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Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Sunlife Financial Cabang Kota Medan Nasution, Alya Mahpuja; Bi Rahmani, Nur Ahmadi; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria
Jurnal Manajemen Akuntansi (JUMSI) Vol 2, No 4: 2022
Publisher : Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jumsi.v2i4.3893


This study aims to find out and analyze how and how much influence Sales Effect Work Motivation and Environment Work on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. SUNLIFE Financial Branch Medan city. The research method used in this research is quantitative method descriptive approach. The type of data used is data Primary obtained by distributing questionnaires to employees at PT. Sunlife Medan Branch. The subject in this research is PT. Sunlife Branch Medan and the object of this research is Employee Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Employee Work Environment. The test equipment used in this study is Spss20 to test the classical assumptions, multiple regression analysis, and test hypothesis. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, namely the t test shows that motivation Work has a positive and significant effect on Employee Job Satisfaction with a t-count value of 3.9777 and a prob of 0.0000 <0.05. As well as Work Environment with test results that the Work Environment has a positive effect and significant to Employee Job Satisfaction with a t value of 5,972 and prob value 0.0000<0.05. And the results of the F test show that the variable Work Motivation and Work Environment simultaneously have a significant effect on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. SUNLIFE Financial City Branch Medan with a value of F Prob 0.0000. The results of this test indicate that the variable Work Motivation and Work Environment contribute 76.9% on the variable Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. SUNLIFE Financial Branch Medan city.
Pengaruh Customer Value Dan Shariah Compliance Terhadap Loyalitas Melalui Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Pada Nasabah PT. Bank Sumut Unit Usaha Syariah) Sari, Novita; Lestari Nasution, Annio Indah; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria
Jurnal Manajemen Akuntansi (JUMSI) Vol 4, No 3: 2024
Publisher : Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jumsi.v4i3.4169


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of customer value and shariah compliance on customer loyalty through satisfaction as an intervening variable on customers at Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Karya Medan. Research II quantitative wear. Bank customers become polluting in the study. This study used the technique of accidental sampling. The sample size was 40 respondents.Using primary data that is the spread of questionnaires directly. Using data analysis data quality test, classical assumption test, hypothesis test, F test (simultaneous) and path analysis test using SPSS version 23.0. The results of this study indicate that (i) customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty (ii) shariah compliance has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty (iii) satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty (iv) customer value does not affect loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable (v) shariah compliance does not affect loyalty through customer satisfaction customer loyalty.
Konsep Sustainable Development (Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) Berbasis Sosial Dan Ekonomi Terhadap Perlindungan Sumber Daya Alam Perspektif Maqashid Syariah Nurbaiti, Nurbaiti; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria; Siregar, Syifa Nabilla
Jurnal Manajemen Akuntansi (JUMSI) Vol 4, No 3: 2024
Publisher : Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jumsi.v4i3.4146


Sustainable development based on natural resources that do not pay attention to aspects of environmental sustainability will ultimately have a negative impact on the environment itself. Because basically natural resources and the environment have a limited carrying capacity. In other words, economic development that does not pay attention to the capacity of Natural Resources and the environment will lead to development problems in the future. This study aims to analyze the protection of Natural Resources in the city of Tanjungbalai from the social and economic side for Sustainable Development. In this study the method used is a qualitative method and the data is processed using software Nvivo 12 plus. The results showed that the people of Tanjungbalai City have implemented the concept of sustainable development to maintain and preserve marine ecosystems, and some people also understand about working according to Islamic principles of maqashid Sharia, namely maintaining religion, maintaining the soul, maintaining reason, preserving property, and preserving offspring.
Analisis Implementasi Corporate Culture Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Rantauprapat Prapat Ulfah Djuhair, Nadya; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria; Adinata, Uzlan; Reyfandy, Mohammad
Publisher : Nurul Jadid University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/profit.v6i2.3555


