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(The Effect of Chitosan Addition and Sedimentation Time on Wastewater Treatment of Leathers Tanning Industries) Sapto Hartanto, Eddy; Bastaman, Syarif; Citroreksoko, Padmono
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 10, No 1-2 (1993)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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The use of chitosan as a flocculation in the treatment of liquid waste of leather tanning industry has been studied.Chitosan was used together with commercial polymers PA 322 and PN 161. It was found tahat the addition of 1% solution of chitosan and polymers significantly affected the decrease of turbidity,suspended solid,cod,and chrom content.The use of 1% sulition along with 90 minutes settling gave the best result i.e. lessened the turbidity 98.8%,suspended soild 97.9%,COD 84%,and chorm content 100%.
(The research Of Chitosan For Flocculan In Wastewater Treatment For Tapioca Industries) Sapto Hartanto, Eddy; Bastaman, Syarif
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 23, No 01 (2006)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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The research of chitosan for flocculation in wastewater treatment for tapioca industry has been conducted.The researchs goal is to know ability of chitosan for tapioca industrial wastewater treatment.Concentration of coagulant A12 (SO4)3 14 H2O IS 75 MG/1 ON Ph 8 condition.Flocculants chitosan and polymer PN 161 concentrations are 30 mg/1,45 mg/1 and setting 15 minute,30 minute,and 45 minute.The result showed that the formula tawas and chitosan 45 mg/1 on pH 8 and settling time 45 minute was the best treated.The result analysis pollutants each are turbidity from 440 NTU to 29 NTU,TSS from 282 mg/1 to 20,24 mg/1,BOD 861 mg/1 to 88,25 mg/1,COD 1851,3 mg/1 to 151,25 mg/1 and pH 5,67 to pH 6,21.The quality of wastewater treatment with that formulation has met kep men LH No. KEP 51/10/1995 standard regulation for tapioca industrial wastewater.
(Mempelajari Proses Degradasi dam Ekstraksi Chitin dan Chitosab dari Kulit Udang (Nephrops norvegicus) Bastaman, Syarif
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 6, No 02 (1989)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Chitin dan chitosan dihasilkan dari kulit udang jenis Nephrops noregicus yang diperoleh dari industri makanan lau di Irlandia Utara. Proses degradasi dari bahan yang mengandung chitin telah dipelajari dengan perlakuan suhu, waktu dan ukuran partikel. Paremeter mutu berupa kasar abu, rendemen, kadar air, derajat deasetilasi, berat molekul, viskositas, daya rentang , dan shu transisi gelas telah dianalisis dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan produk chitin dan chitosan standar. Faktor penting yang mempengaruhi mutu chitin dan chitosan adalah metode ekstraksi, suhu, dan waktu deasetilasi. Suhu 120 derajat Celsius dan waktu selama 60 menit menghasilkan chitosan yang cukup baik. Diketahui bahwa ekstraksi chitin yang dilakukan 2 kali menghasilkan rendemen chitin 8,5% dan rendemen chitosan 73,19% dari chitin yang dihasilkan.