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JIPSI Jurnal Ilmu Politik dan Komunikasi Vol 8 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Politik dan Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/jipsi.v8i1.885


Amerika Serikat merupakan salah satu negara yang mengkonsumsi seafood, termasuk udang. Di mana, udang merupakan hasil laut yang kaya akan protein. Pasca terjangkit penyakit Early Mortality Syndrom di berbagai negara penghasil udang, pasokan udang Amerika Serikat mulai bergeser. Artikel ini mencoba untuk membahas bagaimana pergeseran permintaan udang Amerika Serikat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestik, namun di sisi lain menerapkan peraturan yang sangat ketat.
The Critical Role of G-20 in Dealing with the 2008 Global Financial Crisis Taufik, Taufik; Priangani, Ade; Gupta, Gede Endy Kumara
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol 6, No 2 (2017): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/hi.62111


Strategi G-20 dalam mengatasi krisis keuangan telah dinyatakan pada kesepakatan KTT G-20 2008-2009 dengan adanya tiga pertemuan selama periode tersebut berlangsung (Washington, London dan Pittsburgh). Bersama dengan beberapa lembaga termasuk IMF, WB, FSB, OECD dan MDB, G-20 mampu menangani krisis tersebut baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Pada saat yang bersamaan G-20 pun mampu mempertahankan koordinasi berdasarkan lima prinsip yang disepakati dalam KTT 2008 di Washington. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kontribusi G-20 sebagai alat koordinasi sekaligus aktor langsung dalam manajemen krisis, serta menyoroti peran negara-negara anggotanya. Deskripsi masalah ini akan dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Pertama, pandangan singkat tentang tujuan pembentukan G-20 dan penyebab krisis sebagai latar belakang tulisan ini; Kedua, kontribusi G-20 untuk penyelesaian krisis keuangan global; Ketiga, deskripsi hasil dari tiga kesepakatan G-20 (komunike) pada tahun 2008-2009 sebagai dasar dari strategi penanganan krisis keuangan global untuk G-20 dan lembaga internasional terkait; dan Keempat merupakan bagian analisis strategi G-20 yang kemudian menghasilkan prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen krisis pada masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini.The G-20 strategy in overcoming the financial crisis has been declared on the agreement of 2008-2009 G-20 Summit with three meetings over that period (Washington, London and Pittsburgh). In handling the crisis, the G-20 was in collaboration with several institutions including the IMF, WB, FSB, OECD and MDB. G-20 was able to make good efforts both nationally and internationally while maintaining coordination based on five principles agreed in 2008 Summit in Washington. This paper focuses on the contribution of the G-20, both as a coordinating tool, as a direct actor on crisis management, as well as the role of member countries. The description of these issues will be divided into four sections, First, a brief look at the purpose of the G-20's establishment and the causes of the crisis as the background of this paper; Second, the G-20's contribution to the settlement of the global financial crisis; Third, a description of three outcomes of the G-20 (communiqués) agreement in 2008-2009 as the foundation of the global financial crisis handling strategy for both G-20 and related international institutions; and Fourth, the analytical part of the G-20 strategy which then produced the basic principles of crisis management on the problems in this study.
The Critical Role of G-20 in Dealing with the 2008 Global Financial Crisis Taufik Taufik; Ade Priangani; Gede Endy Kumara Gupta
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/hi.62111


Strategi G-20 dalam mengatasi krisis keuangan telah dinyatakan pada kesepakatan KTT G-20 2008-2009 dengan adanya tiga pertemuan selama periode tersebut berlangsung (Washington, London dan Pittsburgh). Bersama dengan beberapa lembaga termasuk IMF, WB, FSB, OECD dan MDB, G-20 mampu menangani krisis tersebut baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Pada saat yang bersamaan G-20 pun mampu mempertahankan koordinasi berdasarkan lima prinsip yang disepakati dalam KTT 2008 di Washington. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kontribusi G-20 sebagai alat koordinasi sekaligus aktor langsung dalam manajemen krisis, serta menyoroti peran negara-negara anggotanya. Deskripsi masalah ini akan dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Pertama, pandangan singkat tentang tujuan pembentukan G-20 dan penyebab krisis sebagai latar belakang tulisan ini; Kedua, kontribusi G-20 untuk penyelesaian krisis keuangan global; Ketiga, deskripsi hasil dari tiga kesepakatan G-20 (komunike) pada tahun 2008-2009 sebagai dasar dari strategi penanganan krisis keuangan global untuk G-20 dan lembaga internasional terkait; dan Keempat merupakan bagian analisis strategi G-20 yang kemudian menghasilkan prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen krisis pada masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini.The G-20 strategy in overcoming the financial crisis has been declared on the agreement of 2008-2009 G-20 Summit with three meetings over that period (Washington, London and Pittsburgh). In handling the crisis, the G-20 was in collaboration with several institutions including the IMF, WB, FSB, OECD and MDB. G-20 was able to make good efforts both nationally and internationally while maintaining coordination based on five principles agreed in 2008 Summit in Washington. This paper focuses on the contribution of the G-20, both as a coordinating tool, as a direct actor on crisis management, as well as the role of member countries. The description of these issues will be divided into four sections, First, a brief look at the purpose of the G-20's establishment and the causes of the crisis as the background of this paper; Second, the G-20's contribution to the settlement of the global financial crisis; Third, a description of three outcomes of the G-20 (communiqués) agreement in 2008-2009 as the foundation of the global financial crisis handling strategy for both G-20 and related international institutions; and Fourth, the analytical part of the G-20 strategy which then produced the basic principles of crisis management on the problems in this study.
Indonesian Tourism Diplomacy to India Anton Minardi; Taufik Taufik; Rini Afriantari; Neneng Uswatun Hasanah
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lasigo Akademia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36256/ijtl.v1i1.83