Tujuan Peneilitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan menemukan cara penerapan budaya atau culture di tinjau dari perspektif ekonomi islam. Dalam penelitian akan dikaji rumusan masalahnya yaitu bagaimana implementasi budaya perusahaan berbasis perspektif Islam pada Bank Sumut Syariah Kcp Rantau Prapat. Metode metode kualitatif dengan deskriptif menggunakan data sekunder dan primer. Pengumpulan datanya berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini menemukan tiga bagian dalam penerapan budaya perusahaan di Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Rantau Prapat. Pertama, nilai-nilai perusahaan, visi, misi, dan motto perusahaan (singkatnya TERBAIK). Kedua, penguatan pegawai terkait budaya perusahaan Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Syariah RantauPrapat. Ketiga, Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Rantau Prapat telah mengembangkan strategi untuk menciptakan budaya perusahaan yang baik dengan menyebarkannya ke seluruh karyawan. Sosialisasi ini berlangsung saat rapat kerja atau saat apel pagi.
Analisis Potensi Industri Halal Dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kota Binjai Hafiza Putri Barus; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria; Harahap , Muhammad Ikhsan
Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 21 No 01 (2024): Jurnal Mutharahah : Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Diniyyah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46781/al-mutharahah.v21i01.1111


Abstract Nowadays, the Muslim community needs a food industry with halal certification. Business owners are encouraged by the government to have halal certification for their businesses. Binjai City, which has a majority Muslim population and has many small businesses in the food sector, has a great opportunity to increase the number of halal-certified products. The purpose of this study is to analyze how much interest MSME operators have in obtaining halal certification for their businesses, which aims to increase the potential culinary industry in Binjai city. Qualitative methods were used in this study, observation as data collection, analysis of written materials, and in-depth interviews with staff of the SME Cooperative Office of Binjai City, as well as SME traders in Binjai city. The results showed that the growth potential of the halal food industry is increasing. Many informants expressed a strong desire to obtain halal certification for their business products because of the positive benefits. The results showed that the lack of in-depth information about the process of obtaining halal certification is the main obstacle for entrepreneurs to obtain this certification. Keywords: Halal Industry, Halal Certification, Binjai City Abstrak Kini masyarakat muslim memerlukan industri makanan dengan sertifikasi halal. Para pemilik bisnis di dorong oleh pemerintah untuk memiliki sertifikasi halal pada setiap usaha mereka. Kota Binjai, yang mayoritas penduduknya Muslim dan memiliki banyak usaha kecil di sektor makanan, memiliki peluang besar untuk meningkatkan jumlah produk bersertifikasi halal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar minat para operator UMKM dalam memperoleh sertifikasi halal pada usaha mereka, yang bertujuan untuk peningkatan industri kuliner yang potensial di kota Binjai. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, observasi sebagai pengumpulan data, analisis bahan tertulis, dan wawancara mendalam bersama staff Dinas Koperasi UKM Kota Binjai, serta para pedagang UKM di kota Binjai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi pertumbuhan industri makanan halal semakin meningkat. Banyak informan menyatakan keinginan kuat untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi halal untuk produk usaha mereka karena manfaat positifnya. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya kekurangan info yang mendalam mengenai proses pengurusan sertifikasi halal menjadi hambatan utama bagi pengusaha untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi tersebut. Kata kunci: Industri Halal, Sertifikasi Halal, Kota Binjai
The Effectiveness Of The Community Social Care Management Program On The Welfare Of The Community Of Sengon Sari Village, Asahan Regency Nisa Munthe, Ira Hairun; Armayani Hasibuan, Reni Ria; Ikhsan Harahap, Muhammad
JHSS (JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL STUDIES) Vol 8, No 3 (2024): JHSS (Journal of Humanities and Social Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v8i3.10601


The Community Social Care Management Program (PPKM) in Sengon Sari Village is an initiative launched to improve community welfare through various social interventions. This program aims to address fundamental problems such as lack of public facilities, health services, education, and community economic conditions. By involving donations from more affluent residents, PPKM focuses on providing assistance to underprivileged communities, including orphans, the elderly, and families in need of educational support. This study evaluates the effectiveness of PPKM by considering five main indicators: community understanding of the program, targeted assistance, timeliness of implementation, achievement of program objectives, and real changes in community life. Data were collected through interviews with the Village Head, PPKM Chair, and village community, and analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus software to identify key themes and patterns in the data. The results showed that although PPKM provided significant benefits in increasing access to education and improving public facilities, there were challenges that needed to be addressed. The main challenges included a lack of community understanding of the program, resistance to change, limited funds, and uneven participation. To address these issues, strategies such as increased socialization, use of local media, and transparency in fund management were implemented. This study recommends expanding socialization methods and increasing community participation to improve program effectiveness. In conclusion, PPKM in Sengon Sari Village has shown great potential in improving community welfare, but the success of this program depends on better understanding, active participation, and effective management. The results of this study are expected to provide a clear picture of PPKM implementation and offer recommendations for future improvements.