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Penggambaran Ulang Pahlawan Pewayangan Gatotkaca dalam Komik Digital @Garudayana Yehezkiel Tarnama Hasudungan Siahaan; Dewi Sad Tanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Komunikasi (JIMaKom) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Komunikasi dan Pendemi Covid-19
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mataram

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Garudayana digital comics are comics that tell about characters in the Javanese wayang world, such as Gatotkaca. This study aims to find out how the depiction of heroes in wayang with those in digital comics. The theory used in this research is message theory. The paradigm in this research is constructivist with the semiotic method of Charles Sanders Pierce. Pierce's triangular theory of meaning explains the relationship between the signs in the digital comic so that it can be seen how the meaning and depiction are produced in the digital comic. The results of this study indicate that the depiction of the hero character Gatotkaca in wayang in this digital comic is quite the same as that in wayang. Things such as the clothes used to the things of strength and expression depicted in this digital comic have almost represented the character of Gatotkaca in the wayang world.
Pengembangan Kampung Landeuh sebagai Desa Wisata Ramah Lingkungan Dewi Sad Tanti; Mochamad Taufiq Hidayat
Jurnal Karya untuk Masyarakat (JKuM) Vol 5, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Karya untuk Masyarakat
Publisher : STARKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36914/jkum.v5i2.1198


The Pokdarwis initiative to build a tourist destination needs to be facilitated and supported by all relevant parties. Bojong Menteng is a pioneering Tourism Village because the location of the village is the gateway to Badui Luar and Badui Dalam which are the 6 leading destinations of the Lebak Government. In addition to the tourism potential elements that need a breakthrough, one of them is in promoting Bojong Menteng as well as Badui. One of the villages that continues to process and diligently collaborate with various parties is Cahaya Landeuh Village (Baduy) Bojong Menteng Muslim Bedouin Village has conducted programs and needs to be developed. The program of using alternative fuel in order to harmonize with environmentally friendly living in the Baduy area. Baduy is the flagship area of the Bayah Dome Geopark diversity launched by the Lebak Regency government. Using the framework of information literacy about environmentally friendly, local wisdom, and environmental communication. This community service is aimed at Landeuh Bojong Menteng Village residents to be given the Landeuh Baduy Village Development Program in Bojong Menteng Village regarding the use of environmentally friendly in encouraging community participation in 2024. ABSTRAK Inisiatif Pokdarwis Membangun destinasi Wisata Perlu di fasilitasi dan didukung dari semua pihak yang relevan. Bojong Menteng merupakan Desa Wisata rintisan karena lokasi desa merupakan pintu gerbang menuju Badui Luar dan Badui Dalam yang merupakan 6 destinasi unggulan Pemerintah Lebak. Selain unsur potensi wisata yang perlu terobosan salah satunya dalam mempromosikan Bojong Menteng sekaligus Badui. Salah satu desanya terus berproses dan rajin berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak adalah Desa Cahaya Landeuh (Baduy) Bojong Menteng Desa Badui Muslim ini telah melakukan program-program dan perlu dikembangkan. Program penggunaan bahan bakar alternatif dalam rangka menyelaraskan dengan ramah lingkungan hidup di wilayah Baduy. Baduy merupakan daerah unggulan diversity Geopark Bayah Dome yang dicanangkan pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak. Menggunakan kerangka literasi informasi dan rekayasa social tentang komunikasi lingkungan dan kearifan local. Pengabdian masyarakat ini ditujukan pada Warga Desa Landeuh Bojong Menteng untuk diberikan Program Pengembangan Kampung Landeuh Baduy Desa Bojong Menteng menjadi desa wisata dengan konsep ramah lingkungan dan mendorong dalam mendorong partisipasi masyarakat di tahun 2024 merancang rekayasa sosial bidang menjaga lingkungan hidup mereka .