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Kearifan Lokal Tembang Macapat Masyarakat Karang Baru, Sriwijaya, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember. Yuni Anista; Maulia Fitri Jayanti; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni

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The aim of this research is to examine and record regional knowledge that still exists among the people of Karang Baru, Sriwijaya, Sumbersari District, and Jember Regency as Tembang Macapat. Tembang Macapat is an ancient Javanese oral literary tradition that embodies local wisdom that is closely related to cultural values, ethics and traditional knowledge. The research technique used is qualitative research, namely conducting interviews with members of the local community who have high knowledge about Tembang Macapat. Research findings show that Tembang Macapat is currently getting worse and is starting to disappear from the daily lives of the people of Karang Baru. Macapat songs are performed at various events, ranging from religious ceremonies, traditional celebrations, to providing moral lessons to the younger generation. This research offers a deeper understanding of the value of local wisdom expressed in macapat songs as a component of the cultural identity of the Karang Baru community. The community is expected to be able to maintain cultural heritage and local wisdom as valuable assets in facing changing times through preserving and developing these traditions.
Peran Perempuan Pekerja Buruh Kerupuk Dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Ekonomi Keluarga Di Desa Mangli, Kecamatan Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember Nur Wahida; Rika Ifana Putri Mayangsari; Alfisyah Nurhayati; Muhammad Ridwan Arif
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni

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The role of women as cracker workers is one of the jobs that can increase the economic security of the family. The economic resilience of the family can be influenced by the contribution of women which has a big influence on the welfare of the family, especially in the economic sector, quite a few women work to help improve the economic resilience of their families. In this case, women play a dual role in the family where they not only take care of household work, but they can also participate in the public sector because the family's needs are increasing compared to the income they earn. The role played by women is called the role of working women. This research aims to determine the role of women cracker workers in increasing family economic resilience and the supporting and inhibiting factors of women cracker workers in increasing family economic resilience in Mangli Village. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive study type of research. The research results show that there is a very large contribution from the presence of women cracker workers in increasing the economic resilience of the family, which with this contribution can help the family economy significantly and they do this to achieve economic stability and resilience in their families.
Analisis Gender Pada Ketahanan Keluarga Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) Di Desa Jatiroto Lor Kabupaten Lumajang Fazdilatun Nasihah; Ifadah Maziah Baidillah; Alfisyah Nurhayati; Muhammad Ridwan Arif
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni

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Melihat kondisi sosial Desa Jatiroto Lor Kabupaten Lumajang yang minat warganya, terutama remaja wanita dan para istri yang mau bekerja di luar Negeri menjadi Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) ini cukup menggugah penulis untuk melakukan pemberdayaan, guna memini malisir dampak negative yang ditimbulkan serta memberikan trobosan baru agar masyarakat Desa Jatiroto Lor Kabupaten Lumahang lebih produktif, sehingga masyarakat mampu membuka lapangan pekerjaan sendiri agar tidak lagi harus ke luar Negeri sebagai Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI). Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik purposive sampling atau sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dalam pengasuhan yang dilakukan oleh ayah, tante atau nenek menggunakan pola asuh permisif memanjakan dan otoriter. Pola pengasuhan permisif memanjakan dipilih karena merasa kasihan terhadap anak karena orang tua/ibunya bekerja di luar negeri dalam waktu yang lama, sedangkan pola pengasuhan otoriter keluarga lebih suka menghukum anak secara fisik dalam menyelesaikan masalah dan tidak bersedia mendengarkan pendapat anak. Perbedaan pola pengasuhan tersebut disebabkan karena faktor ekonomi, keluarga yang kurang mampu cenderung menggunakan pola pengasuhan otoriter, sedangkan keluarga yang berkecukupan cenderung menggunakan pola pengasuhan permisif memanjakan.
Perempuan Karir Dalam Menjaga Ketahanan Keluarga (Studi Kasus Tenaga Medis Klinik Kasih Ibu Kabupaten Jember) Ammalia Nur Medina Putri Hardandy; Lailul Hidayah; Alfisyah Nurhayati; Muhamad Ridwan Arif
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni

