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Penerapan Mediasi Penal Sebagai Penyelesaian Perkara Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Perspektif Restorative Justice) Sonia, Citra; Prakasa, Ragil Surya
eScience Humanity Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2024): eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 May 2024
Publisher : Asosiasi Ide Bahasa Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/esci.v4i2.94


Domestic Violence (KDRT) is still a problem that must be addressed by the Indonesian government, recorded according to the National Commission on Women in 2022 an increase of 18,261 cases, even though law enforcement officials have implemented the Republic of Indonesia Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling Crimes Based on Restorative Justice. And the institution of the Prosecutor's Office, through the Regulation of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Restorative Justice Prosecution. So it is necessary to analyze the urgency of restorative justice through penal mediation as a settlement of domestic violence cases in the perspective of restorative justice. This research uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach. The results of the research are the procedures for implementing restorative justice through penal mediation in domestic violence cases carried out with the stages of the police report or complaint process by victims of domestic violence, finding post mortem evidence if physical violence has occurred, a statement of peace, a mutual agreement, and evidence of victim recovery. Meanwhile, in the scope of the prosecutor's office, the stages of the process of peaceful efforts, mutual agreement, fulfillment of justice, and issuance of a letter of termination of prosecution are carried out, and if the agreement is not fulfilled, the court process continues, and penal mediation is very important in domestic violence cases, because Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence does not provide special rules for restorative justice, so that the rights of children affected by domestic violence cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, it is important to implement Police and Prosecutor's Office Regulations on handling criminal offenses based on restorative justice to create a win-win solution and fulfill justice for the dignity of each party involved.
Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Korporasi Terhadap Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Prakasa, Ragil surya; Husein, Husein; Delvia, Delvia; Salsabila, Qhas Karina; Alif, Rahmat Syauqi
eScience Humanity Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2024): eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 May 2024
Publisher : Asosiasi Ide Bahasa Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/esci.v4i2.150


The development of science and technology and the current unstoppable stream of globalization not only has a positive but also often has a negative impact,for example by the existence of “Crime globalization” and the development of quality (modus operandi) and quantity of criminal acts by corporation.The Problem in this article is How the accountability of corporate criminal law is in theeffort to tackle corruption in the future.The research method used in this article is normative juridical.The result of the study concluded that in the corporate criminal liability policy in the effort to tackle corporate crime in the effort to tackle corruption at the moment there are several weaknesses regarding when corporations commit criminal acts of corruption and criminal sanctions.Therefore for the future criminal responsibility policy of the corporation the explain the provisions and law enforcers can implement it.
Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Korporasi Terhadap Tindak Pidana Usaha Penyediaan Listrik Tanpa Izin Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Azzahra, Dinda; Mutia, Putri; Fauzi, Gamawan; Olivia, Putri Yaldi; Putra, Rizki Eka
eScience Humanity Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2024): eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 May 2024
Publisher : Asosiasi Ide Bahasa Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/esci.v4i2.152


The Republic of Indonesia is a country that is actively developing in various sectors. Several forms and developments in various sectors can be seen now, such as the economic, technological and social sectors and so on. All business entities, both legal entities and non-legal entities, are called corporations. Corporations are subjects of criminal acts. Meanwhile, to be held criminally accountable, a physical form is required. Crimes committed by corporations are very detrimental to society and the state. This study uses a normative legal research type. The data obtained in this study were then analyzed qualitatively, the Descriptive Analysis Method is a research method. Based on the research results, the legal provisions for criminal acts of providing electricity without an operating permit according to Law 30 of 2009 concerning Electricity are regulated in Article 49 paragraph (2) which states that: "Any person who carries out the business of providing electricity without an operating permit as referred to in Article 22 shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 4,000,000,000 (four billion rupiah)".
Pertanggung Jawaban Korporasi Dalam Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Rahmadayanti, Indah; Yolanda , Jelfidha Sukma; Febrianis , Ririn; Farhan , Muhammad Adila; Amanda , Shakira; Pratama , Okta Adi
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 Januari 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i2.280


The crime of money laundering or what is better known as money laundering is a term that is often heard in various mass media, therefore many understandings have developed regarding the term money laundering. Sutan Remi Sjahdeini emphasized that currently the term money laundering is commonly used to describe efforts carried out by individuals or legal entities to legalize "dirty" money, which is obtained from the proceeds of criminal acts. The term money laundering has been known since 1930 in the United States. The emergence of this term is closely related to laundry companies. This is because at that time the crime of money laundering was carried out by the mafia crime organization through purchasing clothes washing or laundry companies as a place to launder the proceeds of crime, that is where the term money laundering emerged. The legal research method in this research is normative (doctrinal) called legal dogmatics (rechtsdogmatiek). 10 The research activities carried out include inventorying, explaining, interpreting and systematizing and also evaluating the entire positive law (authoritative text) that applies in a particular society or country. by using concepts (understandings), categories, theories, classifications and methods that are formed and developed specifically to carry out all these activities, all of which are directed towards preparing efforts to find a judicial solution to the problem. laws (micro and macro) that may occur in society. In general, the elements of the crime of money laundering are as follows: a. The existence of money (funds) which are illegal or invalid in the eyes of the law. b. There is illicit money (dirty money) which is processed in certain ways through legal (legitimate) institutions so that the perpetrators get large profits. c. With the aim of eliminating traces, so that the source of origin cannot or is very difficult to be identified and traced by legal entities because the profits are not directly spent on goods. The crime of money laundering has been regulated in Law no. 5 of 2010. Types of money laundering are divided into 3 types, namely: The criminal act of money laundering is an act that has quite a big impact on the state, which can be detrimental to the state and the surrounding community. Especially laundering crimes committed by corporations. This of course has a big negative impact, especially in the economic sector. The crime of money laundering in Indonesia is regulated in Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.
Penjatuhan Hukuman Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Penebangan Liar (Illegal Loging) dalam Pidana Korporasi Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Irzal, Ryanel; Ramadhini, Nurul; Fachriah, Raysah Afdila; Naturrachma, Khaza
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 Januari 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i2.300


