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إيكاندو لتعلم اللغة العربية عند الطفولة المبكرة في عصر الرقمنة 5.0 (Icando) استخدام Rofiq Sofa, Ainur
LISANUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 13, No 2 (2023): LISANUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya (JULI-DESEMBER 2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ls.v13i2.18422


This research is motivated by an early childhood child whose educational tendencies are based on games, so this study aims to describe the Icando Platform for learning Arabic in early childhood. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, and the source of the data came from Arabic teachers. Data were collected through observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies. The result of the study is that Icando is an interesting educational Platform for early childhood; with this Platform they can play to learn Arabic. The researchers recommend further developing the use of various forms of Platforms that support the implementation of education in difficult conditions. The limitation of this study is that it can be carried out and its effectiveness has not been studied comprehensively, therefore this aspect has not been discussed in this study in the future work of researchers.
وسيلة لعبة سكرابل كبديل لاكتساب المفردات في تعلم اللغة العربية لطلاب الصف السابع في المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية زين الحسن قنقون Rofiq Sofa, Ainur; Aziz, Abd; Sugianto, Muhammad; Zainullah, Ahmad; Farid, Edi Kurniawan; Yunus, Moch.
Insya : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): November 2024
Publisher : Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55210/8jzbed77


اللغة العربية هي إحدى اللغات الأجنبية التي تُدرَّس بشكل واسع في المدارس الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. تتضمن اللغة العربية أربع مهارات رئيسية: القراءة، الكتابة، التحدث، والاستماع. يعد اكتساب المفردات أمرًا ضروريًا لتحسين هذه المهارات. تبين أن استخدام بطاقات الفلاش وطريقة التدريبات في تعلم اللغة العربية ليس فعالًا بشكل كافٍ في تحسين اكتساب المفردات. لذلك، هناك حاجة إلى بدائل أخرى، مثل استخدام لعبة سكرابل. تستخدم هذه الدراسة المنهج النوعي لفهم فعالية استخدام لعبة سكرابل في تحسين اكتساب المفردات في اللغة العربية بين طلاب المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية. وفقًا لنظرية جان بياجيه، تعتبر لعبة سكرابل وسيلة تعليمية يمكن أن تدعم تعلم الطلاب، حيث تعتمد على استخدام لوحة بحجم 15 × 15 وعدة قطع من الحروف التي تُرتَّب لتكوين كلمات باللغة العربية. تستخدم لعبة سكرابل لتطوير المهارات اللغوية، وخاصة اكتساب المفردات. من فوائد هذه اللعبة أنها تساعد على زيادة رصيد المفردات، حيث يتعين على الطلاب ترتيب الحروف لتكوين كلمات، مما يسهم في تذكر المفردات بشكل أفضل.
The Arabic Language Learning System at the Center for Foreign Language Studies, Zainul Hasan Islamic University Genggong Rofiq Sofa, Ainur
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 4 (2024): Journal on Education: Volume 6 Nomor 4 Mei-Agustus 2024
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v7i1.6611


This article aims to discuss the Arabic language learning system at the Center for Foreign Language Studies (PSBA) of Zainul Hasan Islamic University (UNZAH) Genggong Probolinggo. Currently, there is a growing public interest in learning Arabic due to its significance in addressing various complex issues in the contemporary world. Numerous educational institutions are actively involved in the development and implementation of Arabic language education, both formally and informally. One such institution is Zainul Hasan Islamic University (UNZAH) Genggong Probolinggo, which has established the Center for Foreign Language Studies (PSBA) on its campus. This research is a qualitative field study utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing pedagogical, normative theological, juridical, sociological, and psychological aspects. The study results indicate that PSBA UNZAH Genggong offers courses in seven languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and German, for students who wish to deepen and develop their skills through an institution specifically established for the development of foreign languages, particularly Arabic. The learning system at PSBA UNZAH Genggong is a non-credit program managed by the Language Development Institute, aimed at students interested in advancing their Arabic language proficiency. PSBA UNZAH Genggong currently lacks a standardized curriculum, syllabus, or guidebook; its teaching materials are tentative and subject to change annually based on management policies. The learning model involves simultaneous classes held on the same day and time for each group, without any shifts in teaching hours or days by lecturers. This course program also does not confine learning strictly to the classroom. PSBA UNZAH Genggong has successfully enhanced the Arabic language skills of its students and produced competent Arabic language experts. The increase in achievements in Arabic language competitions, such as speeches, debates, and taqdimul qisshoh, at both district and national levels, demonstrates the improvement in students' Arabic language proficiency.