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Pandangan Manuel Velasquez Mengenai Masalah Korupsi dalam Bisnis Global Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 13 No 02 (2008): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v13i02.395


In the domain of public administration, corruption is one of many problems against which some countries in the world still had to struggle. In the domain of business administration, it is one of the dilemmas that shadows the operation of multinational corporations around the globe. This article analyzes the position taken by Manuel Velasquez in his article “Is Corruption Always Corrupt?”, in which Velasquez tries to avoid “moral absolutism” by evaluating corruption not “from outside”, but “from within” any given culture. The article tells us that “corruption” occurs in the context of “competitive state”, “patrimonial state”, “personalized state”, “neo-patrimonial state”. Finally, this paper concludes with the position that, be apparently very sympathetic as it may, Velasquez’s position cannot solve MNC’s dilemma posed by the very problem of corruption.
Menggali Warisan Hannah Arendt dalam “Asal-Usul Totalitarisme” Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 14 No 01 (2009): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v14i01.402


Abstract: Arendt’s analysis of totalitarism in The Origins of Totalitarism has combined several dimensions of power: imperialism, racism, and anti-Semitism. Under these exercises of power, polis as a model of politics is reduced into the holocaust and colonization. This article finds out that those processes bring forth the society into the dichotomy between the pariah and the parvenu, the people and the mass, human qua human and human qua citizen, and the authentic and the unauthentic. This phenomenological analysis of the dichotomy shows that emotion may be the only sources of disturbancesKata Kunci: Totalitarisme, rasisme, pariah, pervenu, massa, warga negara, yang otentik
Pendidikan Sebagai Pembelajaran Dan Pemberadaban: Belajar Dari Drijarkara Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 21 No 02 (2016): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v21i02.438


Character building is the focal point in Driyarkara’s philosophy of education. He has published his thought in various forms of writing and speech. Sukarno did the same thing about education as the process of nation and character building. Both Drijarkara and Sukarno underlined in their thoughts and speeches the wholeness of man in his/her culture which is now facing globalization as “the runaway world”. For this reason, development of a nation-state must be directed to strengthen people’s national identity.Education, character building, nation building, national identity, and integration.Pendidikan watak atau pendidikan kepribadian merupakan fokus pemikiran Drijarkara tentang pendidikan. Ia sudah menampilkan pemikiran tersebut dalam berbagai tulisan dan pembicaraan. Sukarno membicarakan pendidikan watak yang dianggapnya penting untuk membentuk rasa berbangsa dan bernegara. Demikian halnya Drijarkara, ia membicarakan pendidikan watak dengan memberi penekanan pada keutuhan manusia dalam budayanya menghadapi globalisasi. Atas dasar itulah pembangunan negara-bangsa diarahkan kepada penguatan identitas nasional manusia.Pendidikan, pembentukan watak, pembentukan rasa kebangsaan, dan integrasi
Relevansi Etika Bisnis dalam Industri Jasa Kesehatan Alois A Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 15 No 01 (2010): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v15i01.566


Keberhasilan yang pantas dicatat oleh ekonomi pasar adalahterbentuknya masyarakat pasar. Perkembangan cara hidup modern berjalanbersamaan dengan perkembangan ekonomi pasar dan kedua hal ini secaramenakjubkan menghancurkan tatanan sosial yang dibangun sejak awal. Para dokterprofessional yang memegang secara teguh dan disiplin Sumpah Hippocrates harusberhadapan dengan godaan ekonomi dan masyarakat pasar. Dengan kata laindokter-dokter itu tidak lagi disiplin, jujur dan pengertian. Kini Sumpah Hippocrateshanya di atas kertas karena banyak dokter lebih memprioritaskan dimensiekonomis dari praktek kedokteran mereka dengan akibat ruang-ruang pengobatandan operasi yang seharusnya menjadi ruang personal berubah menjadi ruangfinansial belaka. The social and political upheavals that took place during the rise of the marketeconomy contends that the market and the modern social practice should be understood not asdiscrete elements, but as the single human making in the Market Society. The development of themodern way of life went hand in hand with the development of modern market economies and thatthese two were inevitably implied the destruction of the basic social order that had existedthroughout earlier history. Hippocratic medicine professionals that were notable for their strictprofessionalism, discipline, and rigorous practice became unsustainable to preserve their traditionalsystem of production and social order. The Hippocratic Oath that recommends physicians to bealways well-kempt, honest, calm, understanding, and serious are far removed from that of modernmedicine professionalism. The Today Hippocratic physician paid careful attention to the economicaspects of his practice rather than followed his detailed specifications given by Hippocratic Oathfor, "lighting, personnel, instruments, positioning of the patient, and techniques of bandaging andsplinting" in the treatment and operation room.
Pancasila : Dasar Untuk Menciptakan Persatuan Nasional Dengan Tetap Menghormati Kesetaraan Dalam Kemajemukan Sosial Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 18 No 01 (2013): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v18i01.744


Karya John Rawls yang berjudul Political Liberalism dapat saja kita maknai sebagai Political Egalitarianism apabila karya ini dapat dilihat sebagai sebuah pengembangan untuk menyempurnakan kekurangan yang terdapat di dalam karyanya A Theory of Justice, yang amat monumental itu. Betapa pun kuat bangunan pemikiran Rawls dalam karya itu, ia kemudian sadar bahwa masyarakat yang diandaikan dalam teori itu adalah masyarakat yang homogen, sedangkan masyarakat riil – sebagaimana di USA – terdiri dari berbagai komunitas yang secara rasional mengikuti sumber moral yang beraneka. Oleh sebab itu, supaya lebih menukik lagi, betapa pun bangunan pikiran dalam A Theory of Justice itu pantas dikagumi, diperlukan sebuah pengembangan yang dalam pandangan Amartya Sen adalah kesetaraan dengan mempertimbangkan adanya pluralitas sumber moral dalam masyarakat.
Irony and Mysticism: the Role of “panakawan” in the Javanese Shadow Play (wayang) Alois A Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 19 No 02 (2014): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v19i02.758


