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Widyaparwa Vol 51, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/wdprw.v51i2.1079


 This research -discussed the text of Kangjeng Tuan Ingkang Wicaksana Governor General Otto van Rees (KTIWGJO), it is one of the texts in the archived manuscript of Koepija Djendralan (KD) the collection of KHP Widya Budaya Keraton Yogyakarta. The text was written in Javanese and the form of prose. This text was studied with philology analysis. Furthermore, the analysis of the content text used the theory of postcolonialism and the theory of hegemony. The purpose of this study was to present the edits and translations of the KTIWGJO text so that it was easy to read and understood by today's society and to explain the procession of welcoming and honoring guests at the Yogyakarta Palace during the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana VII. Analysis of the content of the KTIWGJO text, including analysis of welcome and respect upon arrival of Governor General Otto van Rees; and an analysis of the activities of Governor General Otto van Rees for seven days in Yogyakarta. The pattern of relations was analyzed using the theory of postcolonialism. Through this pattern of relations, it can add new insights into the pattern of hegemony carried out by the natives at that time and prove that not all of the colonized were backward and ignorant parties. Penelitian ini membahas teks Kangjeng Tuan Ingkang Wicaksana Gupernur Jendral Otto van Rees (KTIWGJO), salah satu teks yang berada di dalam naskah arsip Koepija Djendralan (KD) koleksi KHP Widya Budaya Keraton Yogyakarta. Teks ini tertulis dalam bahasa Jawa dan berbentuk prosa. Teks ini dikaji dengan metode filologi dan dianalisis menggunakan teori poskolonialisme serta teori hegemoni. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyajikan suntingan dan terjemahan teks KTIWGJO agar mudah dibaca dan dipahami oleh masyarakat kini dan menjelaskan prosesi penyambutan serta penghormatan tamu di Keraton Yogyakarta pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Hamengku Buwana VII. Analisis isi terdiri dari analisis penyambutan; analisis penghormatan pada saat kedatangan Gubernur Jenderal Otto van Rees; dan analisis kegiatan Gubernur Jenderal Otto van Rees selama di Yogyakarta. Pola relasi yang dianalisis menggunakan teori poskolonialisme. Melalui pola relasi ini pula, dapat menambah wawasan baru mengenai pola hegemoni yang dilakukan oleh pihak pribumi pada masa itu dan membuktikan bahwa pihak terjajah tidak semuanya adalah pihak terbelakang dan pihak yang bodoh.
Jurnal Ilmu Budaya Vol. 21 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/jib.v21i1.21955


The manuscript of Syair Suluh Pegawai is a literary work authored by Raja Ali Haji, addressing aspects of marital life, including divorce. This syair serves as a guide for officials involved in marital affairs. In addition to outlining marriage guidelines and regulations, Raja Ali Haji also incorporates verses concerning divorce cases, notably through the narrative "Kawin Cina Buta" found within the text of "Syair Lebai Guntur." This study examines divorce in Raja Ali Haji's perspective employing a textual approach within a historical context centered on the author. The research methodology adopted is qualitative descriptive. Analysis reveals that Raja Ali Haji provides marital guidelines rooted in Islamic law, encompassing issues such as different types of divorce—khulu bertalak, talak bid’i, talak makruh, talik talak, and issues related to the pronunciation of talak. To elucidate these guidelines, Raja Ali Haji employs the story of "Kawin Cina Buta" as an illustrative example for understanding divorce matters.
Representasi Konflik Masyarakat Jawa Bagian Timur dalam Babad Blambangan Rahmawanto, Dwi; Pudjiastuti, Titik; Buduroh, Mamlahatun; Setyani, Turita Indah; Raharjo, Rias Antho Rahmi; Mu’jizah, Mu’jizah; Suwargono, Eko
JENTERA: Jurnal Kajian Sastra Vol 13, No 1 (2024): Jentera: Jurnal Kajian Sastra
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jentera.v13i1.7283


