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Program Proteksi Pernapasan di PT X-Med Manila, Filipina rubayat indradi
Saintika Medika Vol. 13 No. 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/sm.v13i1.5412


Latar Belakang: PT. X-Med Manila merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi peralatanpenunjang fungsi gigi dan mulut. Debu dari proses produksi alat-alat tersebut dapatmengganggu sistem pernapasan, sehingga pekerja dapat mengalami batuk dan pilek. Tujuanprogram ini adalah menjaga kesehatan pekerja melalui strategi yang efektif untuk memastikankualitas udara yang baik di lingkungan kerja. Manfaat yang dapat dicapai yaitu mengurangipaparan debu pada pekerja agar sesuai standar OSHA 2013 yaitu di bawah 3 mg/m3.Metode: Untuk menilai lingkungan kerja, dilakukan survei lingkungan kerja, melakukan telaahdokumen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) yang ada, serta wawancara dengan pihakterkait. Bahaya di lingkungan kerja diidentifikasi serta dianalisis menggunakan kriteriamagnitude of the problem, feasibility, serta impact dari program.Hasil: Selama 3 minggu pelaksanaan program ini, didapatkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: (1)Pembuatan kebijakan tertulis mengenai K3; (2) Pembentukan panitia pelaksana K3; (3)Mengukur dan menilai kualitas udara; (4) Meningkatkan pengetahuan pekerja mengenaikesehatan pernapasan.Kesimpulan: program yang telah dilaksanakan meliputi pembuatan kebijakan K3, pembentukanpanitia pelaksana K3, analisis debu, distribusi materi edukasi kesehatan pernapasan, danpengadaan penyuluhan. Perlu penerapan program jangka panjang secara efektif, efisien, dankonsisten.Kata kunci: lingkungan kerja, kebijakan, K3, debu, kualitas udara
Hubungan Lama Paparan Dan Intensitas Kebisingan Terhadap Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising Nauval Halim; Indra Setiawan; Rubayat Indradi
CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Kedokteran Komunitas dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PDK3MI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/comphijournal.v3i1.97


One of the most common occupational diseases is noise-induced hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is a decrease in the function of the sense of hearing caused by exposure to noise. Noise exposure greater than 85 dB and exposure for more than 8 hours will increase the risk of hearing loss. Hearing loss due to noise can cause an increase in the risk of work-related accidents which will have an impact on the safety of workers or the community. The purpose of this publication is to determine the relationship between duration of exposure and noise intensity to noise-induced hearing loss. The library method used is in the form of 31 literature sources consisting of 8 textbooks and 23 national and international journals with a time span of 2013-2020. From the results of the analysis there is a relationship between the length of exposure and the intensity of noise on the hearing loss of factory workers. It can be concluded that the duration of exposure and the intensity of noise affect hearing loss due to noise. Other factors that can affect the occurrence of hearing loss due to noise such as age, habits outside of work, and the use of PPE can also affect the occurrence of hearing loss due to noise.
Analisis Faktor Risiko Akne Vulgaris Pada Pelajar Ratna Wulandari; Dwi Nurwulan Pravitasari; Rubayat Indradi; Asri Nugrahandini Putri
CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Kedokteran Komunitas dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PDK3MI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/comphijournal.v3i2.110


Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic skin disease in polysebaceous unit.The incidence of AV in Indonesia is 48-52%. Skin type and facial skin hygiene are triggers for AV. This disease is often complained to adolescents and become quite serious health problems. Someone with oily skin and lack of facial hygiene that can increase the AV phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to attend about skin types and facial hygiene to prevent the occurrence of AV in adolescents.It Is todetermine relationship between skin type and facial skin hygiene in teenager aged withtheexistence of AV inSMKMuhammadiyah2Malang.It use observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. Thesubjects were all students of SMKMuhammadiyah2Malang in academic year 2019/2020 who didn’t gettreatment AV from doctor. SamplingbyStratified Random Sampling, and found 79 respondents. Analyzed by Chi-squareand logistic regression.According to theChi-square test showed, other was a relationship between skin type (p=0.00) and facial hygiene (p=0.00) with AV. The logistic regression results showed thatskintype hadan effect (p=0.001) on AV with 54 times greater chance ofoilyskin type being exposed toAV.There’s relationship between skin type and facial skin hygiene in teenageraged withtheexistence ofAV inSMKMuhammadiyah2Malang.
Kajian Literatur: Analisis Pengaruh Suhu Dingin Ekstrem Terhadap Radang Dingin Pada Pekerja Tempat Penyimpanan Beku Andi Abdillah; Ainun Tungga Dewi; Rubayat Indradi; Desy Andari
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4 No 3 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v4i3.251


Frostbite is a disease caused by continuous exposure to extreme cold and is very susceptible to cold storage workers. This paper focuses on the study of Frostbite due to exposure to cold temperatures in the cold storage room. This study uses a literature study method using search results through the research results library and a review of 30 references that have been presented in reputable international journals indexed by Scopus Q1, Q2 and Q3. Besides that, national journals indexed by Sinta and book references are also used. The results of this study indicate a relationship between an increase of temperature in the cold room with an increase in intercellular fluid in human body tissue to freeze due to extreme cold temperatures. The first phase of frostbite treatment is to remove the sufferer from the environment with extreme cold temperatures as soon as possible. Increasing body temperature from the inside (with food / drink / medicine) and the outside (warm water) is a good option for the first phase. In the second phase, sufferers need professional help in the medical field. Avoid breaking the clear liquid layer. The third and fourth phases require first aid to avoid secondary infection.