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Penyuluhan Program SPA (Sekolah Bebas Ispa) Kepada Siswa SD Galilea Hosana Kids School Alex Maruli Tua Lumban Raja; Dwi Lunarta Doderina Siahaan; Juli Jamnasi; Juli Yosa Mega; Jeffrey Jeffrey; Hadyanto Lim; Aldo Herlen; Helmida Gultom; Caroline Koswara; Rehulina br. Sembiring; Fiorella Natalia Kinanti Sihite; Priscilla Putri Derlian Dohude; Dylan Amrirtraj Brar; Kezia Fransella; Kristina Dameria Panggabean
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/methabdi.Vol4No1.pp23-26


RTI (Respiratory Tract Infection) is an acute upper and lower respiratory tract inflammation caused by infectious agents, namely infections of microorganisms or bacteria, viruses, without or accompanied by lung parenchyma. RTI disease in Indonesia is on the 10th list of most common diseases in hospitals. PKM FK-UMI aims to bring the SPA (RTI-Free School/Sekolah Bebas ISPA) program, increase knowledge about RTI, and prevent and reduce the occurrence of RTI to Galilea Hosana Kids Elementary School. The method used is to deliver material about the definition, symptoms, how to get RTI, and how to prevent it. The results of the activity show that Galilea Hosana Kids Elementary School students still do not understand the meaning of RTI, the signs and symptoms of decreased body immunity, how to increase body immunity, and how to prevent the spread of RTI. Counseling for elementary school students at Galilea Hosana Kids Elementary School was very effective in educating students about RTI.
Empowering Health: Unveiling the Impact of Self-Efficacy and Lifestyle on Hypertension Management Juli Yosa Mega
Journal of Current Health Sciences Vol. 4 No. 1: May 2024
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jchs.202460


This study aims to investigate the significant relationship between self-efficacy and lifestyle on the prevalence of hypertension. In this context, self-efficacy is defined as an individual's belief in managing blood pressure through health behaviors, while an unhealthy lifestyle includes habits such as a high-salt diet and minimal physical activity. This research utilized a quantitative method with a descriptive correlational design and a cross-sectional approach. Out of 70 respondents, it was found that 27 individuals (38.6%) had sufficient self-efficacy, 36 individuals (51.4%) demonstrated an unhealthy lifestyle, and 37 individuals (52.9%) suffered from hypertension. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between self-efficacy (p-value = 0.000) and lifestyle (p-value = 0.000) with the incidence of hypertension. These results support the theory that enhancing self-efficacy and shifting towards a healthier lifestyle can reduce the risk of hypertension, providing significant contributions to the literature and practices in hypertension management. Abstrak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi hubungan yang signifikan antara self-efficacy dan gaya hidup terhadap prevalensi hipertensi. Dalam konteks ini, self-efficacy diartikan sebagai keyakinan individu dalam mengelola tekanan darah melalui perilaku kesehatan, sedangkan gaya hidup tidak sehat mencakup kebiasaan seperti diet tinggi garam dan minim aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelasional dan pendekatan cross-sectional. Dari total 70 responden, ditemukan bahwa 27 orang (38,6%) memiliki self-efficacy yang cukup, 36 orang (51,4%) menunjukkan gaya hidup tidak sehat, dan 37 orang (52,9%) menderita hipertensi. Analisis statistik menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara self-efficacy (p-value = 0,000) dan gaya hidup (p-value = 0,000) dengan kejadian hipertensi. Hasil ini mendukung teori bahwa peningkatan self-efficacy dan perubahan ke arah gaya hidup yang lebih sehat dapat mengurangi risiko hipertensi, memberikan kontribusi penting terhadap literatur dan praktik dalam manajemen hipertensi.