Nowadays, tourism is one of the sectors that have a significant influence on the development of a country in various fields, including in the economic area and also diplomatic relations among the nations. The tourism sector is the fourth largest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia in 2015. Indonesia, with all its natural wealth and cultural heritage, continually striving to develop the tourism sector through the Ministry of Tourism Indonesia. Indonesia Ministry of Tourism is conducting tourism diplomacy by holding promotions to various countries that have the potential to attract tourists to Indonesia, one of them is India. This article seeks to analyze how Indonesia’s diplomacy to attract peoples from India whereas as rapidly developed country in the world. This study used a literature review to analyze Indonesian tourism diplomacy to India. The findings show that through tourism diplomacy, we find that Indonesian attracted India by utilized cultural similarities, has been succeed in increasing tourists' visits from India.
Dampak Kegiatan Pariwisata Olahraga Internasional Tour de Linggarjati terhadap Kepariwisataan Kabupaten Kuningan Muhammad Irfan Dzikrirazak; Taufik Taufik; Agus Herlambang
TRANSBORDERS: International Relations Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2018): TransBorders: International Relations Journal
Publisher : Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.04 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/transborders.v1i2.1088


Currently the visiting various interesting places around the world both in business and travel matters is become a global trend. The Indonesian government is aggressively promoting various superior destinations in Indonesia, including sports tourism. This is because of the domino effect of regional tourism development; is the improvement of the people's economy, and of course foreign exchange for the country. Some regions also competed to develop Sports Tourism, including Kuningan regency with the implementation of Tour de Linggarjati. This article seeks to highlight the success of Tour de Linggarjati and its significant impact on Kuningan district.
Penumbangan Rezim melalui Gerakan Masyarakat Dunia Maya (Media Sosial) di Timur Tengah Taufik Taufik
Indonesian Journal of International Relations Vol 2 No 2 (2018): INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
Publisher : Indonesian Association for International Relations

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.736 KB) | DOI: 10.32787/ijir.v2i2.55


Social media has become a new alternative in the field of communication in the circle of people's lives in the Middle East which offers freedom especially in terms of self-expression, something that has been hindered by the censorship of anti-critic dictatorial regimes. Unpredictably, the expression of disappointment expressed by Middle Eastern society towards the government through social media can be a lighter revolution that hit the Middle East countries in 2011. The purpose of this research is to know, explore, and describe some of the links between the revolution, the public sphere, and the movement of society through social media in the Middle East. A revolution in Tunisia in 2011 has been a generator of community movements in overthrowing the muscle rigid regimes in some Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt and Libya.
Singapore Country Assistance to Help Extinguish Forest Fire in South Sumatera Anton Minardi; Taufik Taufik; Dewi Astuti; Mochammad Irvan Pamungkas
Sriwijaya Journal of Environment Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Environmental Friendly
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.265 KB) | DOI: 10.22135/sje.2020.5.1.53-59


Forest and land fires has become one of the most difficult natural disaster to handle, forest and land fires happened every year all around the world, and become one of the many cause of global warming and climate change and if it is not resolved immediately then it will harm all of the living beings on this earth. Forest and land fire in Indonesia happened nearly every year, the first biggest forest and land fires ever recorded in Indonesia happened in 1998-1999 which harm many parties, especially the ASEAN, since then, forest and land fires in Indonesia nearly happened every year whose impact neighboring countries like Singapore and Malaysia, In 2015 forest and land fires can be said quite large and once again affects neighboring countries, until Indonesia neighboring countries like Singapore want to try to help extinguish the forest and land fires in Indonesia.
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v4i1.8857


Small and medium enterprises in Indonesia are one of the cornerstones of a new developing economy, including Indonesia. Many creative young people develop various businesses by looking at the times and market needs. Bandung, or Paris Van Java, is a tourist destination famous for its "contemporary" youth fashion. Many young generations (millennials) work and innovate by seeing business opportunities, including the fashion industry. They select and project segments for their products, but their business stagnates due to several constraints. Ruri Erika started a clothing business with a young women segment named Xusha, and she hopes to contribute to Indonesian fashion. Erika designed Xusha products to give young women and young people new colors to look fashionable. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic, government policies to limit community activities have impacted sales of Xusha products. It happened because, before the status of the Covid-19 pandemic, Xusha only relied on marketing through bazaars and exhibitions. The team implemented the PKM FISIP Unpas to assist partners in overcoming various obstacles faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially marketing and finance. The program's methods are training and technical guidance approach; this PKM program was implemented from March 27, 2021, to June 6, 2022, successfully providing an understanding of using the Cash Book application to manage financial flows. In addition, the PKM team helps partners carry out promotional and marketing strategies using media through e-commerce and social media.