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As time goes by, women no longer take care of the household but choose to enter the world of work to have a career. As well as career women who work as health workers whose work system uses a shift work system and must always be ready to provide services to anyone who needs it, anytime and anywhere. The data collection used in this study uses observation, interviews. This research aims to find out how the division of roles in the household and also about how to build family resilience for career women.. The result of this study is that good communication is essential to prevent miscommunication. In the family, we must also help each other, help each other in housework, educate children. That way, family resilience will be formed so that a quality family is realized.
Manajemen Konflik Rumah Tangga dengan Pendapatan Istri Lebih Tinggi Daripada Suami Fitrah Ash-Shiddiq, R.Muhammad Ikhwanul; Ubaidillah; Muhamad Ridwah Arif; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni

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This research aims to find out how household conflict is managed with the wife's income being higher than the husband's. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using interviews and observation. The subjects of this research were 4 married couples. The research results showed that 3 out of 4 subject pairs used collaborating resolution and 1 out of 4 subject pairs used accommodating conflict resolution. This shows that collaborating can make families more harmonious and supportive of each other. Meanwhile, accommodating can have a lasting impact because one party is seriously disadvantaged.
Terasi Puger dan Kekuatan Kuliner Tradisional Dalam Perspektif Etnopedagogi Alfira Intan Dwi Cahyani; Alfisyah Nurhayati; Kholis Alfin Mas Ula; M Ainur Rofiqi; Nada Febrianti Kusuma; Nivayatus Sayyadah; Ricca Rahim; Uswatun Hasanah
Journal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JPIPS) Vol 15 Nomor 2 Desember 2023
Publisher : FKIP, Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37304/jpips.v15i2.11937


This article aims to discuss the power of traditional culinary shrimp paste in an ethnopedagogical perspective and the process of shrimp paste production, and the people's reasons for shrimp paste production. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The shrimp paste is produced using very traditional techniques and tools and utilizes existing Natural Resources (SDA), so that this Puger Terasi has a high taste and quality. In addition, the reason why people produce shrimp paste is because people work in the fisheries and marine products sector. The shrimp paste production process is carried out by the community in Puger to increase income and create jobs so as to reduce unemployment
Strategi Pola Asuh Orang Tua: Studi Kasus Orang Tua Banyak Anak di Dusun Taman Baru Banyuwangi Muhammad Sofyan; Muhammad Taqy Al-Farras; Muhamad Ridwan Arif; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Dan Konseling Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): April - Juni

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This research is entitled "parental parenting strategies: a case study of parents with many children in Taman Baru Banyuwangi hamlet". This research aims to find out how parenting patterns are applied by parents who have many children and researchers chose four parents in this study. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach, using interview and observation instruments in data collection. The results of the research revealed the parenting style provided by each parent, each parent has their own choice in conveying this parenting style to their children and of course they have a purpose for using this parenting style and with the parents' consideration and vigilance. They will definitely be faced with several obstacles because it is not easy to take care of children. And when parents have many children, they certainly have their own way of guiding and paying attention to their children's personalities and daily lives. Because parents definitely want the best for their children both in their educational environment, their relationships and their daily activities. Each parent has their own strategy in determining their parenting style towards their children. Descriptive parenting, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting are various parenting patterns, but it is attention and affection that determines a child's personality. Parenting is just a tool to educate children from an early age until they grow up so that they don't lose their personality and identity when they socialize in society.
Upaya Pasangan Long Distance Marriage (LDM) Dalam Menjaga Ketahanan Keluarganya Di Desa Darungan Rambipuji Khalisa Adila; Robby Sofyan Iskandar; Muhamad Ridawan Arif; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Dan Konseling Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): April - Juni

