Yuliardy Nugroho, Irzak
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Tranplantasi Dalam Prespektif Ulama’ 4 Madzhab Syahid, Muhammad; Yuliardy Nugroho, Irzak
AL-MUQARANAH Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Vol 1 No 1 Februari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Perbandingan Madzab Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55210/jpmh.v1i1.284


Kemajuan zaman membuat manusia berlomba lomba memperlihatkan kemampuannyadalam hal apapun yang ia minati tidak terkecuali yaitu dokter,seorang dokter telah menunjukkan ekpetasinya sebagai ilmuawan telah mewujudkan penelitian penelitian berbagai uji coba dalam bidang tranplantasi dimulai dari mentranplantasikan sulam rambut, menambal tulang, juga kornea hingga bedah jantung dan lain sebagainya.maka dari situ seserang yang mengkaji ilmu hukum islam para ulama‟ telah mnegkaji bagaina tindakan yang di lakukan oleh pra dokter tersebut,apakah bisa di benarkan menurut hukum islam atau tidak,maka dengan adanya problem tersebut ulama‟telah menerapkan dan mengkaji dengan landasan hukum hukum Allah yaitu AL quran dan sunnah sunnah nabi saw.untuk memutuskan kebolehan atau tidaknya tranpalantasi yang di lakukan oleh para ilmuan dalam bidang tranplantasi. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research)yaitu suatu penellitian yang menggunakan buku buku dan kitab kitab fiqih sebagai sumber datanya.sedangka apabila dilihat dari sifatnya pnelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik-komparatif,yakni memaparkan data dat tentang suatu hal dengan analisa dan komparasi untuk menentukan hum tranplantasi dalam prespektis ulama‟ 4 madzhab.Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa hukum tranplantasi dalam prespektif ulama‟ 4 madzhab terdapat dua pendapat pendapat pertama yaitu 4 madzhab sepakat bahwasanya tranplantasi dalam keadaan hidup maupun koma hukumnya haram,adapun pendapat ke dua pendapat madzhab hanafi dan madzhab maliki mengenai tranplantasi dalam keadaan meninggal haram,karena bahayanya tidak sampai melebihi bahayanya merusak kehormatan mayyit.akan tetapi dalam pandangan madzhab syafi‟i dan hambali membolehkan tranplantasi dalam keadaan meninggal.hal itu untuk menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain demi keberlangsungan hidup.
Komparasi wali mujbir dalam madzhab Syafi`i dan madzhab Hanafi Aditya, Muzemmil; Yuliardy Nugroho, Irzak
AL-MUQARANAH Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Vol 1 No 2 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Prodi Perbandingan Madzab Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55210/jpmh.v1i2.305


This article discusses a comparison of the thoughts of the Hanafi school of thought and the Syafi'i school of thought. The author uses data collection methods with documentation techniques. After obtaining the required data, the data is analyzed using the comparative analysis method. The Syafi`i school of thought says that as long as a girl still has the status of al-bikr (girl) then the rights of a guardian still exist. The limit for al-bikr (girl) according to the Syafi`i school is as long as the woman has never had sexual intercourse (jima`), even if she has had sexual intercourse. If adultery is committed, the person is no longer considered al-bikr (girl), this statement from the Shafi'i school includes a girl who is divorced by her husband but has never had sexual intercourse with him (qobla dukhul), because essentially the woman still has the status of al-bikr (girl). Meanwhile, according to the Hanafi school of thought, those who have the right to become mujbir guardians are all guardians from the father's line, while mujbir guardians can only be applied to girls who have not reached puberty. The Hanafi school also imposes requirements for mujbir guardians, namely that they must be able to provide a suitable husband for their daughter. Meanwhile, all trustees for crazy people are mujbir trustees. Mujbir is just a father and grandfather. From this background, the author is interested in discussing the opinions of Imam Hanafi and Imam Syafi'i on the issue of wali mujbir. This article contains the opinions and methods of legal istinbat used by Imam Hanafi and Imam Syafi'i regarding wali mujbir. The method of istinbat wali mujbir used by Imam Syafi'i is the Koran, Sunnah, and Qiyas, while the method of legal istinbat used by Imam Hanafi in the matter of wali mujbir is the Koran, Sunnah, and 'Urf. The illat used by Imam Syafi'i is bikr (virginity), while the illat used by Imam Hanafi in the concept of ijbar guardianship is ghairu aqilah. Because women in this situation are unable to do anything for themselves
Penetapan wali adhol dalam perspektif hukum islam dan hukum positif Sholihah, Faridatus; Yuliardy Nugroho, Irzak
AL-MUQARANAH Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Vol 2 No 1 Februari 2024
Publisher : Prodi Perbandingan Madzab Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55210/jpmh.v2i1.340


One of the pillars of marriage is having a guardian on the part of the prospective bride, but in reality not all lineage guardians are willing to marry off their daughters, guardians who are reluctant to marry are called adhol guardians. This article will examine the case of determining an adhal guardian in the Kraksaan Religious Court case decision Number: 0078/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Krs. This research aims to determine the legal status of adhol guardians according to Islamic law and positive law, and to determine the factors that cause applications for adhol guardians at the Kraksaan Religious Court. The research method used is qualitative/field research (field research) where this research is descriptive. The data collection method was carried out through observation and interviews. The data sources used come from primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis with an inductive thinking approach. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the legal status of the adhol guardian according to Islamic law and Positive law is valid, based on Islamic law, namely paying attention to qoidah fiqhiyyah and also in the 24th letter of the Al-Nur verse 32 of the Al-Qur'an there is an order to marry men and women who alone is worthy of marriage. And based on positive law, namely Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, article 23 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. The main factor is that many people apply for adhold guardians at the Kraksaan Religious Court because fathers as lineage guardians are reluctant to marry off their daughters for various reasons.