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Interpreting the Concept of Ngalap Berkah as Pesantren Tradition in the Perspective of Santri Muhammad Syihabuddin; Kayan Manggala; Hasan Abdul Wafi; Ahmad Harish Maulana
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial Vol 4 No 2 (2023): December (2023)
Publisher : The Institute of Research and Service Community IPMAFA Pati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35878/santri.v4i2.957


Discussion on the tradition of Pesantren is critical and needs to be studied in more depth. This is because the study never ceases to be debated both from the historical side and its characteristics. This goal aims to understand three things: First, the existence of students viewed from the point of historicity through the study of the sociology of religion in Indonesia. Second, the paradigm of the concept of barakah is rooted in the world of Pesantren. Third, understanding the concept of barakah that internalizes students to take action in tabarruk or ngalap berkah social practices. The method used is through a literature study approach, examining the texts of articles with similar themes based on the theory of symbolic interactionism. Data collection is carried out by selection, classification, and categorization. The results found three things: First, in the study of the sociology of religion, Santri is an essential element in the Indonesian subculture called Pesantren. The existence of Santri is the typical determinant of a Pesantren. Second, the concept of barakah that students understand is very diverse; some call it ziyādatul khoīr, the Grace of God, miracles, benefits, and an amulet. In this case, the variety of meanings is adjusted to each insight and experience of Santri in Pesantren. Third, the concept of ngalap berkah becomes a tradition in Pesantren as a form of social practice of Santri which starts from the understanding of each Santri. The term tabarrukan is divided into two parts, namely in the form of ta’zīm and sam’an wa thā’atan. The conclusion of this paper shows that these three aspects (santri, barakah, and ngalap berkah) are a unity that cannot be validated in forming a pesantren.
Al-Masail: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March: Al-Masail: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. Fahr Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61677/al-masail.v2i1.202


This article explores the scientific integration of sociology in Islamic studies through theoretical and applicative analysis. This research aims to understand how sociological principles can be applied in Islamic studies to enrich insights and methods in understanding religious social dynamics. Using a qualitative approach, this article analyzes various relevant sociological theories and their applications in the Islamic context, such as functional structural theory, conflict theory, and other social theories. The results show that this integration not only broadens the academic perspective but also significantly contributes to understanding and addressing social issues in Muslim societies. The article also suggests some practical strategies for applying these findings in Islamic teaching and research to generate more comprehensive and inclusive insights. The scientific integration of sociology in Islamic studies is very close because studying Islam cannot escape the social and religious phenomena that surround it. Therefore, the study of Islam or the study of Islam will be easier to understand if it is passed with various approaches, one of which is a sociological approach.
Al-Masail: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March: Al-Masail: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : CV. Fahr Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61677/al-masail.v2i1.203


This research has several objectives, namely: (1) to know Science in the perspective of Islamic philosophy; (2) to know science in the perspective of the Qur'an; (3) to know science in the Western perspective. The method used to explore this uses a literature study method with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study are three, namely (1) The characteristics of Islamic epistemology about science are belief in spiritual power, having a harmonious relationship between reason and revelation, interdependence of reason and intuition, Theocentric orientation, and associated Values Development; (2) science in the perspective of the Qur'an is illustrated in Q.S Imran : 190 and Al-Baqarah: 29; (3) Epistemology in the Western view suggests that the concept of science is based on logical principles, hypothesis generation, and verification process. There are three theories of truth, namely coherent truth theory, correspondence theory, pragmatic truth theory. In addition, there are material objects and formal objects in science. The contribution of this research describes how truth can be explained in various perspectives so that the truth becomes scientific.
Negotiations Future of Inclusive Islamic Law: A Study of Abdullah Ahmed An-Naim's Sharia Deconstruction Thought Muhammad Syihabuddin; M. Samsul Hady
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : LPPPM STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v10i1.248


Discourse on Islamic law is very important to be studied in more depth. This is because the study never ceases to be debated. In addition, Islamic law is required to continue to evolve and adjust to the times. The purpose of this paper is to understand 3 things: First, at a glance, an-Naim's thoughts related to Islamic law (sharia). Second, the methodology used in reformulating Sharia. The third is the idea of the future of inclusive Islamic law that spans the space and dynamics of the social development of society. The data were collected using a literature research model, a text-text approach in the form of books and articles. Then it was analyzed using data examination, classification, analysis, and followed by verification. The results found in the form of: 1) Sharia in an-Naim's view is not only fixated on the text of the Qur'an and Sunnah, but more than that it needs to be reinterpreted by looking at the context and reality that occurs today. 2) The methodology used by an-Naim is naskh-mansukh, by removing verses but not permanently (delaying the application of irrelevant verses). 3) The idea of an inclusive future for Islamic law is to provide space for every human being, the concept of equality in the realm of religion, ethnicity, race, and so on. This includes the renewal of criminal law, human rights, and international relations. The result that can be concluded is that Islamic law is acceptable to every community to be a role model that reflects progress and harmony with human life that has an impact on the benefit both in the Islamic world and internationally.
Islamization of Science Ismail Raji al-Faruqi and Integration-Interconnection of Science Amin Abdullah: A Comparative Study Muhammad Syihabuddin; Achmad Khudori Soleh; Achmad Yafik Mursyid
Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tasfiyah.v8i1.11278


The discourse on the dichotomy of modern science and Islamic science is an interesting topic of discussion and is always debated by Muslim scientists. Some of them, namely Ismail Raji al-Faruqi and Amin Abdullah, are trying to respond to and solve problems that occur in the scientific realm. Al-Faruqi initiated the Islamization of science which seeks to unify the two sciences (science and Islam). Likewise, Amin Abdullah with his integration-interconnection paradigm also offers an open dialogue between the two sciences. Then this research aims to look at the structure of thought between the two figures mentioned, as well as looking for common threads related to the similarities and differences in the ideas of science integration being promoted. This research uses library research methods through several textual sources related to the topic discussed, primarily in the form of books by the two figures studied, and secondary in the form of scientific articles that have related themes. The results of this article are: 1) The Islamization of al-Faruqi's knowledge leads to the relevance between science and Islam, science is Islamized through twelve concrete steps based on the concept of monotheism. 2) Amin Abdullah's ideas regarding integration-interconnection can be seen from the spider web framework which emphasizes mastery of various sciences, both modern science and Islamic science. 3) The similarities in thinking between the two can be seen through the spirit in answering scientific dichotomies. The difference is, that al-Faruqi emphasized mastery of modern knowledge (science) to then be converted to Islam to conform to the pattern of monotheistic teachings. Meanwhile, Amin Abdullah's ideas emphasized mastery of general science and Islam. So that each scientific group is aware of its limitations and shortcomings so that they can complement and complement each other