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Long Distance Marriage in Indonesia is something that is no longer foreign to the people, because many married couples in Indonesia choose to emigrate and even go abroad to make ends meet. According to the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI) 2018, in Indonesia the number of TKI in 2014 reached 429,874 of which 48% were male and 57% female, whereas in 2015 there were 275,737 of whom were male and 40% were female. 60%, in 2016 the number of migrant workers reached 234,451 of which the percentage was male 38% female 62%, in 2017 the number was 262,899 of which male 30% female 70%. And in 2018 the number of migrant workers reached 283,640 men 30% women 70%. This research method uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Research is carried out by collecting data expressed in words or verbally. This research focuses on families undergoing LDM relationships. Therefore, this research focuses on harmony and wholeness for families in LDM relationships. In this research, the data collection process was carried out using interview techniques. Long Distance Marriage where a husband and wife do not live in the same house, as we know the husband has an inner and outer support for his wife but when they undergo LDM this income will not be fulfilled in general, but this does not make this couple give up on the family The efforts they have made to ensure that their household is safe and peaceful despite the distance separating them are: 1. Understanding each other towards their partner 2. Being honest with their partner 3. Accepting each other 4. Being able to control each other's emotions 5. Trusting each other 6. Maintain commitment.
Peran Perempuan Karir Dalam Pola Asuh Anak Di Era Digital Di Perum Villa Ajung Bumi Asri Okta Viana Dwi Anisa; Nandina Putri Salsabilla; Muhammad Ridwan Arif; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Dan Konseling Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): April - Juni

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In today's digital era, technology and information are developing rapidly. This technological development has an influence in the educational and social fields. Thus, career women have a heavier burden. On the one hand, he must be responsible for his household affairs, on the other hand, he must also be responsible for his office work. This is often very vulnerable to causing problems. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative research method because this research tends to analyze and describe the perspective of the target subject, namely career mothers. To obtain this research data by means of interviews, observation and documentation. Some of them said it was a way to balance their profession and responsibilities at home. Prioritize what is more important, create daily activities to manage time so that time for work and family is balanced. The strategy used by career women to overcome challenges in parenting in the digital era is by implementing a consistent positive daily routine. Career women in the digital era have a dual role, namely as housewives and professionals outside the home. This can create challenges in parenting, such as: Lack of time with children, Difficulty in instilling positive values, However, career women can overcome these challenges with various strategies and are able to balance them.
Nilai-nilai Kearifan Lokal Kesehatan dalam Tradisi Kolak Ayam (Sanggring) Desa Gumeno Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik Zanuba, Meidita; Nely Zulfatin Ni’amah; Alfisyah Nurhayati
Semantik : Jurnal Riset Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November: Jurnal Riset Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya
Publisher : Asosiasi Periset Bahasa Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/semantik.v1i4.110


The "Kolak Ayam" tradition in Gumeno Village is a typical cultural celebration carried out by the village community during the month of Ramadan. This tradition has historical origins close to the reign of King Sunan Dalem of the Giri Kedaton Kingdom and important events that occurred at that time. This tradition begins with the story of Sunan Dalem who fell seriously ill while building a mosque in his village. Through instructions in his dream, Sunan Dalem and the village community created a special food called "Kolak Ayam". Sunan Dalem recovered from his illness after eating this dish, and the tradition became a symbol of healing and celebration for the Gumeno people. This research aims to find out how people believe "Kolak Ayam" can cure diseases. This data collection technique uses interview techniques, observation and literature study. The results of research show that until now "Kolak Ayam" (Sanggring) is believed to be able to cure diseases. People believe that "Kolak Ayam" can cure diseases, this is caused by two things, the first is from the ingredients used to make "Kolak Ayam" which has many benefits, the second comes from Sunan Dalem's blessing and this belief is because in the past Sunan Dalem was cured by eating "Kolak Ayam ", people believed that "chicken compote" could cure the disease.