Illegal logging is a serious crime that has a significant impact on environmental and economic damage, the perpetrators themselves come from corporations. So that serious handling is needed. Law enforcement efforts through corporate crimes are an important instrument to prevent and eradicate illegal logging, by ensnaring corporations involved in this activity. This research aims to understand the concept of corporate crime, analyze related legal provisions evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation, and recommend strategic steps in imposing penalties on corporations that commit illegal logging. The results of the study show that corporate crime has a strong relevance in illegal logging cases, but its application in Indonesia still faces various challenges. The recommendations submitted include strengthening regulations, increasing the capacity of law enforcement, and harmonization with international instruments. This research is expected to contribute to improving the punishment mechanism for corporations that commit illegal logging, thereby providing a deterrent effect and contributing to forest conservation efforts in Indonesia.
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Korporasi dalam Tindak Pidana Perbankan Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Waldi, Dinda Desna; Triana, Sindy; Tanjung, Syiffa Amalia Putri
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 Januari 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i2.303


The existence of Corporations in the field of business in various economic sectors also has a negative impact as well as business activities carried out by individuals who can also commit crimes. Banks are the pillars that support a nation's economy in order to improve the welfare of society. This is also expressly regulated in Article 1 Number 2 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking. The method implies a planned and systematic way of finding information. The steps taken must be clear and there are firm boundaries to avoid overly broad interpretations. In this research the author uses a normative juridical approach, which is a research based on library research to obtain secondary data in the field of law.
PERAN WHISTLEBLOWER DALAM MENGUNGKAP TINDAK PIDANA KORPORASI Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Oktaviani, Amelia; Mariska, Dinda; Sari, Adila Permata; Nasli, Muhammad Ibnu Zaki; Iskandar , Muhammad
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 Januari 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i2.305


The quality and quantity of corporate crime in Indonesia is currently increasingly sophisticated and complex, making it difficult to prove. So that the role of corporate crime whistleblowers and justice collaborators is expected to help reveal the mode / series of corporate crime more easily and thoroughly. Unfortunately, whistleblowers and justice collaborators in corporate cases in Indonesia are still worried about minimal legal protection; whistleblowers are often worried about their fate in the future because of the potential backlash from the corruptors (corruptor fight back). Ideal legal protection can be in the form of appreciation, and protection from all claims in return for what is disclosed by the whistleblower, then the whistleblower hopes for clarity about his status; whether he is one of the perpetrators or not? This is a good stimulus as guidance and security of corporate assets. The problem raised by the researcher is the role of whistleblower in law enforcement efforts of corporate crime. The author concludes that in essence, despite being the main perpetrator of corporate crime, the suspect/defendant who acts as a justice collaborator still shows his contribution in uncovering corporate crime. still show their contribution in exposing cases of corporate crime.
Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Korporasi Dalam Kejahatan Ekonomi Chan, Muhammad Rafly; Prakasa, Ragil Surya; Musa, Muhammad Ibrahim; Pratama, Harits Surya; Al-Qalil, Muhammad Hafisz; Suwanda, Dwi Ari
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 Januari 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i2.306


The development of economic globalization has the potential for crime/crimes in the economic sector to be committed by business actors in the form of corporations which can cause losses and victims, which is supported by the emergence and development of science and information technology. The difficulty of holding corporations criminally liable for money game activities by using gold as an object in online investment, using multi-level marketing networks and online networks, ultimately results in material losses for victims as customers. However, criminal liability in the form of strict liability can provide a solution to this problem, where full corporate criminal liability (strict liability) states that criminal liability can be sought against the corporation. This research is normative juridical legal research using a conceptual approach, statutory approach and case approach. Collecting material through literature study methods, with primary or secondary laws. Legal material is further examined and analyzed using the approach used in this research to answer the legal problems in this research. The results of this research show: corporate crime is organized crime which not only involves the corporation itself but also involves organs or administrators in the company. Under this regulation, you unknowingly violate the principle of nebis in idem. So in terms of criminal liability against unincorporated companies the law often decides not only against the company but also against its administrators.