Explanation of Life Experience Reflection as Ideas of Artistic Research Hery Budiawan; Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Graduate School of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ijcas.v7i2.4658


In Indonesia's artistic research, especially for art creation research, many art creative ideas are born from personal experience; however, the artists' subjectivity often constrains them in expressing these experiences. This condition triggers a lack of scientific publications relating to explaining life experiences that underlie creating artwork. This article describes the process of explaining the life experience reflection into the idea of creating artworks. This method is needed to explain emotional triggers into objective knowledge as a scientific research manuscript. This artistic research employs a practice-led research approach. The analysis and discussion are carried out through reflection between ideas of creation, artworks, reviews of existing artworks, and related literature. Researchers convince that the practice-led research methodology is very strategic to boost the quality of writing artistic articles, dissemination, and presentation of arts. Also, this methodology is expected to overcome the gap between art creation and scientific publications. This study offers steps to uncover subjective experiences into objective research. This artistic research can be used to conquer the subjectivity in art creation and the imbalance between scientific publications and the writing of art creation practices. Penjelasan Refleksi Pengalaman Hidup sebagai Gagasan Penelitian Artistik ABSTRAK Dalam penelitian artistik di Indonesia, khususnya untuk penelitian penciptaan seni; banyak ide penciptaan seni yang lahir dari pengalaman pribadi, namun mereka sering terkendala oleh subjektivitas seniman dalam mengekspresikan pengalaman ini. Hal ini memicu kurangnya publikasi ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan pengalaman hidup yang mendasari gagasan penciptaan karya seni. Artikel ini menjabarkan proses penjelasan refleksi pengalaman hidup ke dalam gagasan penciptaan karya seni. Metode ini diperlukan untuk menjelaskan hal yang subjektif ke dalam pengetahuan yang lebih objektif sebagai naskah penelitian ilmiah. Penelitian artistik ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian yang didorong oleh praktik (PLR). Analisis dan diskusi dilakukan melalui refleksi antara ide-ide penciptaan, karya seni, ulasan karya seni yang ada, dan literatur terkait. Para peneliti yakin bahwa metodologi penelitian yang didorong oleh praktik sangat tepat guna dalam meningkatkan kualitas penulisan artikel, publikasi dan penyajian seni. Selain itu, metodologi ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi kesenjangan antara praktik penciptaan seni dan publikasi ilmiah. Penelitian ini menawarkan langkah-langkah untuk mengungkap pengalaman subjektif ke dalam penelitian ilmiah yang objektif. Penelitian artistik ini dapat digunakan untuk menjembatani antara subjektivitas dalam penciptaan seni dan ketidakseimbangan antara publikasi ilmiah dan penulisan praktik penciptaan seni.
Low-Poly Modeling Tokoh Dan Environment Dalam Desain Game 3D Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi; Raissa Theodosia; Sera Prestasi
ULTIMART Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol 8 No 1 (2015): Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1827.563 KB) | DOI: 10.31937/ultimart.v8i1.459


Game 3D yang baik dan menarik mempunyai tingkat waktu render nyata (real-time rendering) yang tinggi. Di sisi lain, tampilan visual dengan resolusi tinggi akan menambah nilai immersion bagi pemain. Bagi pengembang game 3D, dua hal tersebut menjadi tantangan dalam mendesain game. Secara umum, aplikasi game engine membutuhkan aset game 3D dengan jumlah polygon yang rendah (low-poly) untuk mendukung kecepatan real-time rendering. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari tampilan visual dan animasi yang terputus-putus di saat memainkan game 3D. Dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan penerapan low-poly modeling yang didukung dengan metode normal map, projection map dan texturing agar tampilan realistiknya tetap tinggi. Keywords: desain game 3D, low-poly modeling, normal map, projection, realtime rendering
Desain Tokoh Dalam Proyek Armobyte Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi; Dominika Anggraeni Purwaningsih
ULTIMART Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol 7 No 2 (2014): Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1177.807 KB) | DOI: 10.31937/ultimart.v7i2.470


Desain tokoh memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam film dan animasi. Setiap tokoh yang didesain dengan baik harus unik serta mampu bercerita dengan sendirinya kepada penonton mengenai kepribadian dan latar belakang masing-masing. Karena itulah dibutuhkan konsep yang benar-benar matang untuk dapat menciptakan tokoh yang unik sehingga mudah diingat oleh penonton. Jurnal ini membahas mengenai proses mendesain tokoh mulai dari sketsa, hingga model 3D yang siap diaplikasikan dalam proyek animasi 3D Armobyte. Keywords: desain tokoh, model 3D, texture, film pendek animasi 3D
Figur dan Citra: Penceritaan Ki Manteb Sudarsono Melalui Karya Foto Potret Indra Leonardi Ardiles Akyuwen; Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
ULTIMART Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31937/ultimart.v15i2.2798


Photos provide multiple perceptions for the viewer. This article analyzes Ki Manteb Sudarsono's photo from the perspective of semiotic relations with the storytelling relationship between the image of man, nature, God and the third meaning. This qualitative research method will investigate the semiotic relationship between the third sign and meaning in the photo. In general, visual meaning is found through the trilogy relationship between God, nature, and humans in Ki Manteb Sudarsono's photo. Researchers can conclude that the visual meaning of an image is a reflection of the relationship of human life with God and the natural surroundings. Keywords: ki manteb sudarsono; indra leonardi; photo; potrait; semiotics
Observation on The Use of Visual Scripting for Interaction Design Students Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) Vol 9, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Graduate School of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ijcas.v9i2.8217


Programming for Visual Communication Design students is a challenge in learning it. Their competencies are developing visual communication materials for interactive media designs. Programming competence in learning interaction design in the Visual Programming course focuses on programming logic. This study observes the method of visual programming using the Bolt add-on (visual scripting). This data was collected from students majoring in Interaction Design, Visual Communication Design Study Program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara when they took Visual Programming courses. The indicators of this research are studying the understanding of programming logic from several materials and the learning outcomes of each observed material. The researcher found positive results using visual scripting in understanding programming logic for Visual Communication Design students on some of the material observed. In general, it can be concluded that the Bolt add-on in the UNITY game engine software can help students work on interactive media design projects. Observasi Penggunaan Pemrograman Visual untuk Mahasiswa Desain Interaksi Abstrak Pemrograman bagi mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam mempelajarinya. Kompetensi mereka adalah mengembangkan materi komunikasi visual untuk desain media interaktif. Kompetensi pemrograman dalam pembelajaran desain interaksi pada mata kuliah Pemrograman Visual berfokus pada logika pemrograman. Penelitian ini mengamati penggunaan metode pemrograman visual dengan menggunakan aplikasi tambahan Bolt (visual scripting). Pengumpulan data ini dilakukan kepada mahasiswa peminatan Desain Interaksi, Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara di saat mereka mengambil mata kuliah Pemrograman Visual. Indikator penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pemahaman logika pemrograman dari beberapa materi dan hasil belajar dari setiap materi yang diamati. Peneliti menemukan hasil positif menggunakan pemrograman visual dalam proses pemahaman logika pemrograman bagi mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual pada beberapa materi yang diamati. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi tambahan Bolt pada piranti lunak UNITY (game engine) dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan proyek perancangan media interaktif.