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Sistem Penjualan pada PT Indo Citra Abadi di Jakarta Berbasis Website Bellia Putri Alfianki; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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PT Indo Citra Abadi is a company engaged in the field of supplier or provider of building materials and work safety. There are problems that occur in business processes which about large expenses in terms of communication, accommodation and the sometimes loss of evidence or supporting documents. The purpose of this research is to build a system of information that can make business processes easily and efficient. The final results from this research are creating an application based on website which is used to help business processes in a company. The process is used System Development Life Cycle with Prototype techniques and for modeling using the Unified Modeling Language. Based on the results of testing and evaluation on research, the system that has been built can help the sales process at the company.
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Web Pada Alun-Alun Coffee Jakarta Yunika Lestari; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Alun Coffee Jakarta is one of the Coffee Shops in East Jakarta. Alun-Alun Coffee sells several variants of Nusantara coffee brewing. In addition, Alun-Alun Coffee also sells several Non-Coffee menus as well as heavy meals, snacks, and desserts. For a few years this added coffee shop business significantly increased growth so that Alun-Alun Coffee increased the number of customers. But now the business activities carried out are less than optimal and focus on the sales process and not involved in it. Requiring companies need an information system as a tool for recording data, processing data, and doing data integration. The development method used for system installation uses prototype. The results of this study are web-based Coffee Sales Information System that online ordering and records, processes, integrates data and becomes a structured data repository so as to increase effectiveness and improve performance and time. Based on the results of research and evaluation of research, the system that has been built provides complete information about online orders by customers and sales transactions at Alun-Alun Coffee.
Sistem Inventory Material Bangunan Berbasis Website di Toko Keramik Jakarta Kevin; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Toko Keramik Jakarta is a store engaged in materials. In managing Toko Keramik Jakarta's goods which are concentrated in checking the availability of goods, stores need a long time the availability of goods so that it increases efficiency in finding certain store goods. Therefore, in making a system to be able to assist Jakarta ceramics stores in assisting inspectors, to managing the availability of goods in order to facilitate users in managing inventory. The inventory system is based on a web site that lists goods, input suppliers, create users, enter goods, enter goods out to report incoming and outgoing goods. Researchers develop the system using prototypes. The results of this resarch is a new inventory system that has been tested using blackbox testing by the user to find out the functions of the system can be used by Toko Keramik Jakarta.
Pembangunan Sistem Inventory PT. Raja Roti Cemerlang Berbasis Web Percikjernih Riak Telaga; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Inventory is a stock of goods store for the purpose of future production or sales. The term inventory refers to all raw materials, parts, supplies, tools, process or finished products recorded in the books by an organisation and kept in its stocks, warehouse or plant for some period of time. This research was conducted to build a system that is applied to the warehouse of PT. Raja Roti Cemerlang. This research uses a prototype method by building a web-based inventory system. In the process of collecting data, researchers used interviews and direct observation to the warehouse admin. The result of the research is a web-based inventory system that can assist users in carrying out finished goods and raw materials in the warehouse.
Sistem Inventory Gudang pada PT. Manaaji Asapena Mitraabadi Fajar Rachmat Saputra; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Recording on every transaction is very important for the company, because with the recording, the company can find out the availability of goods and data on incoming and outgoing goods. With a manual recording system that allows data redundancy and lost data, so that it can harm the company, therefore researchers conduct research and development systems at PT Manaaji Asapena Mitraabadi so that the recording system can be done computerized so that recording can be done efficiently. This research was conducted using prototyping methods and run on a web browser. The language used in developing this application is the programming language HTML, PHP, and Java.
Sistem Pencatatan Penyewaan Truk Peti Kemas Berbasis Aplikasi Desktop di PT. Contena Sekawan Anekatrans Irvan Fadil Haris; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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At PT. Contena Sekawan Anekatrans, data recording is still written on paper which makes the data recording could not be completed quickly. Researcher create a system of trucking recording based on desktop application at the company to simplify and quickly in trucking recording at the company. The method in making this application uses the System Development Life Cycle method with the Prototype technique which consists of six stages, namely problem identification, problem analysis, system prototype design, system development, system testing, and system implementation. This system of trucking recording was created using the Java Netbeans IDE and MySQL applications. The expected benefit is, this system of trucking recording based on desktop apllication can facilitate the work of the employees of PT. Contena Sekawan Anekatrans to make trucking recording more efficient. This trucking recording was tested using the Black Box Testing method.
Sistem Inventory pada Toko Garuda Jaya Jakarta Berbasis Website Juli Lidia Mariani; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Inventory system is a system used to enter data items into a database. Based on interviews and results of research conducted with the owner of Toko Garuda Jaya Jakarta, the information contained that the system that runs on the Store's warehouse is still done manually and causes data to accumulate and data loss. Researcher aim to build an inventory system that can simplify the process of recording incoming and outgoing goods in order to make it easier for the store to get reports of incoming and outgoing goods. The final result of this research is a website-based inventory system application. The system development used is the System Development Life Cycle and Prototype Technique with the Unified Modeling Language modeling language. From the results of trials and research evaluations, the system that has been built can help stores to get data information and data reports of goods quickly and accurately.
Sistem Inventory Berbasis Web pada Usaha Konveksi Dona Nuke Sairah Syabrina; Harfebi Fryonanda
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Convection Dona is a home-based business that is engaged in the field of school needs, namely socks. The problem that occurs in the current system is the management of data items that are done manually that is recorded in a book that often results in loss of books. So it must be re-recorded. Where incoming goods come from employee packaging and outgoing goods come from konsumen purchases. Using the Prototyping method, Unified Design Language (UML) system modeling, and Black Box Testing, the purpose of this study is to create a Web-Based Inventory System capable of managing incoming and outgoing items. This system controls data regarding arriving and outgoing items, inventory, incoming and outgoing transactions, and can generate reports and accept online orders for goods.