Punakawan merupakan lakon yang benar-benar khas dalam pertunjukan wayang Jawa. Punakawan adalah tokoh-tokoh dalam pertunjukan wayang yang biasanya disertai tawa penonton berkenaan dengan tampilan fisik mereka yang jelek serta watak dan perilaku tertentu untuk dicamkan. Tulisan ini akan mengemukakan dua hal. Pertama, bagaimana punakawan menertawakan sifat-sifat yang ada pada manusia pada umumnya dan pada diri mereka sendiri. Kedua, secara implisit pertunjukan ini mau menyatakan derajat metafisis punakawan atau hamba tidak berbeda di bawah derajat kaum brahmana dan ksatria karena mereka pun sesungguhnya putera-putera dewata.
Communication and the Empowerment of Powerless Civil Society Alois A Nugroho
Jurnal InterAct Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.608 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v1i1.732


Masyarakat sipil, atau lebih dikenal sebagai civil society, dianggap oleh pihak negara merupakan golongan masyarakat yang bukan  kategori warga masyarakat dan oleh pasar dianggap bukan pembeli, namun melebihi kategori yang ada. Pandangan para ilmuwan menunjukkan peran penting masyarakat sipil dan keandalan komunikasi merupakan faktor penting dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dan mempengaruhi. Peranan masyarakat sipil di negara-negara maju menunjukan kemampuan mereka untuk mempangaruhi kebijakan. Akan tetapi di Indonesia, kapasitas yang dimiliki belum dapat membantu masyarakat sepenuhnya, sehingga perlu diadakan assesmen bagaimana memberdayakan masyarakat sipil.
Nilai-Nilai dalam Budaya Organisasi Enam Universitas Anggota APTIK Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 24, No 02 (2019): Respons - Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK: Artikel ini merupakan laporan penelitian tentang budaya organisasi enam universitas anggota APTIK. Metode yang digunakan ialah Focus Group Discussion. Analisisnya dengan menggunakan perspektif budaya organisasi Barsoux, Schneider dan Stahl dengan fokus pada identitas Katolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keenam universitas itu ditandai oleh artifak, pola perilaku, nilai-nilai dan gambaran-diri yang menunjukkan identitas kekatolikan.KATA KUNCI: Budaya organisasi, Kekatolikan, Spiritualitas, Universitas Katolik.ABSTRACT: Th is essay is based upon a research on the organizational cultures of six members of APTIK (the association of Indonesian Catholic universities). The method of research is based on Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Th e analysis uses the perspective of Barsoux, Schneider and Stahl, being focused on the Catholic identity. It concludes that the Catholic identities are highly expressed in the artefacts, the patterns of behaviour, the values and the beliefs of those universitiesKEYWORDS: Catholicity, Catholic University, cultural organisation, Spirituality
Pendidikan Sebagai Pembelajaran Dan Pemberadaban: Belajar Dari Drijarkara Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Volume 21, Nomor 02, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.367 KB)


Character building is the focal point in Driyarkara’s philosophy of education. He has published his thought in various forms of writing and speech. Sukarno did the same thing about education as the process of nation and character building. Both Drijarkara and Sukarno underlined in their thoughts and speeches the wholeness of man in his/her culture which is now facing globalization as “the runaway world”. For this reason, development of a nation-state must be directed to strengthen people’s national identity.Education, character building, nation building, national identity, and integration.Pendidikan watak atau pendidikan kepribadian merupakan fokus pemikiran Drijarkara tentang pendidikan. Ia sudah menampilkan pemikiran tersebut dalam berbagai tulisan dan pembicaraan. Sukarno membicarakan pendidikan watak yang dianggapnya penting untuk membentuk rasa berbangsa dan bernegara. Demikian halnya Drijarkara, ia membicarakan pendidikan watak dengan memberi penekanan pada keutuhan manusia dalam budayanya menghadapi globalisasi. Atas dasar itulah pembangunan negara-bangsa diarahkan kepada penguatan identitas nasional manusia.Pendidikan, pembentukan watak, pembentukan rasa kebangsaan, dan integrasi
Pandangan Manuel Velasquez Mengenai Masalah Korupsi dalam Bisnis Global Alois A. Nugroho
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 13, No 02 (2008): Respons
Publisher : Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6234.282 KB)


In the domain of public administration, corruption is one of many problems against which some countries in the world still had to struggle. In the domain of business administration, it is one of the dilemmas that shadows the operation of multinational corporations around the globe. This article analyzes the position taken by Manuel Velasquez in his article “Is Corruption Always Corrupt?”, in which Velasquez tries to avoid “moral absolutism” by evaluating corruption not “from outside”, but “from within” any given culture. The article tells us that “corruption” occurs in the context of “competitive state”, “patrimonial state”, “personalized state”, “neo-patrimonial state”. Finally, this paper concludes with the position that, be apparently very sympathetic as it may, Velasquez’s position cannot solve MNC’s dilemma posed by the very problem of corruption.