The opposition between community members that gave rise to the conflict was recorded in the Babad Blambangan (BB), an East Javanese manuscript from the 19th century. The text narrated the causes of the succession of the kings in Blambangan and the conflict situations that accompanied the change of power for every king in Blambangan, from Prabu Tawangalun until Raden Tumenggung Pringgakusuma. The conflicts that are represented indicate the existence of ideas in the minds of the people of East Java about building and maintaining social relations between communities. In this regard, this research aims to understand the perspective of the East Java society towards the phenomenon of conflict in social relations as represented in BB. To find this perspective, qualitative methods were used. This research was also carried out using a multidisciplinary approach through language analysis and socio-cultural conflict approaches. With this approach, various phenomena are classified, identified, analyzed, and interpreted. Theories used to understand the conflict phenomenon are semantics preference and conflict situations. The results of this research show that the conflict in the BB is dominated by issues of power and retaliation. This results reflects the community's perspective on social relations in eastern Java at that time, namely that the existence of personal ambition for power was something that needed to be controlled. If this desire is left uncontrolled, it can damage social relations in society. The findings also strengthen and add to the ideas of previous research regarding the concept of harmony in Javanese society, especially in eastern Javanese society. AbstrakSituasi pertentangan antaranggota masyarakat yang menimbulkan konflik tersebut tercatat dalam Babad Blambangan (BB), naskah Jawa Timur yang berasal dari abad ke-19. Dalam naskah itu dikisahkan penyebab suksesi raja-raja di Blambangan dan situasi konflik yang mengiringi pergantian kekuasaan setiap raja-raja di Blambangan mulai dari Prabu Tawangalun hingga Raden Tumenggung Pringgakusuma. Konflik-konflik yang direpresentasikan tersebut menandai adanya gagasan dalam pemikiran masyarakat Jawa Timur tentang membangun dan mempertahankan hubungan sosial antarmasyarakat. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami cara pandang masyarakat Jawa bagian timur terhadap fenomena konflik dalam hubungan sosial yang direpresentasikan dalam BB. Upaya untuk menemukan cara pandang tersebut dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan dengan pendekatan multidisiplin melalui analisis bahasa dan pendekatan konflik sosio-kultural. Dengan pendekatan tersebut, fenomena konflik diklasifikasi, diidentifikasi, dianalisis dan diinterpretasi. Teori yang dimanfaatkan untuk memahami fenomena konflik tersebut adalah preferensi semantik dan konsep conflict situation. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa konflik dalam kisah BB didominasi oleh isu kekuasaan dan pembalasan. Hal tersebut mencerminkan cara pandang masyarakat tentang hubungan sosial masyarakat di Jawa bagian timur di masa  itu yakni keberadaan ambisi pribadi atas kekuasaan merupakan suatu hal yang perlu dikendalikan. Apabila kehendak tersebut dibiarkan tanpa kendali maka dapat merusak hubungan sosial di masyarakat. Temuan dalam penelitian ini memperkuat dan menambahkan gagasan penelitian terdahulu tentang  konsep kerukunan masyarakat Jawa,  terutama pada masyarakat Jawa bagian timur.
TARBAWI:Journal on Islamic Education Vol 8, No 1: April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/tarbawi.v1i1.2491


ASEAN has three pillars of cooperation, namely the political and security pillar; economic pillar; and socio-cultural pillars. In the context of the socio-cultural pillar, the ASEAN region has an extraordinary diversity of manuscripts; has an extraordinary diversity of languages, scripts, culture and religious content. However, ASEAN also has its own challenges, such as conflict or extremism that could threaten the existence of manuscripts. One of the ASEAN regions that has armed conflict but has many Islamic manuscripts is Marawi, which has scientific relations with Indonesian ulama. The aim of this research is to see the transmission of knowledge from Marawi ulama in the Philippines with Indonesian ulama. The method used is a literature study approach. The research results show that the manuscripts in Marawi are connected to scholars in Indonesia. The research conclusion is the connection between Indonesia and the Philippines in the past, both scientific transmission and social, economic and religious interactions. Therefore, the Marawi catalog can be studied in more depth, both for academic purposes and for other studies.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPIRITS PURIFICATION IN THE RITUAL ENTAS-ENTAS IN WONOTORO VILLAGE AS THE IDENTITY OF THE TENGGER COMMUNITY Setyani, Turita Indah; Pudjiastuti, Titik; Suharjo, Rias; Buduroh, Mamlahatun; Mu’jizah, Mu’jizah; Rahmawanto, Dwi
International Review of Humanities Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper examines the Ritual Entas-entas as a purification ceremony for spirits in Wonotoro Village, Tengger. The ritual originates from a manuscript believed to aid in purifying the spirits of deceased family members. This ritual has been passed down orally. However, the manuscript serving as the reference for the ritual can no longer be traced. The issue is, how the sustainability of the Ritual Entas-entas in Wonotoro Village, Tengger? The research aims to demonstrate that the Tengger community possesses a collective memory strength and high adherence to traditional rules as part of everyday religious practice. The research utilizes ethnographic methodology along with the theory of collective memory from the Javanese religious perspective to address the problem and validate the research objectives. Initial findings indicate that: 1) The Ritual Entas-entas in Wonotoro Village is an oral tradition derived from written tradition; 2) The Ritual Entas-entas is a collective memory highly believed to possess the power to facilitate the purification of one's spirit to return to the Almighty Creator, thus it is deemed essential; 3) The Tengger community demonstrates a high level of devotion to the Almighty Creator. From these findings, it can be concluded that the Tengger community, particularly in Wonotoro Village, retains relevant ethnoscience to this day.
Pemaknaan dan Simbolisasi Ikan dalam Khazanah Naskah Melayu: Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Putra, Ragil; Buduroh, Mamlahatun
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v10i2.35396


Al-Attas in one of his sub-chapters mentions the use of the word 'Ikan Tunggal' (Unique Fish) in one of Hamza Fansuri's works entitled Sha’ir Jawl fasal fl bayan ‘Ilm al-Suluk wa’l-Tawhid. "Ikan Tunggal" or Unique Fish is a symbol of the Spirit, or can be interpreted as 'soul' or 'al-Ruh'. The problem discussed is whether the meaning of "ikan" brought by Hamza Fansuri affects the meaning of "ikan" in Malay texts or not. The corpus data used comes from the Malay Concordance Project by utilizing the direct search and chronological order features to bring up the word "ikan" in different texts and periods. This is qualitative research and the collected data would be analyzed with descriptive methods. All the collected data would be interpreted one by one according to the context in the text itself and with some addition to the secondary data, which is another research to support the arguments. The results of this paper conclude that the concept of "ikan" brought by Hamza Fansuri was not immediately accepted and followed by Malay authors and copyists because they still have their own variety. However, two works are excluded from interpreting "ikan" with such a concept, namely "ikan" as a sign in a dream and "ikan" as a catastrophic phenomenon from Allah SWT.Keyword: Hamzah Fansuri; Al-Attas; Ikan; Naskah Melayu; Semiotics; Roland Barthes.