Wahyudi, Rhojim
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Analisis Daya Dukung Ekosistem Dan Konservasi Mangrove Dalam Meningkatkan Potensi Ekowisata di Desa Cendi Manik, Sekotong Tengah, Lombok Barat Waspodo, Saptono; Amir, Sadikin; Hilyana, Sitti; Gigentika, Soraya; Wahyudi, Rhojim
Journal of Marine Research Vol 13, No 3 (2024): Journal of Marine Research
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v13i3.41922


Ekosistem mangrove berperan penting menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem serta berfungsi sebagai habitat dari berbagai biota. Ekowisata dapat menjadi strategi konservasi yang dapat membuka alternatif ekonomi bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung dan kesesuaian ekosistem mangrove sebagai ekowisata, serta mengetahui persepsi masyarakat dan pengunjung tentang kondisi mangrove dan jasa ekosistem mangrove. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan mengambil data primer dan sekunder. Hasil menunjukkan ditemukan 15 jenis mangrove, 15 jenis makrozoobenthos, dan 12 jenis burung yang hidup berasosiasi pada ekosistem mangrove tersebut. Rata-rata kerapatan ekosistem mangrove Bagek Kembar sebesar 183 ind/ha (kategori jarang) dengan indeks nilai penting (INP) jenis mangrove tertinggi yaitu Rhizophora mucronata (127%). Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata dalam ekosistem mangrove di Desa Cendi Manik, Kecamatan Sekotong Tengah, Kabupaten Lombok Barat adalah 87.33% sehingga termasuk kedalam katagori sangat sesuai (S1). Perhitungan daya dukung kawasan (DDK) untuk kawasan ekosistem mangrove wisata jelajah track dengan jembatan kayu didapatkan 135 orang/hari, sedangkan untuk wisata jelajah mangrove dengan berperahu 92 orang/hari. Analisis persepsi masyarakat dan pengunjung Dusun Madaq Beleq menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sudah cukup paham peran dan manfaat mangrove, serta ekowisata. Masyarakat juga menyadari perlunya keterlibatan mereka dalam pengelolaan ekowisata. Oleh karena itu, partisipasi langsung dari masyarakat dalam pengembangan ekowisata sangat diperlukan. The mangrove ecosystem plays an important role in maintaining ecosystem balance and functions as a habitat for various biota. Ecotourism can be a conservation strategy that can open up economic alternatives for the community. This research aims to determine the carrying capacity and suitability of the mangrove ecosystem for ecotourism, as well as determine the perceptions of the community and visitors regarding the condition of mangroves and mangrove ecosystem services. The research method was carried out using purposive sampling by taking primary and secondary data. The results showed that 15 types of mangroves, 15 types of macrozoobenthos and 12 types of birds were found that lived in association with the mangrove ecosystem. The average density of the Bagek Kembar mangrove ecosystem is 183 ind/ha (rare category) with the highest importance value index (INP) for the mangrove type, namely Rhizophora mucronata (127%). 4. The Tourism Suitability Index in the mangrove ecosystem in Cendi Manik Village, Sekotong Tengah District, West Lombok Regency is 87.33% so it is included in the very suitable category (S1). 5. Calculation of the area carrying capacity (DDK) for the mangrove ecosystem area for track cruising tourism with wooden bridges was found to be 135 people/day, while for mangrove exploring tourism by boat it was 92 people/day. Analysis of the perceptions of the community and visitors to Madaq Beleq Hamlet shows that the community has had enough understand the role and benefits of mangroves, as well as ecotourism. The community also realizes the need for their involvement in ecotourism management. Therefore, direct participation from the community in ecotourism development is very necessary.