Ubaidillah, Muhammad Burhanuddin
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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PENGARUH KOMPOSISI PEREKAT TEPUNG PADA BIOBRIKET LIMBAH BAGLOG JAMUR Prabowo, Widodo Hari; Lutfiana, Muhammad Viki; Rosid, Rosid; Ubaidillah, Muhammad Burhanuddin
Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin Vol 18, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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ABSTRAK Energi yang berasal dari biomassa misalnya limbah baglog, yang selama ini dibuang atau tidak dimanfaatkan, merupakan limbah yang dapat dikonfersi menjadi sumber energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Limbah baglog  jamur dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar dengan cara, mengubah limbah tersebut menjadi biobriket. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk pengkajian laju pembakaran, nilai kalor, kadar abu, kadar air, kadar zat yang menguap, kadar karbon dan drop test pada biobriket. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan menggunakan perbandingan A (1:1:1) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram limbah baglog 250 gram dan air 250 ml, perbandingan B (1:2:2) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram limbah baglog 500 gram dan air 500 ml, perbandingan C (1:3:3) dengan komposisi tepung kanji 250 gram  limbah baglog 1000 gram dan air 1000 ml. Pembutan yang pertama dengan penghancuran limbah baglog dan pengeringan, pencampuran tepung, limbah baglog dan air, pengepresan biobriket kemudian dikeringkan. Hasil penelitian memperoleh nilai kalor, kadar air, kadar karbon dan kadar zat yang menguap terdapat pada biobriket sampel A (1:1:1) sebesar 4065,69 kal/g, 5%, 15,4%, dan 71,4 %  untuk kadar abu terbaik terdapat pada sampel B (1:2:2) sebesar 4,8%. Kata kunci: Limbah baglog, biobriket, bahan bakar fosil, jamur tiram  ABSTRACT Energy derived from biomass such as baglog waste that has been disposed or not utilized, is a waste that can be converted into alternative energy sources of fossil fuel. Wastes baglog mushrooms are used as fuel by the way, turning the waste into bio briquette. The aim of this research is to test the combustion rate, calorific value, ash content, moisture content, volatile substance content, carbon content and drop test on bio briquett. The method used in the preparation uses A (1: 1: 1) comparison with starchy flour composition 250 grams of baglog 250 grams and 250 ml water, B ratio (1: 2: 2) with  starchy flour composition 250 grams baglog 500 grams and water 500 ml, C ratio (1: 3: 3) with starch flour composition 250 grams of baglog waste 1000 grams and water 1000 ml. Making the first with the destruction of baglog waste and drying, mixing flour, baglog waste and water, briquette pressing then dried. The results of the research were obtained values of caloric, water content, carbon content and the content of volatile substances in A (1: 1: 1) biobriket of 4065.69 cal / g, 5%, 15.4%, and 71.4% The best ash content was found in sample B (1: 2: 2) of 4.8%. The results obtained of calorific value, moisture content, carbon content and volatile substances were found in A (1: 1: 1) sample biobriket of 4065, 69 cal / g, 5%, 15.4%, and 71.4% for the best ash content were found in sample B (1: 2: 2) of 4.8%. Keywords : Baglog waste, bio briquette, fossil fuel, oyster mushroom